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> Post War PZL P37's in Romania, where there any?
Posted: January 27, 2005 04:16 pm
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As a polish guy I have to ask this question as this is the perfect forum for it.
For years there has been this fable going around Polish aviation enthusiasts circles that there were actually a few ( or at least one ) PZL P37 bomber used in Romania after the war, used as a target tow.
The P37 represented the highest technical achievement of the Polish pre war aviation industry but to the new Communist Regime installed by the Russians the Los ( as the P37 was called in Poland ) was a remnant of the past that they did not want. Supposedly an offer was made by the Romanians to give up the aircraft before scrapping it yet it was refused by the Poles. Is there any truth to that? The sad thing is that all that remains of the best achievement of the Polish pre war aviation industry is a steering column and a few clocks preserved in the National Museum in Warsaw.
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Posted: January 27, 2005 05:30 pm
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No Rumanian P.37 bomber survived the war. What you wrote is only a myth.

The only (faint) hope for a survivor is in Russia.

Gen. Dénes
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