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Posted by: Vici April 02, 2014 02:23 pm

I'm trying to put together a list of all the places in Romania where one can see and touch real guns, any time of the day or night, with no fees.
Obviously these are located mostly around WW1 and 2 monuments or soldier's cemeteries. They are usually easy to see from the main roads in the case of villages.
In the last decade, as the Army scrapped a lot of obsolete equipment, many WW2 designed guns (ant not only) were made available to local communities.

Any additional info is welcome, I'll come back and edit this first post so we'll have all the info at hand.

For the foreigners here, the name in bold represents the County (judet) and the names below it the village / town / city

Help is needed to positively ID the gun types or exact location mentioned with red text


1 x Puteaux (Schneider) md. 1897 cal. 75mm field gun
1 x Putilov 76,2 mm model 1902/1936
both in bad shape
Petreşti, besides the Orthodox church 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Sebeş at least 1 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun in a park, exact location unknown


Pecica, park on Street no. 2, 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun


Albeştii de Argeş 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Bădeni 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Bogaţi 2 x B-11 107mm recoilless rifle
Domneşti 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Coceneşti 2 x B-11 107mm recoilless rifle
Ioneşti 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Leordeni 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Stoeneşti 2? x Gruson 120mm howitzer model 1888
Slănic 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Stolnici 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Valea Mare Pravăţ Heroes Mausoleum 2 x Putilov 76,2 mm model 1902/1936


Buhuşi 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Căiuţi 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Comănești 1 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Palanca 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Sărata 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Târgu Ocna, cimitirul cu tunuri 2 x Krupp 75mm model 1880 upgraded with shield


Bucea 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Lăzăreni 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Oradea, in front of the Military Museum 2 x F-22 USV 76mm, 1 X Resita Model 1943 75mm AT gun, 1 x Krupp 75mm model 1904
Remeţi 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun


Năsăud 1 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun and 1 x B-10 82mm recoilless rifle
Prundu Bragaului 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Telciu 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun, one with shortened trails


Botoşani, str. Cuza Voda intersection with Calea Nationala 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Truşeşti 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun


Bran, park 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Braşov, center 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Fundata 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Sercaita 2 x unidentified Krupp artillery barrels from WW1
Tohanu Nou, Câmpului str. 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun


Carol park mausoleum:
until summer 2012 there were 2 x Puteaux (Schneider) 75mm md. 1897 and 2 x Putilov 76,2 mm model 1902/1936
since 2013 there are 4 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun - any idea why? And where are the old guns?
Crângaşi park 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Florilor park 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Izvorul rece (Pache) park, bd. Carol I 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Morarilor park 5 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Naţional park 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Plumbuita park 4 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Tei park 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun


Buzău, park near Heroes cemetery 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Gherăseni 1 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Padina 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun


Călăraşi 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun


Glimboca 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Oţelu Roşu, on the main road towards Caransebeş 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun


Câmpia Turzii, central park 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun


Mihail Kogălniceanu 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun


Aninoasa 2 x Krupp 75mm model 1880 upgraded with shield, wheels missing
Malu Cu Flori 2 x B-11 107mm recoilless rifle
Dragomireşti 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Gura Ocnitei, in the church courtyard 2 x Krupp 75 mm model 1880 without wheels


Breasta 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Calafat 2 x Krupp 75mm model 1880 upgraded with shield
Ostroveni 1 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun


Galaţi, Eternitatea cemetery, WWI heroes monument 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Matca 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Schela 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Targu Bujor, in front of the hospital, 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Tecuci, heroes monumnt inside cemetery on Dacia street 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun


Giurgiu, Giurgiu county museum 2x Hotchkiss 57mm model 1897


Bălceşti 2 x Krupp 75mm model 1880 upgraded with shield
Bărbăteşti 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Bumbesti Jiu 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Novaci, Eroilor str. 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Pojogeni 2 x Krupp 75mm model 1880 upgraded with shield
Polovragi 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Strâmba Jiu 2 x Krupp 75mm model 1880 upgraded with shield
Târgu Jiu, near Ecaterina Teodoroiu memorial house 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
bridge over Jiu river 2 x Putilov 76,2mm Model 1900 field gun
Teleşti 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Tismana 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun


