adj. av. Dumitru Chera

Fighter Pilot

Born: 8 November 1921, Pausesti-Maglasi, Valcea


  • November 1943 - 10 June 1944: 1st Fighter Group
  • 18 July - 1 September 1944: 1st Fighter Group
  • 1 September - October 1944: 6th Fighter Group

Combat missions: N/A

Victories: 7 + 1 probable


  • Virtutea Aeronautica Order Gold Cross class with two bars

War episode:

On 23 September 1944, adj. av. Dumitru Chera was part of an IAR-81C patrulã (Schwarm), under the command of lt. av. Dumitru Baciu, which was directed to cover the airspace around Turda. Another patrulã was already there and had engaged some Luftwaffe fighters. Lt. av. Baciu ordered the attack, but they were also jumped by Bf-109Gs (from JG 52) and two of the four IAR-81s were shot down. The remaining Romanian celulã (Rotte), Baciu and Chera, turned and attacked the Bf-109s and each claimed one German. But the battle was not finished and they were engaged by four German fighters, which managed to split them up. Adj. av. Chera ended up with three of them on his tail. He decided to descend to low altitude, where his aircraft performed better, and headed for Turda. One of the Germans abandoned the chase, but the other two were hanging on. Adj. Chera was exhausted. One of the Germans gained some altitude and attacked. The Romanian pilot turned to avoid the bursts and came head on with the other one. Since he saw no other way out he decided not to give in. The German pilot did and Chera sent him a burst from the two 20 mm cannons and saw him going down near Vâlcele. The other one disappeared and he finally was able to safely land on the Turda airfield, after a mission he would never forget.

Died: 25 November 2004, Bucharest


User Comments Add Comment
Eugen Spãtaru  (6 February 2006)
Câteva date despre comandorul aviator (r)Dumitru Georgicã Chera
S-a nãscut la 8 noiembrie 1921 La Pãulesti Maglasi, judeþul Vâlcea.
A absolvit scoala militarã de pilotaj în anul 1943 cu gradul de adjutant stagiar în Escadrila 63 vânãtoare.
Ulterior, dupã 1948 a fost instructor de zbor la Centrul Militar de Pilotaj, fiind promovat locotenent în anul 1949. A fost pilot, sef birou operaþii si subsef de stat major în Regimentul 7 Aviatie de Vânãtoare din 1951. Din anul 1952 a fost ofiþer cu tragerile si lupta aerianã la Centrul de Instrucþie al Aviatiei si, din 1953, la Scoala de Ofiteri Naviganþi de Aviatie. Ulterior, pânã la trecerea în rezervã în iunie 1958 (cu gradul de cãpitan) a fost inspector de zbor în Comandamentul Fortelor Aeriene Militare. 
În perioada 1958 - 1972 a activat ca pilot la Întreprinderea de Aviatie Utilitarã si pilot receptioner la I.R.M.A. Bãneasa.
Dupã 1990 a fost avansat succesiv pânã la gradul de comandor.
A decedat la 25 noiembrie 2004 la Bucuresti.