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Posted by: Ferdinand November 04, 2011 07:47 pm
topic dedicated to IAR 80, as i started the vintage ARR model topic and it turned in IAR 80 details talking biggrin.gif

Please post here books,pics and info/from internet, auctions...etc.

factory in BRASOV(1924 i think)


ultra known picture

after USAF bombings

Posted by: yugit November 04, 2011 08:08 pm
I have a question regarding the 3rd picture from top to bottom.In my childhood
I lived near Academia Militara at Cotroceni. I never saw an airfield at Cotroceni
but there must have been one, otherwise IAR would have not perfomed repairs
at Cotroceni.....

Talking about Cotroceni on the night of 9/10 Aug 1944 LP 465 S Sqd 37
RAF, 205th GP of Sgt.Double and his crew enroute from Ploesti crashed
at Cotroceni. Were the remains of the Wellington ever found ? I don't
remember anyone who ever heard about this crash at Cotroceni in Bucharest
during my childhood time...though according various books , indeed
crashed near Cotroceni.

Any help will be appreciated


Posted by: Antoniu November 05, 2011 07:30 am
Cotroceni airfield was established in 1910, unofficially, with thestart of flight testing and Aurel Vlaicu.
Airfild and the workshops here have functional up until 1950, in 1949 changed the profile workshops in electric car factory as the Dinamo Cotroceni, here are
some works in aircraft and engine repair shops by the end of 1950 when the team of specialists and equipment are incorporated in the new ARMV-2 of the aerodrome Pipera.
The track was undava Razoare area right up to the current street Sibiu Timisoara Boulevard.

Posted by: yugit November 05, 2011 09:00 am

I greatly appreciate your feedback and updating
information. Thanks again.


Posted by: Victor November 07, 2011 10:10 am
For Cotroceni airfield, see this old topic:

Since 2005, the old hangars in the UMEB yard were tore down when the factory moved outside of Bucharest to make room for the AFI Cotroceni mall. Probably only the ruin in between the old Ho Chi Mihn complex remains.

seeker, as always, please also add sources to the images. Rules are rules. Thank you.

Posted by: Ferdinand November 07, 2011 10:39 am
QUOTE (Victor @ November 07, 2011 10:10 am)

seeker, as always, please also add sources to the images. Rules are rules. Thank you.

sorry i forgot!

i saved them some time ago from this site


Posted by: MRX December 08, 2011 11:17 pm
Those Magnificent Romanians and Their Flying Machines.

Posted by: lancer21 December 10, 2011 08:53 pm
QUOTE (MRX @ December 08, 2011 11:17 pm)
Those Magnificent Romanians and Their Flying Machines.

OMG... Please does anyone know how to save that on my computer ?
Many thanks for this MRX. Is that the original IAR-80 engine sound at the end?

Posted by: MRX December 11, 2011 12:29 am
2. No, it's FW-190 (BMW-801) sound, because the original sound was not good.

Posted by: lancer21 December 11, 2011 05:14 pm
QUOTE (MRX @ December 11, 2011 12:29 am)
2. No, it's FW-190 (BMW-801) sound, because the original sound was not good.

Thanks for your help MRX. That download site will be very handy. smile.gif

Posted by: Florin January 23, 2012 04:18 pm
Interested to fly one? smile.gif

Posted by: Radub January 23, 2012 05:23 pm
QUOTE (Florin @ January 23, 2012 04:18 pm)
Interested to fly one? smile.gif

The Il-2 flight simulator featured flyable I.A.R.80/81 many years ago as well as dedicated campaigns involving it.

Posted by: MRX February 01, 2012 09:13 pm
A beautiful picture with IAR-80, unfortunately with a low resolution.
user posted image

Posted by: Alanmccoubrey February 02, 2012 07:16 pm
I can't see the picture with your link.

Posted by: MRX February 02, 2012 08:09 pm
I solved the problem.


Posted by: Radub February 02, 2012 08:15 pm
QUOTE (MRX @ February 02, 2012 08:09 pm)
Linie montaj IAR-80
user posted image

link not working

Posted by: Ferdinand February 12, 2012 08:10 pm
Vintage IAR Wulf 180... smile.gif
->35cm wingspan
-massive aluminium propeller

user posted image

user posted image

Posted by: lancer21 February 12, 2012 10:50 pm
Makes you wonder, what's the story of this ? Where is it coming from and how old is it ? Is it from the war years? ohmy.gif

Posted by: Ferdinand February 13, 2012 02:53 pm
QUOTE (lancer21 @ February 12, 2012 10:50 pm)
Makes you wonder, what's the story of this ? Where is it coming from and how old is it ? Is it from the war years? ohmy.gif

It is original ww2 era for desk display. I also have the metal arm but i must build a console. cool.gif

Posted by: lancer21 February 13, 2012 08:34 pm
If that is the case, what if , just what if , what we're actually looking at is not badly made IAR-80ish model, but actually, an unknown project from IAR for an improvement / succesor to the 80! ?