Gura Secului, N-E of Toplita 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun (trails missing)


Brad 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Leşnic 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Orăştie (entrance in the city from Deva direction) Su-100 self propelled gun
Straja ski resort, near church: Hotchkiss cal 57mm model 1891 barrel on an improvised carriage
Ţebea, Avram Iancu Monument 2 x Armstrong 63 mm model 1883 mountain gun


Feteşti-Gară, Trandafirilor Park on Călăraşi street 2 x 2cm Flak 30
Griviţa 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Slobozia 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Tăndărei, park 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Urziceni, Catedralei park on Calea Bucureşti 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun


Iaşi, Culture Palace 2 x Krupp 78,5mm model 1871 captured in the independance war 1877/78
Soci 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun


Căciulaţi 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Chiajna, intersection of Eroului str and Garii str, 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Chitila, roundabout on Şoseaua Banatului 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Dobroeşti 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Moara Vlăsiei 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Tunari, intersection of 1 Decembrie str. with Mihai Eminescu str. 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun


Baia Mare, Parcul Tineretului 1 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Leordina 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Rozavlea 2 x incomplete ZiS-2 57mm AT gun (trails missing)
Târgu Lăpuş, center, behind the Reformed church 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun


Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Roses Park 2 x Krupp 125mm siege gun Model 1880


Faragau 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Oarba de Mureş heroes monument, between Sfântu Gheorghe and Oarba de Mureş villages, on road 120
2 x 2cm Flak 30; 2 x 120mm PM-43 mortars; 2 x 7,5 cm PaK 40 AT gun


Poienari 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Roman, Eternitatea Cemetery, 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Roznov 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun


Caracal, Victoriei Square, 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Corabia, Eroilor Square, 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Deveselu 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun


Lipăneşti 2 x 37mm Rheinmetall / Resita AA guns
Peleş castle:
2 x Armstrong 63 mm model 1883 mountain gun
1 x Krupp 78,5mm model 1871 captured in the independance war 1877/78
Provita de Sus, across the road from the church, 1 x Gruson 120mm howitzer model 1888 (very rare) and 1 x Krupp 75mm model 1880 upgraded with shield
Puchenii Mari 2 x Krupp 75mm model 1880 upgraded with shield, wheels missing
Sinaia, Heroes cemetery 2 x Krupp 87mm model 1875 or 1880
Teşila 1 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun

Satu Mare

Racşa 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun


Cisnădie 1 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Sibiu, Avrig Street (road 106R), Monument of the WW 1 hero officers besides the Artillery School 1 x Puteaux (Schneider) md. 1897 cal. 75mm field gun
Turnu Rosu 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun


Bogdăneşti 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Băneşti 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Cacica 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Clit, church courtyard 1 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Dolheşti 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Dorna Cândrenilor 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Dumbrăveni, Vereşti str. at the southern edge of the village 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Fălticeni, Piaţa Nada Florilor 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Fântâna Mare 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Liteni 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Pojorâta 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Rădăşeni 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Râşca 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Salcea 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Şcheia 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Vatra Dornei 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun


Drăgăneşti-Vlaşca 2 x ZiS-2 57mm AT gun
Roşiorii de Vede, Libertăţii Square 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Turnu Măgurele, park on Mihai Bravu str., near Tudorel Dorobantu monument 2 x Krupp 78,5mm model 1868 or 1871
Videle 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun


Timişoara, Liberty Square 2 x Resita Model 1943 75mm AT guns


Râmnicu Vâlcea, Calea lui Traian, in front of the History Museum 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Scundu 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun


Dumeşti 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun


Adjud 2 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Fitioneşti 1 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun on loan from Panciu
Mărăşeşti Mausoleum 4 x Skoda field guns, cal 75 mm model 1911, captured from the Austro-Hungarian army
Panciu 1 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun
Soveja Mausoleum 2 x Krupp 75 mm model 1880


The most numerous guns are
113 Zis-3 (76mm)
107 Zis-2 (57mm),
and 15 Krupp 75mm model 1880 upgraded with shield
62 various others
TOTAL 297 artillery pieces

Posted by: Radub April 03, 2014 04:38 pm
There are a couple of cannons guarding the WW1 monument in Cimitirul Etenitatea in Galati. I do not know the types though.

