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> Division Movements, in WWI
Posted: December 26, 2005 12:26 am
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General de armata

Group: Members
Posts: 2399
Member No.: 499
Joined: February 09, 2005

I hope this thread will also offer some useful info for the "Causes of Defeat" one, in giving details about the movements between theaters. If you have some info, feel free to contribute.

2nd Division

Initial OOB: 1st Army, 1st Corps (formed with 11th Division) - Targu Jiu, Targu Carbunesti

Idle since the start of hostilities, on 28 August/10 September starts moving towards Dobrogea front.
Reaches it on 5/18 September.

New OOB: Army of Dobrogea, General Radian Group (formed with 15th and 12th Division).

With its forces mauled, it later forms with the forces of the 5th Division, also in similar condition, the 2/5 Division.

On 12/25 November Division 2/5 is part of 1st Army in the Arges Neajlov Battle.


12th Division

Initial OOB: 1st Army - Slatina

On 24 August/6 September is withdrawn from the 1st Army and enters the General HQ reserves (around Bucharest).

On 28 August/10 September sets out for Dobrogea, and is there by 5/18 September, where it forms General Radian Group.

On 29 September/12 October is withdrawn from Dobrogea and sets out for the 2nd Army's theater, reaching it on 5/18 October when it enters operations straight away.

(more to come)

This post has been edited by Imperialist on December 26, 2005 12:29 am

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