adj. av. Nicolae Cojocaru

Bomber Pilot

Born: 1919


  • 22 June 1941 - 6 February 1944: 5th Bomber Group

Combat missions: over 125

Victories: N/A


  • Virtutea Aeronautica Order Knight class
  • Eiserne Kreuz 2nd class

War episode:

On 23 october 1943, adj. av. Nicolae Cojocaru was flying the Ju-88A-4 no. 121. Together with him were slt. Gheorghe Mazilu (observer), serg. Ion Dragomir (radio operator) and serg. Gheorghe Burcau (machine-gunner). The aircraft was part of a formation of 10 Romanian bombers, which attacked troop and armor concentrations in the Shirokaya-Shluet area. On their way back from the objective, the formation was jumped by 6 LaGGs. The Ju-88 no. 121 was severely hit and adj. Cojocaru had to make a forced landing. He managed top put it down in friendly lines near village. The crew was unscratched, but the airplane was destroyed in a proportion of about 60%. They were surprised to see their squadron commander, cpt. av. Dem Ben Cârâc, land his bomber near them and take them back to the airfield.

Died: 6 February 1943, on Nikolaev airfield at 1035; he entered with his Ju-88A-4 into two German fighters, while taxiing on the runaway.


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Andrei Teodor Carac  (6 June 2008)
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Andrei Teodor Carac  (7 April 2008)
Sunt nepotul direct al eroului Dem Ben Carac.
Dem Ben Carac a obtinut brevetul de pilot nr.1479; prin procesul verbal nr.12 din 11 august 1938.
Tatal lui Dem Ben Carac care este bunicul meu, Teodor Carac a fost ofiter de cariera, absolvent al primei promotii de ofiteri a  Scolii Superioare de Razboi (promotia I 1921).
Ceea ce este mai putin cunoscut despre Dem Ben se refera la faptul ca a fost instructor de zbor pe diferite tipuri de avioane.
Din scolarizarea lui au iesit o serie intreaga de piloti de razboi. Si mai putin cunoscut este faptul ca a fost un poet innascut (vol. "La poarta sufletului meu"), a scris piese de teatru ( Varvara-Mister Religios intre acte), epigramist ( vol. Epigrame) si compozitor.
Pe langa toate acestea Dem Ben Carac a fost campion national la calrie obstacole-1936, cu cei doi cai ai sai Saghia a-7-a si Ali 11.
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