Posted by: Cantacuzino April 04, 2014 08:01 am
Also in the front of the school in Lipanesti Prahova there are two Reinmetall 37 mm AA guns. One of them made in Resitza.

Posted by: Cantacuzino April 04, 2014 08:14 am
Speaking of Galati, also in Tecuci in Heroes cemetery probably a ZiS AT gun

Posted by: Cantacuzino April 04, 2014 08:23 am
Drobeta Turnu Severin

Mausoleul Eroilor ( Campulung Muscel, Arges county)

Posted by: Vici April 09, 2014 03:13 pm
QUOTE (Radub @ April 03, 2014 07:38 pm)
There are a couple of cannons guarding the WW1 monument in Cimitirul Etenitatea in Galati. I do not know the types though.

Any pictures? I couldn't find any online

I'd also appreciate help in ID-ing the guns marked in red in the main list, I'm not sure about them

Posted by: Radub April 09, 2014 05:11 pm
I have a photo taken with the mobile phone years ago and it is not that good. I will try to find it.
I found this:ăzboi_Mondial_(Cimitirul_„Eternitatea”)
There is this photoșier:Img_0009.jpg

Posted by: Radub April 09, 2014 05:46 pm
I found my photo of the cannons guarding the WW1 monument in Galati.

user posted image

Hope this helps,

Posted by: Vici April 10, 2014 10:10 am
Thanks, it's a ZIS-2 57 mm

Posted by: Vici April 12, 2014 06:58 pm
Can somebody ID this type:
Supposedly it's a Krupp of some sort
The list on top was updated again, getting pretty big now

Posted by: Victor April 13, 2014 02:24 pm
Looks like a 75 mm Krupp model 1895 with a shield from the later 1903/1904 model.

Posted by: Vici April 13, 2014 05:32 pm
I've checked the book "Artileria Romana in date si imagini" and it is identical to the Krupp 75mm model 1880, except the shield.
This is similar to the model 1904, but not identical, it has two "A" shaped frames on the front. Most likely localy made; it was fitted before WW1.
I've decided to call it "Krupp 75mm model 1880 upgraded with shield" in the list

Any idea about this one, in Drobeta Turnu Severin ?

Posted by: Vici April 13, 2014 07:32 pm
QUOTE (Cantacuzino @ April 04, 2014 11:23 am)

Mausoleul Eroilor ( Campulung Muscel, Arges county)

Actually that picture is from Soveja, Vrancea

Posted by: Vici April 24, 2014 03:57 pm
The lis is being updated steadily... added a lot lately, especially in Bucharest.

Regarding the Carol park mausoleum:
- until summer 2012 there were 2 x Schneider 75mm md. 1897 and 2 x Putilov 76,2 mm model 1902
- since 2013 there are 4 x ZiS-3 76mm field gun - any idea why? And where are the old guns?

Posted by: Victor April 28, 2014 08:13 am
The topic was moved to a more appropriate section, where anybody can access and contribute to it.

Posted by: Petre April 28, 2014 11:34 am
Giurgiu County Muzeum, in Giurgiu. Two Hotchkiss 57 md.1897 (WW1)

user posted image

Posted by: qintus April 30, 2014 09:32 pm
In Sebes,Alba county there ar at least 4 AT guns in the city parks....maybe i can provide pictures. And with the ones from Miraslau if u want.

Posted by: ocoleanui May 01, 2014 11:50 am
Draganesti Vlasca -Teleorman .
2 artilery guns from ww2

Posted by: ocoleanui May 01, 2014 12:00 pm
Turnu Magurele -Teleorman ...artilery guns from Independence war .

Posted by: Ferdinand May 02, 2014 07:18 pm
Aren't near Ploiesti 2 flak 88 in a small yard? I can find the exact location.
Also, on gate, at the entrance on Buzau Militay Cemetery are 2 small canons/mortars.