If this model is indeed exactly what it looks like , and not a badly made 80, it "feels" like it's based on the 80 , the wings are similar and the tail surfaces are similar ( the rudder seem to be a tad bigger than the IAR-80 one , but it's the same general configuration -bigger , because of the more powerful engine and wide blade propeller?)

The rear fuselage looks like it's redesigned without the long fairing behind the canopy , while the canopy itself is very FWish indeed.

Finally these seems to be something like an intake right behind the engine between the ( suposedly) landing gear wheels.

Engine ? BMW-801? G-R14R ? IAR-1500? Who knows.

Well i know i'm probably seeing /inventing things where they arent, but what if ...just what if ?

Anyway this imho will be a great base for a what-if / fantasy IAR fighter ( much better and "realistic" than that IAR-88 thingie made a while back)

Speaking of IAR-80 projects , does anyone remember the Modelism 1989 article stating that in 1939 before the aircraft was launched into production there was a project for a Jumo-211D powered IAR-80, more streamlined and with a similar canopy to P-51D and P-47D (bubble). Where did the authors got that info ? How much truth is in it ?

Many thanks. smile.gif

Posted by: Ferdinand February 28, 2012 08:05 am
sorry for the late response LANCER...this is the canopy seen from above.

Posted by: lancer21 February 28, 2012 10:20 pm
Many thanks for the picture, i apreciate your reply Seeker. smile.gif
What are the (seemingly) engine cowling pieces from, btw?

Posted by: Ferdinand February 29, 2012 02:24 pm
body made out from wood, propeller aluminium.

Posted by: Florin August 26, 2012 06:10 pm
My understanding is that no original I.A.R. 80 exist today, and what we had near Baneasa airport, or what we have now in the aviation museum sponsored by the army, are 1 : 1 scale models made from scratch.
All I need is 4 words:
"Yes, you are right" (meaning no IAR 80 original cockpit and fuselage with engine in it exist today)
"No, you are wrong."

Thank you.

Posted by: Florin August 27, 2012 12:27 am
IAR-80 replicaAfter the Soviet occupation of Romania, within five years all remaining IAR 80s were scrapped and replaced with Soviet fighters. None of them is known to survive. An IAR 80 post war rebuilt after the fall of Communism and painted in its 1941–1944 original colors was shown at the Mihail Kogălniceanu airshow, near Constanţa. An IAR 80 can be found at the National Military Museum in Bucharest, which is a rebuild from IAR 80DC two-seat trainer parts."

Thank you, Wikipedia !

Posted by: Dénes August 27, 2012 05:15 am
QUOTE (Florin @ August 27, 2012 06:27 am)
"An IAR 80 can be found at the National Military Museum in Bucharest, which is a rebuild from IAR 80DC two-seat trainer parts."
Thank you, Wikipedia !

As usual, Wikipedia is not accurate.

That particular exhibit is also a full scale replica, not a rebuild, with a few original components included in it.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Radub August 27, 2012 09:13 am
Denes is right, the airframe in the Military Museum is a full-scale replica built in Brasov in the late-eighties. Some parts are original (engine parts, instruments, etc) so it is lilkely that a pressure gauge or spark plug cable was used on a "real" I.A.R.80 biggrin.gif
Both full-size replicas are inaccurate and neither feature correct colours or markings.

Posted by: warunasanjaya2727 August 31, 2012 05:42 pm
As usual, Wikipedia is not accurate.

That particular exhibit is also a full scale replica, not a rebuild, with a few original components included in it.

Gen. Dénes

Dénes,I have never seen inaccurate details given by wikipedia. My opinion is wikipedia do not make mistakes. Dénes, do you have irrefutable and undeniable proofs that wikipedia is inaccurate.

Anyway I found out a link which contains an ebook about IAR 80. I have post the link below. There is a high probability it can contain large amount of details about IAR 80.
I have not download the ebook.

Posted by: MMM August 31, 2012 06:29 pm
QUOTE (warunasanjaya2727 @ August 31, 2012 08:42 pm)
Dénes,I have never seen inaccurate details given by wikipedia.

Oh, the innocence! ohmy.gif My friend, please don't feel offended by what I'm going to tell you, but you are so wrong! Everybody can make an account (free of charge) on Wikipedia, and thus everyone with an account can create and modify pages. If the above-mentioned modificatins are too "flagrant", they will eventually be undone, but the fact that Wikipedia can be altered by anyone with a Net connection is undeniable!
On topic, now: download the book, look through it and then write some other thins in here!
Also, regardless of Wikipedia, there are on this forum a couple of guys with real, solid knowledge on the matter (not me, of course!); you could listen to their oppinions...

Posted by: Ferdinand November 26, 2012 11:15 am
Original WW2 cigarette ashtray RRAF.


Posted by: Ferdinand November 26, 2012 12:17 pm
After long search i found an original Notita Tehnica for Savoia-Marchetti bomber, IAR80's bigger brother, adopted by IAR factory.


Posted by: Ferdinand November 26, 2012 12:21 pm
and after looong came finnaly to hangar the IAR80 Notita Tehnica(service book).


Posted by: Ferdinand November 26, 2012 12:32 pm


Posted by: Ferdinand November 26, 2012 12:35 pm


Posted by: Radub November 26, 2012 05:27 pm
Very nice find!

