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Posted by: C-2 October 04, 2005 07:54 pm
The chief test of IAR Brasov after the tragical death of Pufi Popescu (who colided over Pipera with Maj Hornik.

Posted by: C-2 October 04, 2005 07:59 pm
All photos courtesy Dr Serban Dutescu.

Posted by: C-2 October 04, 2005 08:23 pm
Working on a plane...

Posted by: Dénes October 04, 2005 08:24 pm
Nice thread, C-2.
A quick quiz: what type of airplane is 'Dudu' Frim working on?

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: C-2 October 04, 2005 08:31 pm
Nardi I belive.

Posted by: Cantacuzino October 04, 2005 08:32 pm
Nice thread, C-2.
A quick quiz: what type of airplane is 'Dudu' Frim working on?

Gen. Dénes

It could be Nardi ?? ( by the landing gear)

Posted by: Dénes October 04, 2005 08:41 pm
Nardi I belive.

Yes, that's what I think. A Nardi F.N. 305-II.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: C-2 October 04, 2005 08:45 pm
Can I get some help about his awards and ww2 vict.?

Posted by: Dénes October 04, 2005 08:48 pm
QUOTE (C-2 @ Oct 5 2005, 02:45 AM)
Can I get some help about his awards and ww2 vict.?

Well, he died before the war on East started, so he couldn't have any air victories.
BTW, Victor is good with the awards.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: C-2 October 04, 2005 08:48 pm
Frim has participate in a lot of bobslade competitions,before and after the war.
Even in winter olimpic games.
Durind those turnaments,he had several accidents and lost a lot of teeths.
He was wearing dental prothesis.

Posted by: C-2 October 04, 2005 08:49 pm
QUOTE (Dénes @ Oct 4 2005, 08:48 PM)
QUOTE (C-2 @ Oct 5 2005, 02:45 AM)
Can I get some help about his awards and ww2 vict.?

Well, he died before the war on East started, so he couldn't have any air victories.
BTW, Victor is good with the awards.

Gen. Dénes

He died in the late 80's....
He also flew a captured B 24...

Posted by: Cantacuzino October 04, 2005 08:52 pm
Well, he died before the war on East started, so he couldn't have any air victories.

Denes . You are talking about Pufi Popescu ( not Dudu)?

Posted by: C-2 October 04, 2005 08:55 pm
I belive he does.

Posted by: Cantacuzino October 04, 2005 09:11 pm
Can I get some help about his awards and ww2 vict.?

He had an B-24 shot down on 6 may '44. He was awarded with Virtutea militara clasa "Crucea de aur cu spade" in spring '45

Posted by: Dénes October 04, 2005 11:49 pm
QUOTE (C-2 @ Oct 5 2005, 01:54 AM)
The chief test of IAR Brasov after the tragical death of Pufi Popescu (who colided over Pipera with Maj Hornik.

That's why I was talking of 'Pufi' Popescu. Sorry for the mishap.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Victor October 05, 2005 02:09 pm
QUOTE (Cantacuzino @ Oct 4 2005, 11:11 PM)
He was awarded with  Virtutea militara clasa "Crucea de aur cu spade" in spring '45

I assume you are referring to the Virtutea Aeronautica, not the Virtutea Militara. He was awarded the Virtutea Aeronautica Order with swords Gold Cross class by Royal Decree No. 1952/20 October 1944, not in the spring of 1945.

C-2, please don't use the flash when photographing pictures and don't forget to use the Macro Mode when placing the camera colse to the picture.

Posted by: Cantacuzino October 05, 2005 03:03 pm
QUOTE (Cantacuzino @ Oct 4 2005, 11:11 PM)
He was awarded with  Virtutea militara clasa "Crucea de aur cu spade" in spring '45 

I assume you are referring to the Virtutea Aeronautica, not the Virtutea Militara. He was awarded the Virtutea Aeronautica Order with swords Gold Cross class by Royal Decree No. 1952/20 October 1944, not in the spring of 1945.

Yes Victor you'right. I took the info from Marandiuc book wich is outdated.

Posted by: C-2 October 06, 2005 07:23 pm
Dudu Frin in a IAR 80.

