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Posted by: remusmardare June 14, 2009 09:05 am
what happened with ft tanks?they have participated on a battle?

Posted by: Victor June 14, 2009 09:55 am
See Although laconic, the text can give the general idea. For a more detailed description, there is an article about them in the latest MODEList issue (see here:

The FT tanks were used in combat during the first days after 23 August 1944 against German strong points in Bucharest

Posted by: MMM June 14, 2009 06:46 pm
There are also pictures at the Military History Museum with the FT's in action smile.gif

Posted by: remusmardare June 15, 2009 11:06 am
thanks friends.... biggrin.gif cool.gif

Posted by: Taz1 June 15, 2009 02:37 pm
The tank was used during the event of 23 august 1944.

Off topic : Some yers ago remains of a destriod tank was found in the center of the capital whith the remains of the crew, it is very posible to be a FT destroid during the events of 23 august 1944. Did somebody knew something about that ?
More ditails ?
This is the link :

,, Bucati dintr-un tanc incendiat in timpul luptelor din cel de-al doilea razboi mondial, oseminte care ar putea apartine membrilor echipajului si un proiectil au fost scoase la lumina de excavator, ieri dupa-amiaza, in apropierea Caii Plevnei din Capitala. Muncitorii care au facut descoperirea au intrerupt imediat lucrul si au anuntat Politia.

Medicii legisti investigheaza provenienta fragmentelor umane. "

Posted by: MMM June 16, 2009 02:23 pm
As long as there aren't any pictures, nobody can tell for sure; there were also german P IV's in Bucharest at that time. We'll just have to wait for more details...

Posted by: Victor June 17, 2009 07:39 am
QUOTE (MMM @ June 16, 2009 04:23 pm)
there were also german P IV's in Bucharest at that time.

Really? Any source for this?

Posted by: Alexei2102 June 17, 2009 08:35 am
QUOTE (MMM @ June 16, 2009 02:23 pm)
As long as there aren't any pictures, nobody can tell for sure; there were also german P IV's in Bucharest at that time. We'll just have to wait for more details...

I await fresh news upon the PIV also - never heard of them in Bucharest around 23.08.1944... for sure their presence would have been heard IMO.



Posted by: MMM June 17, 2009 11:39 am
Well, I looked again and it said just "German panzers"; I assumed there were PIV's. In the book of a certain Hubert Ripka, about Eastern Europe at the end and after WW2, there is a passage (p.33-34) where it says that the Romanian "insurgents" managed to destroy the "couple of German Panzers found at the quarters of the Mission" (I presume he speaks about the German Military Mission). However, I found no other reference to German tanks. So, probably, there were just "wild rumours" spread by the communists to show how brave they were... tongue.gif

Posted by: Mircea87 June 23, 2011 04:18 pm
A number of photos with the destroyed tank found in Bucharest (pictures 7-12):

Posted by: Mircea87 September 24, 2011 11:33 am
Renault FT in Bucharest during the 23rd of August 1944 events (took the photo with my mobile, but it was low quality anyway; it's from "Forta de soc" by col. Gh.Turcu):

I think that this was the last time the Renault FT tank was ever used in combat. The building on the right looks like the Triumph Arch.

Posted by: Dénes September 25, 2011 07:25 am
QUOTE (Mircea87 @ September 24, 2011 05:33 pm)
Renault FT in Bucharest during the 23rd of August 1944 events...

Question: how certain is the date? The photo could have been taken much earlier, too.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: MMM September 25, 2011 01:53 pm
QUOTE (Dénes @ September 25, 2011 10:25 am)
The photo could have been taken much earlier, too.

Why doubt? ph34r.gif

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