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Click here to view this topic in its original format Forum > The Interwar Period (1920-1940) > Romanian pilots in '20

Posted by: Bernard Miclescu November 25, 2003 11:16 pm
Those days i finished a book about the life of Mermoz, one of the biggest pilots in the '20. Now I am reading a book written by Lindbergh after his triumph on the Atlantic ocean. I read all the books of St Exupéry.

I was wonderring if You know some Romanian pilots that wrote something about their feelings, about their conquest, or defet in the beggining era of the aviation. Were Romanian pilots in the French-Romanian comercial company? I do not know anything about the beggining of the aviation in Romania, so maybe You can help me with some names of books, aticles, memoires. I would love to see how the Romanian pilots felt. Were they like St Ex, Mermoz, Gouillaumet, Lécrivain, Lindbergh etc in their feelings????

In advance a big thank you.

Posted by: Dénes November 26, 2003 01:22 am
A starting point could be the book 'Istoria Aviatiei Romane' (History of Rumanian Aviation), written by a collective of authors, published by Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, Bucharest, in 1984. Chapter VII deals with the civilian aviation between 1920-1944.

Another useful book is 'Raiduri Aeriene Romanesti' (Rumanian Long-range Flights), by Constantin Ucrain and Dumitru Craciun-Iasi, published by Editura Junimea, Iasi, 1988.

Undoubledly, there are other books as well, possibly published in the inter-war period, but since this is not my immediate field of interest, I cannot tell you more details.

Posted by: Bernard Miclescu November 26, 2003 10:30 pm
thank you Denes, i appreciate those informations.

Kind regards,

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