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Click here to view this topic in its original format Forum > ARR - Romanian Royal Aeronautics > Air Raid on Tarnopol, May 1944

Posted by: markr January 10, 2004 05:20 am
Good evening everyone!

Am trying to get information regarding the Hungarian air attack on Tarnopol (Ukraine) Railway Center in May 1944.

What was the date of the attack, what unit(s) involved, what were
the results of the raid?

I believe the unit was the Hungarian, Ju 88-equipped 102/1 Bomber
Squadron, but not certain. Squadron Leader Imre Homera ?

Have been able to find very little from other sources, so now inquiring here...

Thank you in advance!


Posted by: Dénes January 10, 2004 05:49 am
This is a Rumanian military forum, not a Hungarian smile.gif

Although I don't have any details on the specific bombing mission you mentioned (I'd need the mission's day), I can confirm that indeed the Commanding Officer of the Ju 88A-equipped 102/1. bombázószázad (102/1st Bomber Squadron) was százados Imre Homér.
On June 1, the squadron had only 4 serviceable Ju 88As, based on Zamosc airfield, Poland.
I cross posted your query on my forum, too, in the hope that someone else migth have the requested details:

Posted by: markr January 11, 2004 03:36 am
2nd LT Denes,

Thanks very much for your help, and I apologize regarding use of this

I have been interested, for some time, in operations and exploits of Romanian, Hungarian and Finnish Air Forces during World War II.

Have found great information regarding the Romanian and Finnish Air
Forces, but little regarding Hungary.

Best regards,


Posted by: Dénes January 11, 2004 04:23 am
There are at least three English language books dealing with the Hungarian Air Force in W.W. 2, namely the ones published by Squadron/Signal, Hikoki and Osprey.
All three titles bear the mark of György Punka.
I recommend checking out these first.

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