cpt. av. Marin Ghica

Fighter/Night Fighter Pilot

Born: 18 October 1908, Bragadiru


  • 22 June - 14 August 1941: 5th Fighter Group
  • 14 - 27 August 1941: 8th Fighter Group
  • 27 August 1941 - September 1942: 5th Fighter Group
  • September 1942 - 1 August 1943: 51st Night Fighter Squadron

Combat missions: 55

Victories: 1 confirmed + 3 probable


  • Virtutea Aeronautica Order Gold Cross class with two bars

War episode:

On 1 August 1943, during Operation Tidalwave, the German-Romanian command scrambled all available fighters, even from the 51st Night Fighter Squadron. Out the four Bf-110Cs that took off, only cpt. av. Marin Ghica, the unit's CO, engaged the enemy near Bolintin Vale at an altitude of 300 m. There were two B-24s and one of them was being attacked by a Me-109, so he attacked the other one. He fired at the left wing and the engine near the fuselage started to burn soon. He returned and fired on the other engine, but when he was pulling out the plane was gravely hit by the American machine-gunners. The flames entered the cockpit. He tried to gain some altitude in order to jump, but only the radio operator made it. Cpt. av. Ghica was found crushed, because his parachute didn't open.

Died: 1 August 1943, Bolintin Vale

Author: Victor Nitu
Tudor V. Constantin "Bâzu" Cantacuzino - Printul asilor, Editura MODELISM, 2000

Antoniu D., Cicos G. Vanatorul IAR-80, istoria unui erou necunoscut, Editura MODELISM, 2000

Anuarul ofiterilor din Aeronautica - 1939

User Comments Add Comment
DINCA BENONI  (27 November 2005)
In ziarul Universul din 5.o8.1943 este publicat necrologul aviatorului decedat care spune:Maria Ghica Marian mama,Sita si Gh.Marian,Tudora si Radu Visan' si Petru Lungu ,frate surori cumnati,cumetre,veri si draga lui Liuta cu nemarginita durere,anunta moartea eroicaa scumpului lor capitan aviator GHICA MARIAN DE 34 ANI-Virteju-Ilfov.Decorat cu Virtutea Aeronautica cu spade gradul cavaler,Steaua Romaniei,Crucea de Fier,Vulturul Italian,cazut eroic la datorie in ziua de 1 August 1943,la Bolintin-Vale.Inmormintarea se oficiaza la 4 August ora 4 d.a.la cimitirul militar Ghencea.Dormi in pace suflet bun in veci neuitat.(Alaturi apare o fotografie a aviatorului.Curios este ca anuntul a aparut la o zi dupa ce aviatorul a fost inmormintat.)