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Posted by: leonardus April 19, 2004 08:29 am
Do you know precisely what airplanes in romanian service, from the all the list of, where consacrated ground attack aircraft ?
I know only 2,3: the IAR 81 (all models ?), and the Ju 88.


Posted by: Von Maybach April 19, 2004 08:44 am
You forgot the famous Ju-87 "Stuka"...

Posted by: Bernard Miclescu April 19, 2004 11:23 am
At the beggining of the first campaign the He 112 B2 were used as ground attack fighter. Then the Potez 633 were used for ground attack.
In the Stalingrad campaign, beside the Potez 633, ARR used the obsolete PZL 23 Karas. But I do not remeber precisely if it was used for ground attack or dive bomber or simply bomber...

For ground attack i think that the most known Romanian air plane was the Hs 129 B2.


Posted by: Victor April 19, 2004 03:33 pm
In 1941:
5th Fighter Group
He-112B fighter-bomber

6th Mixed Bomber Group
IAR-37 light bomber
P.23B light bomber

The 8th Fighter Group conducted only two dive bombing missions with the several IAR-81s it received that year.

6th Fighter Group
IAR-81 dive bomber

3rd Bomber Group
IAR-37 light bomber
P. 23B light bomber
Potez 633 light bomber

3rd Dive Bomber Group

8th Assault Group

3rd and 6th Dive Bomber Groups

8th Assault Group

4th Fighter Group

Posted by: Dénes April 19, 2004 07:18 pm
Do you know precisely what airplanes in romanian service, from the all the list of, where consacrated ground attack aircraft ?

In ARR service there was only one aircraft type specialized in ground attack, namely the Henschel Hs 129B-2, active between 1943 and 1945.

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