lt. av. Ioan Cioroiu

Bomber Observer

Born: 1920


  • September 1942- 12 May 1945: 1st Bomber Group

Combat missions: N/A

Victories: N/A


  • Virtutea Aeronautica Order Gold Cross class with one bar
  • Eiserne Kreuz 2nd class

War episode:

On 14 November 1942, the JRS-79B no.130 was shot down by Soviet AA artillery and managed to make a belly landing behind enemy lines. Slt. av. Cioroiu was the commander of another Savoia from the same formation. He immediately ordered the pilot, adj. sef av. Gherasim Oprescu to land near the damaged aircraft. They took the other crew inside, took off and returned safely to the Tachinskaya airfield.

Died: 20 October 1993, Bucharest


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