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Posted by: Trackstory June 29, 2005 07:21 pm
I prepare a book on the Renault R35. In this book I have a chapter on the R35 & Vanatorul in romanian army and I look from photos (for publishing) and infos. Thanks for your help !

Pascal Danjou

Posted by: Agarici July 06, 2005 03:06 pm
Hello Pascal! Welcome on this forum. Unfortunately I do not know any new sources with photos of the R 35/R 44 in Romanian service. There is a topic called “Tank photos” on the forum, have you checked for new pictures there…?

Instead I’d like to ask for your help in a question I have raised before here: how many chances would a Renault R 35 (with its original Puteaux SA 18 short gun) have in a tank to tank battle against contemporary tanks?

In summer 1940-autumn 1941 the possible/likely opponents for a Romanian R 35 would have been Germans Pz I, II, III and IV (probably the Panzer III model armed with a 37 mm gun), Hungarian tanks (Toldi I model if I’m right, which was, as pointed out by a forum member a design similar to Panzer II, with a 20 mm main gun), Russian T-26, BT-7 (and lighter tanks), and with a lower probability Bulgarian Skodas (Skoda LT vz.35 model).

On a site dedicated to tanks and tank warfare ( forum there was a discussion about some special anti-tank rounds the French tanks used, which allowed them to penetrate a thicker amour then normal AT rounds fired from similar guns. Do you have more details about that? Were these special shells in use of the R 35 tanks? Were they exported to Romania along with the French tanks (or their production license)?

Posted by: Trackstory July 06, 2005 04:06 pm
In first, my apologize for my bad english !

2) I don't search specialy "new photos" of rumanians R35 & Vanatorul, just few photo of wartime for illustrated the chapter on Rumanian armor. Of course if its unpublished photos it's great ! Anybody here can help me ? What is the address of National Museum (fax or mail) ? I see few interestings photos on these forums, but I cant publish them without permission.

3) The renault R35 for the french army is an infantry tank and he have a limited rounds af antitank shells. Don't forgott in WW1, combats tank vs tank are isolated cases.

The role of this tank is to help the infantry at her speed and to destroy the machine-guns for example, the anti-tank combat is an exception in the spirit of headquarter. At the end of 30's the french army try to armed the R35 with a 37mm sa37 gun, a long barrel with real antitank capacity, but just a little number are in service in 1940. Two bataillons of Renault R40 (or AMX40) have this gun too.

The technique of the moulded shielding is new for the time and Russian recovered Polish R35 which they tested in Kubinka in July 1940, here the result of resistance of the shielding to the impacts using a 45mm tank gun mk.1938, the standard armament of T-26:

armour/Slope of armour/Distance of shoot/ entry/ exit/ Result of shot
40mm 28 degrees 200m 50x60mm 52x60mm Through
40mm 28 degrees 200m 52x57mm 53x58mm Through
40mm 28 degrees 200m 54x56mm 54x57mm Through
40mm 28 degrees 200m 52x50mm 57x52mm Through
40mm 28 degrees 300m 56x55mm 58x57mm Through
40mm 28 degrees 300m 57x56mm 60x56mm Through
40mm 28 degrees 300m 60x55mm 60x60mm Through
40mm 28 degrees 300m 52x53mm 54x55mm Through
40mm 28 degrees 500m 60x50x24mm NONE Cavity


Posted by: Agarici July 11, 2005 09:33 am
QUOTE (Trackstory @ Jul 6 2005, 04:06 PM)
What is the address of National Museum (fax or mail) ? I see few interestings photos on these forums, but I cant publish them without permission.


Could anyone form Bucharest give Pascal the address of the National Military Museum? Apparently they don't have it on their web page... I think we should do as much as a little help, when asked and at hand…

Posted by: dragos July 11, 2005 09:51 am
QUOTE (Agarici @ Jul 11 2005, 12:33 PM)
QUOTE (Trackstory @ Jul 6 2005, 04:06 PM)
What is the address of National Museum (fax or mail) ? I see few interestings photos on these forums, but I cant publish them without permission.


Could anyone form Bucharest give Pascal the address of the National Military Museum? Apparently they don't have it on their web page... I think we should do as much as a little help, when asked and at hand…

I don't think they have e-mail address (in fact I don't think they have Internet access at all).

I don't know if this helps for a non Romanian speaker, but here is a phone number: 224.94.70.

Posted by: Agarici July 11, 2005 11:00 am
Thanks Dragos! On time as usual.