Posted by: Victor October 07, 2005 01:51 pm
The Jaguar photo was attrocious. For the second time: use the macro function of the camera when taking photos up close. Otherwise they turn up too blury. Please take another photo of it and repost it.

Posted by: C-2 October 08, 2005 06:17 pm

I want to tell the story of this car.
This Jaguar SS was given as a gift to King MIhai by the representant of the English cars in Romania in the late 30's.
After the IAR factory repaired a B 24,and made him flyable,Dudu frim took MIhai for a short fly.After the trip,Dudu Frim asked MIhai to buy the car from him.
Mihai accepted,and the car was sold to Frim.

Posted by: Victor October 09, 2005 06:19 am
Can't you make a better photo?

Posted by: C-2 October 09, 2005 03:00 pm
I have the original,I'll post a better one soon.

Posted by: Victor October 09, 2005 03:58 pm
Thank you.

Posted by: C-2 October 09, 2005 06:07 pm
The B 24 undergoing repairs.

Posted by: C-2 October 19, 2005 08:42 pm
Dudu Frim was the chief test pilot at the IAR factory.
He made settings to the IAR 37,38,39,80,81,47.
And all twin eangine planes under Italien license;Savoia Marchetti YRS 79B.
World champion at bobslade 2 pers.

Born at Ramnicu Sarat 9 Mar. 1908.
THe son of Frim Constantin ,an army oficer,born in Botosani,and Alexandrina Frim-a relative of Alexandru Ioan Cuza.
He's childhood was in Bacau,where he went to hight school.
In the summer vacantion ,between 5-6 grade he got a mechanic diploma.
In 1924-profetional driving licence.
1927 student at the Politehnica Buc. where he did olso his military service in the ARR 1930.
1929 -first flight,with an instructor.
1931-Pilot licence.

More to come...

Posted by: Dénes October 19, 2005 11:02 pm
Alexandru 'Dudu' Frim was also an accomplished sports flyer. For example, he won the Cup of Brasov Aero-Club on 19 July 1939 - reportedly not without controversy and only after long debates about rules and regulations.
The same year, he also won the 'Grand Prix of Sports Aviation'.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: C-2 November 06, 2005 04:19 pm
Over 6000 fly hours.
48 dif.type of airplanes.
600 dif planes.

in 1939,together with adj.Chifulescu,he brought to Romania the first 4 Savoia bombers .
On the 6.Iuin 44 ,when thr IAR factory was bombed by tha USAF,he took off alone and claimed a B 17.
Between 1938-1954-he was also a race car driver (Ford Jaguar and Alfa Romeo).

Posted by: C-2 November 06, 2005 04:21 pm
I'm writing all those details from his memoires.
Only that he has a lausy hand write (but better then mine)...

Posted by: Dénes November 06, 2005 05:29 pm
QUOTE (C-2 @ Nov 6 2005, 10:19 PM)
600 dif planes.

What does this exactly mean?

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: C-2 November 06, 2005 05:31 pm
I'll explain;
For example 87 IAR 80,41-IAR 81,12 SM, etc etc...

Posted by: C-2 November 07, 2005 09:59 am
A very young pilot.

Posted by: C-2 November 07, 2005 06:01 pm
The diploma was given to Frim at 75.
Among the signature there are Nadia Russo,Sorin Tulea ,Ioan Dicezare and others.

Posted by: C-2 November 07, 2005 06:03 pm
I have changhed the photo of the Jaguar SS with a better one...

Posted by: R. Plehinger November 07, 2005 07:28 pm
In October of 1934 Frim, with Vasile Dimitrescu, was making plans for a flight from

Bucharest to Sydney, Australia and return. The plane to be used was the I.A.R.24,

YR-ACI, 340hp Gnome Rhone 7Kd. Did they ever complete (or even start) this

flight? If so, does anyone know the exact dates? Needed--the dates of birth and

death for Vasile Dimitrescu and the exact date of Frim's death.

Posted by: C-2 November 07, 2005 07:51 pm
The date of Frim's death,I cannot tell yet,since nobody of his friends knows exactly.
The dates about the flyight to Australia,it will take me ages to find.
Like I already wrote,his hand write is very read...
Maybee some of the guys know also some details.

Posted by: C-2 November 07, 2005 07:53 pm
A part of his awards.