Posted by: Ferdinand November 26, 2012 07:38 pm
QUOTE (Radub @ November 26, 2012 05:27 pm)
Very nice find!

Indeed! I love the way the pilot is being instructed how to fly this wonderfull aircraft.

"-ordona aducerea unui estinctor de mana

-ordona scoaterea calelor.
-constata buna functionare a comenzilor.
-pune pasul elicei la 12.

-trage motorul in plin si decoleaza.
-dupa deslipirea avionului de pe pamant:

-reda turajul motorului pt a avea boost 850mm HG si regland pasul elicei pt a avea 2300 de ture.



Posted by: horia November 26, 2012 08:27 pm
Nice find indeed. Please allow me to present some of my newests Notite tehnice:
Potez 25 - 1929 edition
Potez 25 - 1931 edition
Fleet F10 G
IAR 14
Argus engine
and my favoruite

Set 31,4 & 41 - not in very good condition but very beautiful.

Posted by: Ferdinand November 26, 2012 08:29 pm
QUOTE (horia @ November 26, 2012 08:27 pm)
Nice find indeed. Please allow me to present some of my newests Notite tehnice:
Potez 25 - 1929 edition
Potez 25 - 1931 edition
Fleet F10 G
IAR 14
Argus engine
and my favoruite

Set 31,4 & 41 - not in very good condition but very beautiful.

link cu forum code

Posted by: horia November 26, 2012 09:08 pm

Posted by: Ferdinand December 04, 2012 08:23 am
New member just arrived to join Group. Same molding techniques, unfinished, same scale, same details. Only difference is in tail wings.


Posted by: Ferdinand December 07, 2012 12:31 pm
QUOTE (lancer21 @ February 13, 2012 08:34 pm)

If this model is indeed exactly what it looks like , and not a badly made 80, it "feels"  like it's based on the 80 , the wings are similar and the tail surfaces are similar ( the rudder seem to be a tad bigger than the IAR-80 one , but it's the same general configuration -bigger , because of the more powerful engine and wide blade propeller?)

actually it is a IAR80 model, made from Technical book plans.


Posted by: Ferdinand December 07, 2012 12:34 pm
After long time it returned from ASAM Bucarest IAR 80 Nr 1 ....unfortunatelly the mechanics there didn't mount the VDM propeller.


Posted by: Radub December 07, 2012 03:12 pm
Please tell me you did not "clean it"! ohmy.gif
Removing the original patina removes about 80% of the value.

Posted by: Ferdinand December 07, 2012 11:30 pm
QUOTE (Radub @ December 07, 2012 03:12 pm)
Please tell me you did not "clean it"!  ohmy.gif
Removing the original patina removes about 80% of the value.

No Radu! The green one is wood and the other is aluminium or metal chromed.


Posted by: Ferdinand April 09, 2013 08:07 pm
new member joined the crew. chromed metal with bronze base. model is aprox 13cm long.

keep looking!


Posted by: Ferdinand August 03, 2013 09:20 am
New member joined Brasov Flotila. But comming to land....the pilot of IAR80 nr 217 broke the right wheel.


Made of fiberglass(i think) arround 1985-1990's. 45 cm wingspan!

Posted by: Florin August 04, 2013 03:23 pm
QUOTE (seeker @ November 26, 2012 07:32 am)


When you have time, can you show to us some pages with technical drawings from inside the booklet,
if possible ?

Posted by: Radub August 04, 2013 08:24 pm
There are few technical drawings in this book, they tend to be mostly diagrams of systems (fuel system, hydraulic system, electrical system, oil system, etc). The drawings are very stylised and schematic. There are some photos of some areas of interest (cockpit, fire extinguisher, oil cooler, fuel tanks, etc), but the book is very text-heavy. Irrespective of that, t is a very valuable resource if you want to know how the plane worked.

Posted by: Florin August 06, 2013 02:44 am
The old technical books have their unique charm. It is fascinating to see how intelligent people solved problems with what they had available in their time, with solutions that were many times different of what we use today.

Posted by: Radub August 06, 2013 08:04 am
Indeed, in this particular book there are some technical terms and language that are obsolete by today's standard but the text is very interesting nevertheless.
I had the opportunity to see three of these books and each one of them is unique because the mchanics used to adnotate them. The I.A.R.80 was constantly changed throughout its life but this book stayed the same all the way through, so the mechanics "updated" the book by hand. wink.gif

Posted by: Ferdinand August 10, 2013 08:31 am
QUOTE (Florin @ August 04, 2013 03:23 pm)
When you have time, can you show to us some pages with technical drawings from inside the booklet,
if possible ?

Sorry for the delay....

and so on for 200+pages...i didn't count them


Posted by: Ferdinand August 10, 2013 08:33 am
and the condition of my hangar with fighters stored...


Posted by: Alexandru C. August 10, 2013 11:21 am
Interesting info and nice escadrille you have! smile.gif

Posted by: Ferdinand November 07, 2013 09:58 pm

Just returned from misson. smile.gif
Original color.

Posted by: Ferdinand July 24, 2014 07:15 pm
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