Posted by: dragos03 July 11, 2005 11:57 am
Unfortunately, the new commander of the Museum is a communist and a complete ***.

Posted by: dragos July 11, 2005 12:09 pm
QUOTE (dragos03 @ Jul 11 2005, 02:57 PM)
Unfortunately, the new commander of the Museum is a communist and a complete ***.

I know what you're talking about, I had the "pleasure" to meet him too. However, avoid libels here.

Posted by: dragos03 July 11, 2005 12:45 pm
Ok, sorry.

Posted by: dragos July 11, 2005 01:02 pm
Since we are talking about it, the situation at the military museum is quite sad. Not only they do not put good use in the archiving material they have, and into which there is a great deal of interest, but they drive away the potential customers. This is inadmisible for such an institution 15 years after the fall of communism. We should make a petition or something.

Posted by: dragos03 July 11, 2005 01:17 pm
Yes, let's do a petition to the Ministry of Defense. There are many nice people working in the Museum, they are also opressed by this guy. He acts like the Museum is a training camp or something.

Posted by: Victor July 11, 2005 02:01 pm
QUOTE (Agarici @ Jul 11 2005, 11:33 AM)
Could anyone form Bucharest give Pascal the address of the National Military Museum? Apparently they don't have it on their web page... I think we should do as much as a little help, when asked and at hand…

I have emailed the museum's adress to Monsieur Danjou twice at the beginning of this month.

For those living in Romania interested in the museum adress, it is:
Str. Mircea Vulcanescu nr. 125-127, 010819 Bucuresti, Telephone: 021 637 38 39
Fax : 021 637 76 36

Maybe it would be useful to post it on our website, if that of MMN doesn't have it.

Posted by: Agarici July 11, 2005 02:08 pm
QUOTE (Victor @ Jul 11 2005, 02:01 PM)
QUOTE (Agarici @ Jul 11 2005, 11:33 AM)
Could anyone form Bucharest give Pascal the address of the National Military Museum? Apparently they don't have it on their web page... I think we should do as much as a little help, when asked and at hand…

I have emailed the museum's adress to Monsieur Danjou twice at the beginning of this month.

For those living in Romania interested in the museum adress, it is:
Str. Mircea Vulcanescu nr. 125-127, 010819 Bucuresti, Telephone: 021 637 38 39
Fax : 021 637 76 36

Maybe it would be useful to post it on our website, if that of MMN doesn't have it.

I think this is a good idea, also considering what both Dragos smile.gif have said about "mr. commander"/ the chief custodian.

Posted by: Trackstory July 11, 2005 02:45 pm
Thanks a lot for all people try to help me !

Infortunatly the fax number don't work and my english is so bad for trying the phone number. huh.gif

I go to send a letter, but by the postal way I'm affraid the delay are too long...

Just ask me If you are a question on french tank subject !


Posted by: Victor July 11, 2005 03:06 pm
QUOTE (dragos03 @ Jul 11 2005, 03:17 PM)
Yes, let's do a petition to the Ministry of Defense. There are many nice people working in the Museum, they are also opressed by this guy. He acts like the Museum is a training camp or something.

That's a good idea. We could try explaining how much money they are missing out for the info and photos they could sell, money that can be used to publish books (as far as I know Mr. Scafes and Mr. Serbanescu have finished the work on the monography on the Romanian army in WWI for several years now), refurbish exhibits etc, etc. The Ministry of Defense has a website that is updated regularly. They could take care of MMN's site. A computer with a modem connected to a telephone line, to check emails, isn't a huge investment.

Posted by: Agarici July 11, 2005 04:39 pm
Pascal, some people around speak French... you might try to call at the museum and ask (in French) for a French-speaking person. In is a national museum after all, and Romania is a full member in the International Francophone Organization. What the heck biggrin.gif

Posted by: johnny_bi July 13, 2005 06:42 pm
you might try to call at the museum and ask (in French) for a French-speaking person

There is a huge difference between understandind some French words due to the common Latin origin of the languages and actually speking French.

Romania is a full member in the International Francophone Organization.

This doesn't make us actually Francophones... biggrin.gif

Posted by: Dénes July 13, 2005 06:54 pm
QUOTE (Agarici @ Jul 11 2005, 10:39 PM)
Romania is a full member in the International Francophone Organization. What the heck biggrin.gif

Officially, Bulgaria is also a Francophone country.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Québec July 15, 2005 07:04 am
Hi Pascal! I'm from Québec, Canada, so if you need french-english translation, I can help you. As long as you give me the coordinates to buy your R35 book!!!!!!!!!

