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Posted by: bogdansavu2001 March 06, 2006 03:50 pm
Hello to everybody

I am looking for supplementary information on Colonel Emanuel (Emanoil?) Lang.
The main information I possess on the topic until now
_Served in the Romanian Army in the 2nd regiment "pontonieri" (pontoon builders!?) perharps as the CO
_Participated in the operations at Stalingrad
_Was awarded at some moment an Eisernkreutz (most likely a 2nd class medal)
_ Forced to retire from the army in the late 40'
_ Died in the late 50' or early 60' in the town of Bacau
If anyone could add some more information or direct me to some useful link in that purpose I would much appreciate. Thanks!

Posted by: bogdansavu2001 March 23, 2006 07:33 pm
I am adding 2 pictures of colonel Emanuel Lang. One is a snapshot in which he may be seen wearing the EisernKreutz. The second is another snapshot taken at some moment at Stalingrad.

Posted by: bogdansavu2001 March 23, 2006 07:50 pm

Posted by: Victor March 24, 2006 07:04 am
He is wearing both the 2nd and the 1st class of the Iron Cross.

Posted by: bogdansavu2001 March 24, 2006 11:03 am
Was this the rule, I mean if you had been awarded 2 classes of the same award you had to wear them simultaneously ?

Posted by: Victor March 24, 2006 12:50 pm
Not necessarily. In the case of the Iron Cross, when wearing the 2nd and 1st classes (or the 2nd, 1st and the Ritterkreuz), the 2nd class was usually represented by its ribbon placed near the tunic's buttons, as it can be noticed in the photo you posted.

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