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Click here to view this topic in its original format Forum > Biographical Research > Who do you think is the most loyal Romanian general?

Posted by: Republican Guard August 02, 2003 08:37 pm
My vote goes to Hugo Schwab. Since he was of German descendance, you can imagine what his fate would've been if he was captured. Instead of going back to Germany he committed suicide. sad.gif He also wasn't very fond of Jaenecke which kept wrongfully blaming Romanian troops for some failues in the south but Mr. Schwab always came forward to contradict Jaenecke. laugh.gif Was he married? Did he have any sons or daughters?

Posted by: Geto-Dacul August 02, 2003 11:29 pm
You can edit your post and make a poll of it!!! Generals Petre Dumitrescu and Radu Korne were very loyal too! They were dismissed by the king after 30 August!

Posted by: mihai August 03, 2003 02:25 am
Generals Petre Dumitrescu and Radu Korne were very loyal too! They were dismissed by the king after 30 August!

I think so.
General Petre Dumitrescu was best loyal person.

Posted by: Victor August 03, 2003 01:12 pm
Loyal to whom?

You can edit your post and make a poll of it!!! Generals Petre Dumitrescu and Radu Korne were very loyal too! They were dismissed by the king after 30 August!

And the pressures made by the Soviets to do this had of course nothing to do with it. :roll:

Posted by: Geto-Dacul August 03, 2003 03:56 pm
Victor wrote :

Loyal to whom?

We could say loyal to the Germano-Romanian brotherhood in arms! biggrin.gif
Maybe loyal to Antonescu...

Posted by: Victor August 03, 2003 07:10 pm

We could say loyal to the Germano-Romanian brotherhood in arms! biggrin.gif  

Which generally did not exist.

Posted by: mihai August 10, 2003 04:24 am
Loyal to whom?:

I think it's word"Loyal" means loyal to Romania.

In this case, Was the Conducator loyal to her?

I think he was loyal to her.
But,Nobady would help from chaos situation in Romania

In Romnaian history,What the Conducator describe?

Was he traiter ?


Posted by: allanteo667 August 23, 2003 05:53 pm
In my opinion, the Conducator always did what he thought best for the country, even if now the officials (Elie Wiesel) struggles ro take all of his statues down and change the names of the streets carrying his name... :shock:

As for the most loyal general, what do you think about gen Nicolae Dascalescu ?

Posted by: Bernard Miclescu September 20, 2003 02:15 pm
It exist a book about general Dascalescu written by his son I think. He ws a great general like the others (Dumitrescu, Mociulschi, Korne, Sova)

I have a paradoxal impression about general Lascar. Untill nov-dec 1942 he was one of the best romanian troop leader. Till then he done his job very well (appreciated even by feldmarshall von Manstein) but after his capture by the russians near the Don river he became the commander in 1945 of the division "Horia Closca and Crisan" formed by former romanian prisoners in URSS. I think he was a normal romanian soldier and citizen... his grave is at Bellu cimetery at Bucharest.

Posted by: Victor September 21, 2003 06:07 am
[quote]It exist a book about general Dascalescu written by his son I think. [/quote]

It's the son of one of his nieces. He was never married (well, except to the army) anf had no children.

Posted by: mihai September 22, 2003 06:34 am

[quote][quote]It exist a book about general Dascalescu written by his son I think. [/quote]

It's the son of one of his nieces. He was never married (well, except to the army) anf had no children.[/quote]
Ion Antonescu had was married, Did he had a children?


Posted by: Geto-Dacul September 22, 2003 12:56 pm
mihai wrote :

[quote]Ion Antonescu had was married, Did he had a children?

Marshal Antonescu had no children.


Posted by: Bernard Miclescu September 22, 2003 08:14 pm
I think that Antonesc was married. Isn't it? On the cover of the book "Procesul maresalului Antonescu" vol 3 he is shown near a lady. I suppose that the woman in the picture was his wife, but i'm not sure.


Posted by: inahurry September 22, 2003 09:32 pm
Marshal's Ion Antonescu first wife was Rasela Mendel ( a French Jew as a couple of very anti-Antonescu sites hurry to mention before hurrying even more to notice how anti-Semitic he was :? ). His second wife was Maria nee Niculescu (died in 1964). For Maria Antonescu this was her third marriage after her first husband died and she divorced a certain Guillaume Fueller (could this one be a French Jew also? ). And as it goes I was wondering if this is the place to mention the important writer and excellent translator from French language, Romulus Vulpescu, president of "Marshal's Antonescu League", whose mother was also a Jew while his father was a Romanian officer.

