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Click here to view this topic in its original format Forum > Biographical Research > Captain Gheorghe Florescu

Posted by: ronnie August 27, 2012 02:06 pm
Hello camerazi! Who can tell me what did Captain J.Florescu get his Order of Michael the Brave for? Maybe somebody knows his biography or can give the link.

Thank you in advance.
"Captain Gheorghe Florescu, commander of the 6th Cavalry Division's mechanized squadron."

Posted by: Mihai Popteanu August 27, 2012 06:29 pm
Royal Decree no. 445/12.02.1942 published in the book " Ordinul Militar de Razboi Mihai Viteazu" - author Col. Eugen Ichim, page 139 :

" ...................................................................................................
35. Capitanului Florescu I. Gheorghe din Regimentul 9 Rosiori " Regina Elena "
" Pentru bravura, calmul si priceperea cu care si-a condus escadronul in luptele de la Adamovitcha , pe timpul de la 29 septembrie -3 octombrie 1941, reusind sa cucereasca si sa mentina obiectivul ordonat , respingand rand pe rand , furioasele contraatacuri inamice. Cu acelasi avant a condus escadronul sau , in luptele de la Obitoschnaja din zilelel de 8-10 Octombrie 1941, contribuind la incercuirea inamicului , care a lasat numerosi prizonieri si armament pe teren. "

Posted by: ronnie August 27, 2012 07:00 pm
Multumesc frumos!!!

Posted by: warunasanjaya2727 August 31, 2012 04:14 pm
Royal Decree no. 445/12.02.1942 published in the book " Ordinul Militar de Razboi Mihai Viteazu" - author Col. Eugen Ichim, page 139 :

According to above description Col. Eugen Ichim is the author of that. I wanna know did "Editura Jertfă & Modelism" publish that book?. Also from where can I buy that "Ordinul militar de război Mihai Viteazul" book in USA?. Someone please help me.

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