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Posted by: remusmardare June 28, 2009 08:15 am
Din ce este formata o divizie?subimpartirea

scuze k nu am scris in engleza dar nu stiam cum se zice.


Posted by: 21 inf June 28, 2009 10:41 am
An infantry division is formed as following, starting from highest to the lower level: regiment, battalion, company, platoon and squad. The value of each subunit depends on country of origin and period of time.

Posted by: remusmardare June 28, 2009 10:58 am
thanks, 21 inf

Posted by: remusmardare June 28, 2009 11:13 am
by who are ordered?

Posted by: mabadesc June 28, 2009 10:10 pm
by who are ordered?

Remus, that also depends on:

1. Each country
2. Whether the country is at peace or in time of war.

If you use the example of Romania during WWII, here is a typical (with many exceptions not mentioned) command structure in time of war for the Romanian Army:

Army CO- General de Armata or General de Corp de Armata (Lt.Gen.)
Army Artillery Commander - usually General de Brigada
Army Chief of Staff - Colonel or General de Brigada
Army Corps CO- General de Corp de Armata (Lt.Gen) or General De Divizie (Major General)
Army Corps Chief of Staff - usually Major or Lt. Colonel
Division CO- General de Brigada (rarely, General de Divizie)
Division Chief of Staff - usually Major
Brigade or similar Detachment CO - Colonel (rarely, General de Brigada)
Regiment CO- Colonel or Lt-Colonel
Battalion - usually Major (rarely, Captain)
Company - Captain or 1st Lieutenant
...and so on...

These are typical examples, but they varied greatly even within Romania during WWII. During peace time, in the late 1930's -1941, command commissions were a bit more standard (Regiment - Colonel, Brigade - Gen. de Brigada, Division - Gen. de Divizie), but even then it varied.

On the other hand, in the Soviet Army during the war, many Soviet divisions were commanded by Colonels.

So, as you can see, this is just a short, incomplete answer. Still, hope this helps.

All the best.

Posted by: remusmardare June 29, 2009 06:57 am
many thanks, you help me a lot.......i have to make a game about ww2..... biggrin.gif

Posted by: MMM July 14, 2009 12:21 pm
QUOTE (21 inf @ June 28, 2009 10:41 am)
An infantry division is formed as following, starting from highest to the lower level: regiment, battalion, company, platoon and squad. The value of each subunit depends on country of origin and period of time.

Didn't you forget the brigade? Isn't it a component of a division, too?

Posted by: Petre July 15, 2009 08:34 am
Usually, a Brigade is/was apart from a Division. As I know, always in Ro.Army.

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