Posted by: Der Maresal September 30, 2003 02:34 pm
Korne ... the Pro-German! biggrin.gif

Posted by: Florin September 30, 2003 03:13 pm
[quote] Generals Petre Dumitrescu and Radu Korne were very loyal too! They were dismissed by the king after 30 August![/quote]

According to what do I know, general Radu Korne was arrested by NKVD in 1944, taken to Soviet Union, and never seen again.

Are here any other opinions/information about that?


Posted by: Der Maresal September 30, 2003 08:14 pm
Radu Korne died in a Siberian gulag already suffering from the intense cold and disease, and being kicked or beaten by a Gypsy. :?

Ask Geto-Dacul, he knows the whole story. He will tell you.

Posted by: Florin October 01, 2003 03:29 am
...Ask Geto-Dacul, he knows the whole story. He will tell you.


Thank you for your answer.
Maybe Mr. Geto-Dac is waiting to get first some replies to his answers to my posts.
I don't know when I'll have time for that. Many matters are complex, and proper answers will take hours to write. I'll see...

Posted by: Dénes October 07, 2003 04:04 pm
Here's a photo of Gens. Racovita and Korne on the battlefield (photo found on eBay):
user posted image


Posted by: Geto-Dacul October 08, 2003 05:24 pm
Dénes wrote :

Here's a photo of Gens. Racovita and Korne on the battlefield (photo found on eBay):

Do you have the item #? Because I think that this auction has ended...

Florin wrote :

Maybe Mr. Geto-Dac is waiting to get first some replies to his answers to my posts.

Korne was arrested on October 21st 1944 and send to the Bucharest's Military Headquarters prison until February 1945, when he was fixed in domiciliu fortat. The "People's Tribunal" studied his case during 1945-46 and found him NOT guilty. On March 24, 1948 he was arrested a second time for "conspiracy against the State's security", and send at Jilava. On 18th April 1949, after being beaten by a Gypsy guardian to death, he was send at Central Hospital nr.1 of the Vacaresti Prison, were he died 10 days later.

Posted by: Dénes October 08, 2003 06:30 pm
Do you have the item #? Because I think that this auction has ended...

Sorry, I did not note the item no. Anyhow, bidding started at 20,00 Euros - way too much for me.
Our "colleague", (King) Mihai buys all this stuff...


Posted by: Geto-Dacul October 08, 2003 09:51 pm
Dénes wrote :

Sorry, I did not note the item no. Anyhow, bidding started at 20,00 Euros - way too much for me.  
Our \"colleague\", (King) Mihai buys all this stuff...  

"Mesjah" always starts his auctions at 20 Euros... I wonder how he managed to acquire those photos...


Posted by: Dénes October 08, 2003 10:02 pm
\"Mesjah\" always starts his auctions at 20 Euros... I wonder how he managed to acquire those photos...

Since Pan Wolf lives in Western Poland, he can easily go to Eastern Germany and buy antics from the flea market, etc.


Posted by: Geto-Dacul October 08, 2003 10:37 pm
Logical indeed... :wink:


Posted by: mabadesc October 11, 2003 11:25 am
Just wondering, what's so special about those pictures being sold on ebay? What makes people pay money for them?
I just found at least 50 8x10 (inches) original pics - not copies - some going back to King Ferdinand's coronation in Alba Iulia, most from WWII.

They're very interesting, but I just don't see why people would collect them or pay money for them.

Can someone clue me in on this passion?

Posted by: Bernard Miclescu October 11, 2003 05:44 pm
Well, I think that the historians needs those photos for research duties. In my case I don't know how the general Korne looks... So it is normal that people like Denes Bernad , Cristian Craciunoiu etc will try to buy it hoping that one day those photos will be published.

For King Mihai it's also normal. He is part of the history and he has the priority: he knew all those persons. I only hope that those photos to be published in the future.

Yours, BM

Posted by: mabadesc October 13, 2003 03:47 pm
Thanks, I guess it's starting to make sense. Are you saying though that King Michael himself is actually surfing ebay and buying pictures? Just curious, what's his ebay username?

Posted by: zarull October 14, 2003 08:57 pm
if you want to see how the romanian generals just play Heart of Iron! The game has a lot of pic of romanian generals from all the military!

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