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> Skoda R 2 (Romanian Skoda LT vz.35) tank, differences between variants
Posted: April 11, 2005 09:52 am
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Which were the differences between the original Skoda LT vz.35 and the version sold to Romania (modified according to Romanian requests - the Skoda R 2)? Anything important?

According to, in 1940 Bulgaria purchased a batch of Skoda LT vz.35, some of which were initially destined by the Czech manufacturer to be exported in Afghanistan. The so-called “Afghan tanks” were armed with a more modern antitank gun, the Skoda A 7 model, instead of the A 3 gun which equipped the rest of Skoda model 35 tanks. Are there any notable differences between the two guns?

Does anybody have some data about the effectiveness of Skoda LT vz.35 tanks in German service, on both fronts? Any battle records for the 6th Panzer Division which used them? Were they also used by another German tank units?

This post has been edited by Agarici on April 11, 2005 09:54 am
PMEmail Poster
Posted: April 11, 2005 10:50 am
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General de divizie

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A7 gun was the one used in C.K.D. LT-38 tank. smile.gif When i was child, i put a question my self - why romanians don't up grade the LT-35 with A7 gun? At that time i don't know yet about LT-35 versions and that afgan tank variation. Phisically speaking are some differences if we look at two pictures even between a LT-35 and a LT-38 one. smile.gif Certainly are technichall ones... Anyone knows data for that Lythuanian version of LT-35 or LT-38 (i don't remember who was elected)?

Some like 635 pieces of LT-35 were in german service at a moment, at a start of France Campaign. Or at begining of war against Russia? No, at that time were under 300..

PMUsers WebsiteYahoo
Posted: April 11, 2005 11:23 am
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You’re right Iama, thanks. I should have checked more carefully the Weapons/Armour section, since the A 7 gun appears in the T 38 tank specifications. But info about which were the other differences between Skoda LT vz.35 and Skoda R 2 and about the 6th Panzer division battle records are still welcomed…

This post has been edited by Agarici on October 30, 2005 04:23 pm
PMEmail Poster
Posted: April 11, 2005 01:01 pm
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For this topic I recommend the following book: Škoda LT vz. 35, by V. Francev & C. Kliment, published by MBI in Prague, Czech Republic in 1995 (ISBN 80-901263-8-3). 60 pages with colour profiles, incl. the Rumanian version (one such profile shows an R-2 with Red star in a white circle applied on the side of the turret and the small tricolour cockade painted on the chassis. Strange markings - said to be reconstruction only - reportedly used in the anti-Axis campaign of 1944/1945).

Gen. Dénes
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Posted: April 11, 2005 01:06 pm
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Denes, I wanted to ask that for some time, was/is "Achtung! Panzer" your site? Is it still functional? A very good, professional site...
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Posted: April 11, 2005 02:49 pm
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No, it is/was not.
I am interested mainly in aviation.

Gen. Dénes
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Posted: April 12, 2005 12:10 am
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Below is the front cover of the mentioned Czech book.

Gen. Dénes

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Posted: April 13, 2005 07:41 am
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And back to the topic now, what about the differences between Romanian R 2 and the original Skoda LT vz. 35 version? Engine, gearbox, autonomy, amour…? On the site, in the weapon section there are detailed data about the modifications done to the R 1 tankette in order to meet the Romanian needs, but nothing on the modifications to the R 2 tank…
PMEmail Poster
Posted: April 13, 2005 06:50 pm
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QUOTE (Agarici @ Apr 13 2005, 10:41 AM)
And back to the topic now, what about the differences between Romanian R 2 and the original Skoda LT vz. 35 version? Engine, gearbox, autonomy, amour…? On the site, in the weapon section there are detailed data about the modifications done to the R 1 tankette in order to meet the Romanian needs, but nothing on the modifications to the R 2 tank…

I only know of modifications to the engine, but I have no details.
PMUsers WebsiteYahoo
Posted: April 14, 2005 05:59 am
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General de divizie

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Anyone have that issue of Modelism from '80 where was presented romanian LT-35? I think there are some info. At least, in that issue with AH-IV was given the details of romanian variant.

PMUsers WebsiteYahoo
Posted: April 16, 2005 02:35 am
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QUOTE (Iamandi @ Apr 14 2005, 05:59 AM)
Anyone have that issue of Modelism from '80 where was presented romanian LT-35? I think there are some info. At least, in that issue with AH-IV was given the details of romanian variant.


Thank you, Iama. I knew about that but I completely forgot. So I repeat your question, could anybody who has access to that “Modelism” issue help us with the details for Skoda R 2?
PMEmail Poster
Posted: April 16, 2005 08:06 am
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The discussion on the tank markings has been moved to:
PMUsers WebsiteYahoo
Posted: September 28, 2005 07:29 am
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QUOTE (Agarici @ Apr 16 2005, 02:35 AM)
QUOTE (Iamandi @ Apr 14 2005, 05:59 AM)
Anyone have that issue of Modelism from '80 where was presented romanian LT-35? I think there are some info. At least, in that issue with AH-IV was given the details of romanian variant.


Thank you, Iama. I knew about that but I completely forgot. So I repeat your question, could anybody who has access to that “Modelism” issue help us with the details for Skoda R 2?

heya, if you are interested, i have almost the entire colection of the modelism [except the second number];

so please contact me if you need any help
PMEmail PosterUsers WebsiteAOL
Posted: September 28, 2005 08:24 am
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General de divizie

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I don't have 3-4 issues, and one of them is that with Lt-35. I read it at a friend, just before the momment when he sell the entire collection to someone from another citty. If you can, please scan the pages with Lt-35 and send it to me at

Thanks in advance!

PMUsers WebsiteYahoo
sid guttridge
Posted: September 28, 2005 08:48 am
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Hi Guys,

I seem to remember that there was an exterior modification made to the lower rear of the chassis of Romanian R-2s compared with the Czechoslovak original. Does the Czech book mention this?


PMEmail Poster
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