Buzau pieces.

Posted by: dragos May 03, 2014 07:31 am
Better picture of the mortars in Buzau:

user posted image

Posted by: Vici May 05, 2014 11:28 am
QUOTE (qintus @ May 01, 2014 12:32 am)
In Sebes,Alba county there ar at least 4 AT guns in the city parks....maybe i can provide pictures. And with the ones from Miraslau if u want.

Please do post pictures, and the location for the ones in Sebes if you can (like park name, street)

ocoleanui: added to the list, thanks

Ferdinand and dragos, are you sure those are real guns and not sculptures?
They look very disproportionate, couldn't find a real one looking like that.

After more updates, I counted a bit. The most numerous guns are
83 Zis-3 (76mm),
82 Zis-2 (57mm)
and 12 Krupp 75mm model 1880 upgraded with shield

When I started this list, I never imagined there were so many

Posted by: Alexandru C. May 20, 2014 09:43 am
In Puchenii Mari, on the right side going to Ploiesti (DN1), is a small monument with two cannons with shield. May be Krupp.

Posted by: Vici May 21, 2014 08:07 am
Yes, Krupp 75mm model 1880 with shield.
Too bad the wheels are missing. Added to the list, thanks.

Posted by: Cantacuzino June 04, 2014 07:34 am

Chitila -Bucharest

Posted by: Taz1 June 17, 2014 08:06 pm
I have a question. The cannons from the monuments belongs now to the local autorities ? Remanin in the the army propriety ? How is the owner now of those cannons.

Posted by: Vici June 20, 2014 08:14 am
They belong to the local authorities, and were transfered from Army ownership at no cost.
However the local authorities have to pay for their "demilitarization" (removal of the firing pin, various cuts and welds that make it useless; which are performed by the military before handover) and for transport.

Posted by: Vici June 24, 2014 10:12 am
I need help (photo confirmation or google maps location) with the following:
4 Zis-3 guns in Vedea, Teleorman
2 Zis-3 guns in Otelu Rosu, Caras-Severin
guns in Sebes, Alba

Posted by: Vici July 27, 2014 07:00 am
Found those in Otelu Rosu (thanks Mircea), added Ramnicu Valcea and Telesti.

Posted by: Vici September 22, 2014 06:35 am
Found a WW1 gun in Stoenesti, jud. Arges.
Looks like a Gruson 120mm howitzer model 1888.
I would really appreciate if somebody could provide better photos

Posted by: Morar Andrei March 12, 2018 12:43 pm
There are two WW1 era cannons in Șercăița, Brasov county. I couldn't identify the model. At least, their barrels... A bit of help would be useful.

Note: how to upload photos? I have no idea how to do so...

Posted by: Vici March 25, 2018 10:52 am
Thanks, I ve added them to the list.
I cant ID them too, I ll have to research a bit to find out what they were.

Posted by: Vici March 26, 2018 04:49 pm
Sorry, no positive ID. They are certainly Krupp by the look of the breech, I suspect a 77 or 80 mm version, but beyond that I dont know the exact version.

Since yesterday I found another 12 cannons (6 locations) and added them to the list on page 1.

Most rare is in Provita de Sus, Prahova County - a Gruson model 1888, 120 mm howitzer which was taken during 1915-16 from the fixed fort emplacements and put on a Romanian made cradle and wheels, used troughout the 1916-17 campaigns. I know of only two other examples, in Stoenesti, Arges. I m not sure if even the Central Military Museum has one.

Posted by: Morar Andrei May 04, 2018 08:38 pm
I think that I found the answer about the cannon barrels from Sercăița. They might be from two 100mm Skoda M.1934 howitzers.
I think there is a picture of such an artillery piece on this forum too. You can check if they match.

Posted by: Vici June 10, 2022 06:06 pm
4 years late, but I must say you are right. I will update the list.

Posted by: Vici July 10, 2022 10:46 am
Apparently I cant edit the initial post and cant repost that text, always an error message pops up from the forum. Even if I try to post just a part of the list.

Also encountered a lot of bugs and errors when I tried to moderate the forum.

Guess this is the end of it.

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