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Click here to view this topic in its original format Forum > ARR - Romanian Royal Aeronautics > REQ:Pics of IAR 471

Posted by: Vuk April 02, 2006 10:38 pm
I´m hoping that someone here has a picture or link to a picture of the IAR 471

Posted by: Dénes April 03, 2006 12:04 am
No photo of the I.A.R. 471 prototype is known to exist.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Vuk April 03, 2006 12:45 am
Do you know if there are any accurate drawings made?

Posted by: Iamandi April 03, 2006 02:30 pm
It is this IAR 471 the same prototype with IAR 47?


Posted by: Vuk April 03, 2006 03:09 pm
QUOTE (Iamandi @ Apr 3 2006, 02:30 PM)
It is this IAR 471 the same prototype with IAR 47?


No, the IAR 471 was a fully modern twoseat divebomber with a DB605A engine. It was supposed to replace the Ju87D in Romanian service.

Posted by: Iamandi April 04, 2006 05:35 am
Denes, if you know more about that, please tell us some details about this plane. If is no picture, maybe some drawings? Or some technicall details?



Posted by: George April 04, 2006 05:02 pm
Durring the bombardment of IAR-Brasov the wings of a new dive bomber prototype where destroyed,a double empennage unit survived.Nothing about fuselage or engine.Could be this one?

Posted by: Dénes April 04, 2006 05:37 pm
The following text is quoted from "On Three Fronts - Romania's Aircraft Industry during World War Two" by Mark Axworthy, published in Air Enthusiast #56 (Winter 1994).

The IAR-81 had not proved a great success as an improvised dive bomber and experience with the IAR-47 showed that the IAR 14K would not be up to the demands of powering a full-sized dive bomber. Thus by early 1943 the Romanians still lacked an effective ground support aircraft
[Note: the efficient and performant Henschel Hs 129 ground attack airplane was already planned to equip the would be Grupul 8 asalt. The Author probably was referring to the Ju 87, however. D.B.]. In November 1942 IAR had at last secured a license for the manufacture of the German DB 605 engine and planning now centred on this powerplant. On January 16, 1943, a new dive bomber project, the IAR-471, was commissioned which was to be powered by the DB 605. Although the Germans lent Romania numerous Stukas from mid-1943, they would not sell any. Therefore, the design of the IAR-471 was perservered with for reasons of self-sufficiency.

Despite its designation, the IAR-471 bore little resemblance to the smaller IAR-47 and was essentially a different aircraft. It was designed with a superior performance to the Stuka, much helped by the retractable undercarriage, but a lighter bomb load, and on May 7, 1944, the Stuka's two underwing 37mm cannons were ordered to be included in its specifcation. It was planned to order 100 IAR-471s and 136 engines from IAR in 1944/1945, but IAR was in the throes of dispersing its factories and beginning production of the Bf 109G and declared itself incapable of simultaneously producing the IAR-471. This halted the project even before Romania's defection to the Allies in August. No prototype flew."

"IAR-471 Specification (Estimated)
Powerplant: One 1,475hp (1,100kW) Daimler-Benz DB 605 piston engine
Performance: Maximum speed 304 mph (490 km/h). Service ceiling 26,250ft (8,000m).
Weight: (without bomb load) 9,479lb (4,300kg).
Dimensions: Span 45ft 10in (14m). Wing area 312 sq ft (29 sq m).
Armament: One 20mm MG151 cannon firing through the airscrew spinner, two wing mounted 7.92mm machine guns, two 7.92mm machine guns on flexible twin mount in rear cockpit. One 1,100lb (500kg) bomb or one 550lb (250kg) and two 220lb (100kg) bombs."
[Note: the aforementioned two underwing 37mm cannon are missing from the spec's. D.B.]

There was no illustration of the IAR-471 provided in the article.

Hope this helps.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Iamandi April 05, 2006 06:53 am
Thank you, Denes!

But, nothing like a drawing or blue prints from archive? Nothing like an artist impression, something like at


Posted by: lancer21 September 04, 2010 11:04 pm
Hello everyone , new romanian member here returning after some years, good to be back.

I'll have to say that this remarcable IAR-471 is one of my weak spots together with IAR-80 with DB engines and IAR-47. Hopefully more information will surface about it ...

Now as to the aircraft itself , i would totally speculate and say that logically, the name being the giveaway , this project must be at least based on IAR-47 ...probably IAR designers added the DB-605A engine, longer span wings , twin tails for good field of fire for the gunner etc ...i'm trying to imagine how would it look starting from the few IAR-47 pics i've seen , plus mr. Axworthy's drawing ...unfortunately my attemps at a sketch failed , i lack the necesary talent! sad.gif

But still i think adding these details ( the twin tails and long span wings ) and a nose similar to the one of the DB powered IAR-81C prototype ( of which a wonderful profile is in the IAR-80 TMA book, by mr.Antoniu and Cicos), i think a reasonable provisional drawing of IAR-471 would result...

My 2 pence ( and my imagination flying out of control!)

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