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Posted by: Der Maresal November 26, 2003 08:06 pm
The Chinese 'Peoples Liberation Army'

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China has the largest Army in the world numbering 2.5 million.
In times of war it can grow much larger.
(If the entire poppulation of china is ever mobilized - god help you.)

The best source about the Chinese military is 'Sinodefence'.
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The Chinese military is currently shrinking to allow it to modernize faster.
-All information on the Chinese military you will find there.

Everything about the Army, Airforce and Navy as well as ICBM and Sattelites is on that page.
Everything from small arms to tanks to submarines is being designed and build in China
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Did I mention the Chinese have Women airforce Pilots that fly Fighters ?
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This one is Pilot of the Su-27 Fighter. :wink: She can "terminate" any american both in the air and on the ground! laugh.gif
..and this is her plane... :wink:
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China is planning to send a Female astronaut into space, after the success of the last Mission. :!:

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For those interested there is a forum.
PS:I'm no fan of Communism, tough "Communism" in China today is more like Nationalism. The real Internationalism is in the USA. China has no ambitions of conquering the world. Nor does it want to have a large empire, not does it want to pulverize smaller countries in favour of "Globalization" and a "One world Society" It does not opress my country nor my people [unlike we know who!].
So I consider China more of an ally then an ennemy.


Posted by: Der Maresal November 26, 2003 08:26 pm
The interview of the 2nd Chinese Pilot after the forced landing of the American Spy plane over Hainan. [April 6 2001]


Second Chinese pilot blames U.S. for spy plane crash

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Chinese fighter pilot Zhao Yu describes incident with U.S. spy plane in interview with Chinese TV on Friday  

BEIJING - The pilot of the second Chinese plane involved in the collision between a Chinese fighter and a U.S. surveillance plane said the U.S. plane swerved into his comrade and sent the Chinese plane plunging into the sea.  

Chinese television broadcast an interview Friday with Zhao Yu, who was flying a second Chinese F-8 fighter tracking a U.S. EP-3E plane off the coast of China.  

Here is the text of a translation of his comments:  

\"On April 1st, Wang Wei and I were on duty. At about 8:45 a.m., we took off to conduct our routine tracking mission in the airspace southeast of Hainan Island.  
\"Seven minutes after takeoff, we found a large plane to our left, 50 kilometers ahead. Wang Wei and I approached the plane and identified it as a U.S. EP-3-type surveillance plane. When the U.S. spy plane spotted us, it adjusted its navigation course. So we adjusted ours accordingly.  

\"At 9:05 a.m., it readjusted its course to 110 degrees. We readjusted ours once again so that we were flying at the same speed and the same direction as the U.S. spy plane. Our planes were on the inner side of Hainan and the U.S. plane was on the outer side.  

\"Two minutes later, the U.S. plane suddenly swerved at a wide angle toward our direction and collided over the plane Wang Wei was flying. I saw the nose and left wing of the U.S. plane bump into Wang Wei's plane and the left outer propeller of the U.S. plane's left wing smashed the vertical tail surface of Wang Wei's plane.  

\"The U.S. side if fully responsible for this collision. It was directly caused by the U.S. plane veering at a wide angle toward our plane making it impossible for our plane to avoid it. The U.S. plane severely violated flying rules, so they should hold full responsibility. It is our duty to identify any midair objects that would endanger our national security and to track them.  

\"As Wang Wei's comrade in arms on the same mission, I am especially worried for his safety. I hope our rescue efforts will bring him back to us. I am very grateful for the government's and the Navy's concern over his safety. I am indignant at the actions of the U.S. spy plane crashing our plane right at our doorsteps.\"

Pilot Wang Wei and His Aircraft.
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Posted by: Der Maresal November 26, 2003 08:45 pm
And here is a funny story worth reading.
The picture is probably of the same Pilot who who rammed the P-3
It was taken during a previous flight earlier.
He seems to be "giving the finger" - [the chinese way tongue.gif ] - to the american photographer.
Here's the text from the following website:


Apr 6/2001                

As you are all aware....a US EP-3E and it's crew were recently in a collision with a Chinese Shenyang F-8 fighter.  Here is a picture of an Chinese Shenyang F-8 fighter allegedly taken from an US EP-3E on a very recent mission.

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Below you'll find the contents of the e-mail that came with this picture.  I have no idea if any of the text or this picture actually relate to this current news item.  For all I know this picture could be 3 years old...the hand gesture could be  a \"Hang Loose\" signal and all the text below could be faked, but I figured it was interesting all the same.  Make of it what you will. ARC Editor  

This was forwarded to me from a former student of mine.  I think the hand gesture of the Chinese pilot in the Shenyang F-8 is the equivalent of the American version of giving someone the finger.    


