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Surse: Scafes C., Serbanescu H., Scafes I., Andonie C., Danila I., Avram R. Armata romana 1941-1945, Editura R.A.I., 1996 |
Walter Hansen (28 noiembrie 2009)
As a cryptanalist in Det. A of the 3rd Radio Sqdn (G) of the Ninth Air Force, Army Air Corps, May 1944 through July 1945 in England, France and Germany I was surprised to see no mention of the Squadron or its very valuable activities. If you want to know about it, read the book Code to Victory by my buddy, Arnold C. Franco, who is also alive and well as of December 2009. See the Bletchly Park web site for a review of the book. Also on Amazon.
W. T. Hansen