Bon 14 juillet, et vive la France!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: BobM August 10, 2005 11:04 pm
QUOTE (Trackstory @ Jun 29 2005, 07:21 PM)
I prepare a book on the Renault R35. In this book I have a chapter on the R35 & Vanatorul in romanian army and I look from photos (for publishing) and infos. Thanks for your help !

Pascal Danjou

Dear Pascal

Ive got your three other books - excellent reading - looking forward to the R35 book - have you got a publication date in mind?



Posted by: Trackstory August 11, 2005 05:30 am
Thanks Bob,

The Trackstory on the Renault R35/R40 is available from september. In a few days I put some pages samples in my website :

Pascal smile.gif

Posted by: Trackstory September 18, 2005 09:54 am
My book is now available :

Thanks a lot at all people who help me, specialy Victor & Denes !


Posted by: Victor September 18, 2005 05:21 pm

Posted by: Dénes September 18, 2005 05:31 pm
You're welcome, Pascal. Glad to be of help.
I hope I can assist your projects in the future, too.

I am looking forward to reading your book.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: mihai October 21, 2006 04:32 am
QUOTE (Trackstory @ September 18, 2005 09:54 am)
My book is now available :

Thanks a lot at all people who help me, specialy Victor & Denes !


I did personal mail about The use of foto.


Posted by: sebipatru April 01, 2011 10:38 am
i want to konw more information about amunnition used by r 35
more exactly the r 35 used HE shells or only AP ones

Posted by: Victor April 02, 2011 07:38 am
It also used HE shells. Actually its gun was more suited for HE shells than for AP ones.

Posted by: mihnea April 02, 2011 01:53 pm
The R35 used the exact same canon as used on the Ft 17 (the 37mm SA18 cannon) and it was designed as a anti infantry tank. So the main ammo was high explosive, although there were armor piercing shells they were not very effective as the short barrel produced very small velocities so at 1000m it was only able to pierce 15mm of armor.

Posted by: sebipatru April 02, 2011 06:32 pm
thank you for information
have a good day

Posted by: YAN April 04, 2011 09:54 am
Hi I have joined this post late, but I have found it very interesting, I have this on the 37mm you are talking about.

37mm L/21 SA-18 Gun
• Elevation: -16° to +20°
• Shell Weight: HE 555g, AP 390g
• Max HE Range: 2.500m
• Muzzle Velocity: HE 440 m/s, AP 600 m/s
• Rate of Fire: 15 r.p.m.
• AP Capabilities: 14mm @ 500m @ 30°

I think the same stats apply for both the French and Romanian models.

Posted by: Agarici April 09, 2011 10:22 am
Gentlemen, you should take a look at this older topic too (lots of detailed information, plus a few useful links):

Posted by: ANDREAS March 10, 2012 07:52 pm
Does anyone know if the camouflage scheme of this Romanian Renault R35 light tank corresponds to the real one?

Posted by: 21 inf March 10, 2012 07:59 pm
The horizontal blue line on the turett was probably yellow? I saw a WW2 relic from this kind of romanian tank in Slovakia, found on battle field and looked like it was yellow, not blue. No markings of cammo pattern were visible for me, but I am not a specialist. There were some other forumists there, maybe they saw something different than me...

Posted by: ANDREAS March 10, 2012 08:10 pm
Thank you 21inf!
I have seen only the tank from the MMN courtyard and it's well known that one had no camouflage scheme! From the pictures posted on the internet, I did not realize if the Romanian R35 tanks had or not a camouflage scheme.

Posted by: Agarici March 11, 2012 10:05 am
QUOTE (ANDREAS @ March 10, 2012 08:10 pm)
Thank you 21inf!
I have seen only the tank from the MMN courtyard and it's well known that one had no camouflage scheme! From the pictures posted on the internet, I did not realize if the Romanian R35 tanks had or not a camouflage scheme.

According to the photos from that topic, they did wear a cammo livery - at least in the beginning of the war (probably those of Polish origin, likely forming a battalion) - The images can also be seen on the site, in the “weapons” section, and in the “multimedia” section under R 35 label.

Posted by: ANDREAS March 11, 2012 10:39 am
Thank you Agarici! Indeed in some pictures and in the short film can be seen R35 tanks with camouflage scheme painted on them. I also read in a french-english book dedicated to the R35 tank that the romanian ex-polish R35 used in 1940-41 a french-origin camouflage scheme but I wasn't sure if the information is accurate.

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