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Click here to view this topic in its original format Forum > Biographical Research > Capt T.C.D Russell Royal Scotts Guard Buried Ruman

Posted by: yugit October 06, 2011 07:02 pm
All :

For my UK connections I am searching a photo and
any update that may be known on Captain T.D.C ( SOE)
Russell murdered by his Serbian guard who guided
him into Rumania during Ops Autonomous on Sept 1943.

Sofar the Brits and Royal Scotts Guard are refusing to
release any info on Captain Russells fate and it all remains
classified until further notice.

In the mean time there are rumours that the money
and gold sent by the British Government for Maniu
( worth exceeding 1'ooo oooo LB) which was stollen
by his Serbian guide was recovered by Titos gov.
but yet still classified as missing

Any updating info will be greatly appreciated

I am attaching a grave photo and Porter who was an OSE operative
captured in Rumania.


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