Posted by: C-2 November 07, 2005 10:29 pm
Together with car race champion Petre Cristea,they tested the Renault 12 that was transformed into the national car -Dacia 1300.

Was the first Romanian pilot to fly the BAC 111.

Posted by: Dénes November 08, 2005 12:35 am
Certainly, he was a remarkable man with an outstanding career. A book detailing his life-long exploits would be more than welcome and would certainly be a success.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: C-2 November 08, 2005 11:53 am
Another photo of Dudu Frim.

Posted by: C-2 November 08, 2005 01:15 pm
QUOTE (Dénes @ Nov 8 2005, 12:35 AM)
Certainly, he was a remarkable man with an outstanding career. A book detailing his life-long exploits would be more than welcome and would certainly be a success.

Gen. Dénes

And written by who????
Craciunoiu???? smile.gif

Posted by: C-2 November 09, 2005 12:39 pm
In the German newspaper "Der Bild" a story about Dudu Frim 1972,age 64.
Weltmeister in Engelberg.
Weltmeister=World champion.

Posted by: C-2 November 09, 2005 10:22 pm
Another photo from Der Bild.

Posted by: C-2 November 10, 2005 08:18 pm
Frim in the late 50's.

Posted by: C-2 November 10, 2005 08:32 pm
For a few days I"m trying to fing Frim's date of death .
NOBODY knows!
I made a lot of phone calls.
I called even Martha Greceanu and Mariana Dragescu.
All I heard was that they don;t know.
Dan Stoian is the last hope,only that he's out of town.
Mariana Dragesu told me that Frim "Could fly any type of plane,at any weather at day or night.."
Once she flew with him in a Savoia plane from the "Stepa Kalmuca".
She told me how the mechanics from IAR have repaired a B 24 who was force landed on a field.Frim took off from the field and took the plane to the IAR factory "as he was doing this all his life.."

Posted by: Dénes November 10, 2005 09:23 pm
QUOTE (C-2 @ Nov 11 2005, 02:32 AM)
She told me how the mechanics from IAR have repaired a B 24 who was force landed on a field.Frim took off from the field and took the plane to the IAR factory "as he was doing this all his life.."

Actually, it was a German test pilot, Hptm. Hans-Werner Lerche, who lifted the repaired B-24D off the cornfield and flew it to the closest airfield with a suitable runway, which was Zilistea. It was only then when Frim took over the controls and flew the bomber to Brasov.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: C-2 November 10, 2005 09:31 pm
Well Mariana Dragescu is almost 90...
I quess we can forgive her smile.gif

Posted by: Dénes November 10, 2005 09:46 pm
It's not her age. The story, as told by Ms. Dragescu, was published before in Modelism, too.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: C-2 November 10, 2005 09:50 pm
Frim with friends in front of a mountain cabin.
(second from the right).
First from the left (sitting) Sorin Tulea.

Posted by: C-2 November 12, 2005 10:13 pm
I still cannot find the date if death of Dudu Frim.
Nobody knows.
I tried everywhere.
The last way to find out is a friend in the police.

Posted by: C-2 November 13, 2005 08:03 pm
Some new material about Frim from Dicesare.
Acording to him ,sometimes before WW2,Frim and another pilot,buit an airplane in order to break some record.
They flew from Romania to West Europa.
They landed in Budapest,party all night,and the next day,cont.their jurney.
Over the Austrian Alps,the weather took a dramatic change and a storm started.
The eangine stopped and visibility was 0.
Frim bailed out,but the other guy was too drunk ,and chrashed with the plane.
Any more details are welcomed.

Posted by: Dénes November 13, 2005 08:09 pm
I believe this is the incident you're referring to:

31-Dec-34 I.A.R. 24+ YR-? ing.pil. Alex. “Dudu” Frim, navigator + Padurea Neagra (Germ.) acc. (Vezi 1935 ian. 1). Av. prabusit ceata, pil. sarit, pasager mort

Can you find out the name of the dead crewman and confirm the civilian registration of the airplane (was it YR-ACI)?

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: C-2 November 13, 2005 08:15 pm
The name of the pilot yes.
I'll call Dicesare tomorrow.
The other details ,no.

