Romanian Armed Forces
in the Second World War
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Pilot profiles
cpt. av. Horia Agarici
lt. av. Florin Alexiu
lt. av. Tudor Andrei
lt. av. Titus Axente
lt. av. Mircea "Gicu" Badulescu
lt. cdor. av. Corneliu Batacui
slt. av. Constantin Balta
adj. av. Mihai Belcin
lt. av. Emil Boian
lt. av. Romulus Bucsa
cpt. av. (r) Constantin "Bâzu" Cantacuzino
adj. av. Dumitru Chera
lt. av. Serghei Ciachir
lt. av. Ioan Cioroiu
slt. av. Vasile Claru
adj. av. Nicolae Cojocaru
cpt. av. Petre Coles
lt. av. Decebal "Desi" Constantinescu
cdor. av. George Davidescu
adj. av. Traian Dârjan
cpt. av. Dumitru Deica
cpt. av. (r) Ioan Dicezare
lt. av. Ion Dobran
lt. av. Gheorghe Dobrescu
lt. av. Constantin Dragomir
cpt. av. Boris Ferderber
adj. sef av. Spridon Focsaneanu
lt. av. Ioan Galea
lt. av. Vasile Gavriliu
slt. av. Rene Gânescu
slt. av. Costin Georgescu
lt. av. Emil Georgescu
lt. av. Gheorghe "Gâga" Georgescu
cpt. av. Marin Ghica
lt. av. Teodor Greceanu
lt. av. Eusebie Hladiuc
adj. maj. av. Dumitru Ilie
lt. av. Gabriel Ionescu
adj. maj. av. Petre Ionescu-Conta
adj. stg. av. Aurelian Livovschi
of. ec. cls. III Ioan Maga
lt. av. Tanase Mancu
cpt. av. Alexandru Manoliu
adj. av. Ioan Marinciu
cpt. av. Eugen "Matra" Marinescu
slt. av. Nicolae Sixtus Maxim
of. echip. cls. III av. Ion Milu
lt. av. Gheorghe Mociornita
lt. av. Lazar Munteanu
slt. av. Vasile Nasturas
lt. av. Traian "Ciocan" Nicolae
slt. av. Dumitru Pasare
adj. maj. av. (r) Vasile Pascu
lt. av. Alexandru Paun
lt. av. (r) Nicolae Polizu-Micsunesti
lt. av. Horia Pop
cpt. av. Gheorghe Popescu-Ciocanel
adj. av. Victor Popescu
lt. cdor. av. Alexandru "Popicu" Popisteanu
cpt. av. Eusebie Popovici
cpt. av. Traian Popteanu
cpt. av. Ion Profir
adj. sef av. Stefan "Grecu" Pucas
cpt. av. Craciun "Sbilt" Salajan
cpt. cdor. av. Ioan Sandu
cpt. av. Wilhelm Schmaltz
cpt. av. Dorin Sculi
adj. stg. av. (r) Niculae Sculy Logotheti
cpt. av. Alexandru Serbanescu
adj. sef av. Nicolae Stan
lt. av. Virgil "Ghinghi" Stanculescu
lt. av. Dragos Stinghe
lt. av. Dan Stoian
cpt. av. Gheorghe Stroici
cpt. av. Virgil Trandafirescu
slt. av. (r) Sorin Tulea
slt. av. Florin Vasilovschi
adj. av. (r) Tiberiu Vinca
cpt. av. Dan Vizanti
slt. av. Ion Vonica
adj. av. Nicolae Cojocaru

Bomber Pilot

Born: 1919


  • 22 June 1941 - 6 February 1944: 5th Bomber Group

Combat missions: over 125

Victories: N/A


  • Virtutea Aeronautica Order Knight class
  • Eiserne Kreuz 2nd class

War episode:

On 23 october 1943, adj. av. Nicolae Cojocaru was flying the Ju-88A-4 no. 121. Together with him were slt. Gheorghe Mazilu (observer), serg. Ion Dragomir (radio operator) and serg. Gheorghe Burcau (machine-gunner). The aircraft was part of a formation of 10 Romanian bombers, which attacked troop and armor concentrations in the Shirokaya-Shluet area. On their way back from the objective, the formation was jumped by 6 LaGGs. The Ju-88 no. 121 was severely hit and adj. Cojocaru had to make a forced landing. He managed top put it down in friendly lines near village. The crew was unscratched, but the airplane was destroyed in a proportion of about 60%. They were surprised to see their squadron commander, cpt. av. Dem Ben Cârâc, land his bomber near them and take them back to the airfield.

Died: 6 February 1943, on Nikolaev airfield at 1035; he entered with his Ju-88A-4 into two German fighters, while taxiing on the runaway.


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Andrei Teodor Carac  (6 June 2008)
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Multumesc pentru publicarea pe site a completarii facute.

Andrei Teodor Carac  (7 April 2008)
Sunt nepotul direct al eroului Dem Ben Carac.
Dem Ben Carac a obtinut brevetul de pilot nr.1479; prin procesul verbal nr.12 din 11 august 1938.
Tatal lui Dem Ben Carac care este bunicul meu, Teodor Carac a fost ofiter de cariera, absolvent al primei promotii de ofiteri a  Scolii Superioare de Razboi (promotia I 1921).
Ceea ce este mai putin cunoscut despre Dem Ben se refera la faptul ca a fost instructor de zbor pe diferite tipuri de avioane.
Din scolarizarea lui au iesit o serie intreaga de piloti de razboi. Si mai putin cunoscut este faptul ca a fost un poet innascut (vol. "La poarta sufletului meu"), a scris piese de teatru ( Varvara-Mister Religios intre acte), epigramist ( vol. Epigrame) si compozitor.
Pe langa toate acestea Dem Ben Carac a fost campion national la calrie obstacole-1936, cu cei doi cai ai sai Saghia a-7-a si Ali 11.
    Pentru o serie de alte amanunte pot fi contactat la adresa de e-mail.