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Click here to view this topic in its original format Forum > Romanian Army > Brigada Iuliu Maniu ??

Posted by: Cantacuzino October 21, 2011 11:31 am

Any clue what is this "Brigada Iuliu Maniu" as written on the back side of these pictures ( for sell on

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Posted by: 21 inf October 21, 2011 12:22 pm
I found out about some outfits named Garzile Maniu, active in late 1944 on romanian teritory, but I dont know if it was comunist propaganda or they existed for real.

Posted by: MMM October 21, 2011 03:35 pm
The photo doesn't seem to picture para-military units, as the supposed "Maniu Guards" were, but rather a regular army unit, IMO... Maybe some Brigade adopted Maniu as a "patron" or something, but this definitely must have happened after 23.08.1944 and before 06.03.1945, if the inscription is "genuine" (aka if it was made at the same time with the photo and if it really meant something).

Posted by: Petre October 21, 2011 06:07 pm
Yes, they look as para-military troops.
Try a Web search with "Garzile Iuliu Maniu" and you will find enough.

Posted by: Dénes October 21, 2011 08:08 pm
You can find references to the infamous 'Maniu Guards' on this forum, too. E.g.,

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: MMM October 25, 2011 04:44 pm
Quite a controversy in there... I think we'd better not reopen those "wounds"... but if necessary... well... tongue.gif

Posted by: Victor October 26, 2011 09:03 am
If you do, please use teh existing thread, not this one.

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