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Posted by: muggs August 19, 2012 11:41 pm
Hello all,

i am interested if by any chance someone has photos of He-111's of KG 27 stationed on Focsani airfield in July 1941, or nearby periods.

Posted by: Dénes August 20, 2012 08:16 am
In my book, From Barbarossa to Odessa, vol. 1, page 67, there are two photos and a colour profile of 1G+GL of 3./KG 27, photographed on Focsani-South airfield, in June 1941.

If you don't have access to the book, I will try to scan the page for you.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: muggs August 20, 2012 08:40 am
Many thanks indeed Denes, just checked it from the shelf as i'm at home now, this weekend me and some friends discovered the crash site of one of the He-111's stationed there, i will make a full thread in the next months as there's very interesting info regarding to it to tell, we even found an eye witness that was 9 years old at the time !

Unfortunately the site albeit a bit remote was looted throughout the years extensively...and i quote "Ţiganii fãceau fãraşe din aluminiul fuselajului" ...

Posted by: warunasanjaya2727 September 01, 2012 04:43 pm
Many thanks indeed Denes, just checked it from the shelf as i'm at home now, this weekend me and some friends discovered the crash site of one of the He-111's stationed there, i will make a full thread in the next months as there's very interesting info regarding to it to tell, we even found an eye witness that was 9 years old at the time !

Unfortunately the site albeit a bit remote was looted throughout the years extensively...and i quote "Ţiganii fãceau fãraşe din aluminiul fuselajului" ...

Muggs,I like to see your thread which will contain the interesting information of crashed He-111. Please write details you get from the eye witness in the above thread too.

Posted by: muggs September 01, 2012 05:55 pm
Sure thing, maybe in a month or so we'll be back on site, there's a lot of vegetation now which obstructs the detectors and our exploration.

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