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Posted by: VJK October 02, 2008 10:31 am

According to this website - ... nsiva.html - an Army Group West was established on 11 September 1939 under the command of General Motas.
(In aceasta perspectiva si pentru a stavili o eventuala incercare a Comandamentului german de a abate spre Romania flancul drept al Frontului sudic din Polonia, a fost constituit la 11 septembrie Grupul de armate "Vest", sub comanda generalului Motas.)

According to this website - - an Army Group composed of the 3. and 4. Armies was established on 11 September 1939 under the command of General Ilasievici.
(Astfel, la 11 septembrie 1939 s-a constituit grupul de armate comandat de generalul Ilasievici, grup compus din armatele 3 si 4 si insarcinat cu siguranta granitei de est si de nord-est.)

This website - ... e_id=17260 - states that in 1940 Motas and Florescu were pensioned off and Ilasievici named in place of Motas as commander of Army Group East, with Cornicioiu replacing Florescu as commander of Army Group West. (Generalii Florescu si Motas iesind la pensie (erau considerati ca cei mai buni generali ai nostri, de ce nu i-a tinut peste limita de varsta?), Ilasievici a fost numit in locul lui Motas, comandantul grupului de armate din Rasarit, iar generalul Cornitoiu in locul lui Florescu la Vest.)

This website - - states that Army Group 1 was established in September 1939, consisting of the 3. and 4. Armies.
(Din septembrie 1939, majoritatea forţelor militare româneşti erau dispuse în spaţiul dintre Carpaţii Orientali şi Nistru. Aici era dislocat Grupul de Armate 1, care avea în subordine comandamentele Armatelor a 3-a şi a 4-a, cu 7 corpuri de armată şi 19 divizii (16 de infanterie şi 3 de cavalerie), 2 brigăzi mixte munte şi 8 regimente de fortificaţii.)

The above raises a number of questions, which I hope someone will be able to answer.

i) which Army Group did Motas command - West, East, or both? What dates?
ii) in June 1940 Cornicioiu replaced Florescu as C-in-C of the 1st Army. Was this army temporarily renamed Army Group West?
iii) Ilasievici commanded Army Group Nr. 1 - did he replace Motas, when did this happen, and what was the designation of the Army Group at the time - Army Group East or Army Group Nr.1?
iv) Are there any further details known about Dumitru Motas (DoB, DoD, what he did before 1935 and afterwards when he gave up command of the VI Army Corps)? Any pictures of this senior General?

Many thanks for any help you can give in solving this puzzle.

Best regards,


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