The son of a good friend of mine is part of the crew on that P-3 that got forced down in China. but happened to not be on this mission.  I deleted the names but as the picture shows the Chinese pilot liked to get close and express his feelings!
That was my son's airplane that was forced down in China, Thank God he wasn't on it at the time!!!!!  He says this Chinese pilot has been after his plane for months trying to hit it, I'm glad he finally succeeded, but here is the picture of the Chinese pilot from a previous flight.
Luckily I was not on the flight but this guy got us last time I was.  Pretty f*cking close though.  I hope our guys get back in one piece, as well as our plane.


Posted by: Victor November 26, 2003 08:56 pm
China has no ambitions of conquering the world. Nor does it want to have a large empire, not does it want to pulverize smaller countries in favour of \"Globalization\" and a \"One world Society\"

Yeah, right! Tell to the Tibetans!

Posted by: mabadesc November 26, 2003 10:38 pm
Could you post some more pics of that Chinese woman pilot? She's pretty cute...

Posted by: Chandernagore November 26, 2003 10:57 pm
Could you post some more pics of that Chinese woman pilot?  She's pretty cute...

Oh yeah ! Can she "terminate" me as well ? laugh.gif

Posted by: Victor November 27, 2003 07:25 pm

Oh yeah ! Can she \"terminate\" me as well ?  :lol:

Aren't you married? biggrin.gif

Posted by: PanzerKing November 27, 2003 07:53 pm

Oh yeah ! Can she \"terminate\" me as well ?  :lol:

Aren't you married? biggrin.gif

A man can dream can't he? laugh.gif

Posted by: Chandernagore November 28, 2003 12:13 am
Aren't you married?

Yes but imagine an horrible situation like I'm in POW camp and she tries to abuse me ! I would immediately oppose a symbolic resistance laugh.gif

Posted by: dead-cat November 28, 2003 07:29 am
one of the cruel cold realities of life is:

few if any chicks are reading this forum, so posting here will not get you laid.

Posted by: Chandernagore November 28, 2003 08:49 am
Too bad as the few I ever ecountered in such forums had a very balanced opinion on all things.

Posted by: petru November 29, 2003 03:05 am
[PS:I'm no fan of Communism, tough "Communism" in China today is more like Nationalism.

Not too long ago there the Tien an Men events took place. I wonder whether you would consider comnusim dead if you were there.

China lacks some modern weapons to be a real superpower. They have nuclear weapons but I am not sure they would be able to deliver a nuke on Washington, as ballistic subs for them are only a dream.

Posted by: Der Maresal December 02, 2003 07:01 pm
Could you post some more pics of that Chinese woman pilot?  She's pretty cute...

I'm affraind I don't have others, but maybe you could ask the Chinese Government for more - ohmy.gif

..if you wanna see what turns me on... US Elections 2004 !
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..."lick bush beat dick" -

could't have said it better myself

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laugh.gif !!!

Posted by: mabadesc December 02, 2003 09:55 pm

***Offensive remarks removed by moderator***

In all seriousness, though, I think you have another 4 years of foaming at the mouth. There is no serious contender against Bush in the upcoming elections. Even the media predicts he'll win without problems. And the media here is generally pro-liberals (democrats).

Posted by: PanzerKing December 02, 2003 11:57 pm
Well you can count my vote against him. biggrin.gif

Posted by: mabadesc December 03, 2003 12:12 am
Panzer - good for you.
Personally, I haven't decided yet who I'll vote for, but Bush is one of the options, considering the lack of other viable candidates.

Posted by: Dan Po March 03, 2004 11:29 pm
Some voices said that North Koreea will be the next, after Iraq. Here are no doubts about mass distruction weapons and the nort koreeans can hit with SAM s targets from Japan. North Koreea have a lot of bunkers, a strong mobile (selfpropelled) artilery and a large number of well trained special units.

Posted by: petru March 04, 2004 12:39 am
Yeah, North Koreea has an oversized army good for harvesting. Does it ring any bells?

They might have rockets able to hit Japon, but even if they have an A bomb (or more) it doesn't necessary mean they can deliver it. It is not easy to put a nuclear warhead on a rocket. It is easier to drop it from an airplane. But anyway, the Americans will not attack Koreea as long as they are involved in Irak, and even after that they might never attack it.

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