Posted by: C-2 November 14, 2005 05:10 pm
The passenger name is Dumitrescu.
He wasn't a pilot but a lawyer ( a rich one).
He paid for the plane and the expedition.
Dicesare said they participated in Budapest in a big Silvester party (or something like this).
Dumitrescu was dead drunk,and even the eforts of Frim to wake him up were good for nothing.
Even if he'd wake up,he wouldn't be able to open his para. anyway.

Posted by: C-2 November 14, 2005 08:20 pm
I called also Mariana Dragescu.
She did remember the accident,but cannot tell details about the registration of the plane.
She had the Ideea to check in old newpapers at "Biblioteca Nationala" or "Biblioteca Academiei".

Posted by: C-2 November 16, 2005 08:30 pm
IAR Brasov.
From left:
-Nicu Forescu who defected to Turkey in a Savoia bomber together with the IAR director Viziru(after 23 AUg 44).

Posted by: C-2 November 19, 2005 09:56 pm
QUOTE (Dénes @ Nov 13 2005, 08:09 PM)
I believe this is the incident you're referring to:

31-Dec-34 I.A.R. 24+ YR-? ing.pil. Alex. “Dudu” Frim, navigator + Padurea Neagra (Germ.) acc. (Vezi 1935 ian. 1). Av. prabusit ceata, pil. sarit, pasager mort

Can you find out the name of the dead crewman and confirm the civilian registration of the airplane (was it YR-ACI)?

Gen. Dénes
Can it be this one?
photo:Serban Dutescu.

Posted by: C-2 November 20, 2005 07:21 am
QUOTE (C-2 @ Nov 10 2005, 09:31 PM)
Well Mariana Dragescu is almost 90...
I quess we can forgive her smile.gif

M.D is actualy 93....

Posted by: C-2 November 20, 2005 07:27 am
I need some help!
I cannot find the date (even the year of death of Frim).
Even friends cannot tell.
Dicezare showed me the street he lived ,and I have a relative who lives nearby.
He cannot tell neither.
I made a lot of phones to all veterans with no result.
I went to the nearby police station,buy at the early 80,there were no computers,and it may take a lot of time finding out....
All I need is an old phone book from Buc. not older then 1983.
Can you look in your basemant/garage/balcony/grandmothers etc for such a thing?
I need the exact adress where he lived.

Posted by: C-2 November 20, 2005 07:27 pm
QUOTE (C-2 @ Oct 8 2005, 06:17 PM)

I want to tell the story of this car.
This Jaguar SS was given as a gift to King MIhai by the representant of the English cars in Romania in the late 30's.
After the IAR factory repaired a B 24,and made him flyable,Dudu frim took MIhai for a short fly.After the trip,Dudu Frim asked MIhai to buy the car from him.
Mihai accepted,and the car was sold to Frim.

Frim's Jaguar SS 100 was one of only 314 exemp.made between 1936-1939.
A splendid blue metal col. Olny two ere buil with a 3.5 liter.
After Frim bought the car in 15/6/44,many problems were due to the shortage of spares.
Even IAR couldn't manufacture all the spare parts...
The diferential ,for example,kept on breahing his teaths very shortly after each repair.
In 1963,Frim sold the car to a lawyer from Cluj (who was working as a taxi driver-we know why).
When the car was for sale again,in 1972,a young guy-Radu Portocala bought the rusty 36 years old car at the price higher then a new Dacia.
On the way to Bucharest,the car who had tires and brakes from 1948,lost 11 liters of oil in 600km.
The first person who saw the car was Dudu Frim,who got tears in his eyes.
In 1980,RP succeded smugling the car out of the country and in 1991 he finished a complete restauration.

Posted by: Carol I November 22, 2005 04:52 pm
QUOTE (C-2 @ Nov 20 2005, 08:27 PM)
Frim's Jaguar SS 100 was one of only 314 exemp.made between 1936-1939.
A splendid blue metal col. Olny two ere buil with a 3.5 liter.

I know this may be not a definitive source, but claims that no less than 118 cars with a 3.5 litre engine were produced. Were you referring to something else when mentioning the "only two" cars with a 3.5 litre engine?

Posted by: C-2 November 22, 2005 08:13 pm
SS 100 built in 314 exemp.
116-the 2.7 liter
198-3.5 liter
Mihai's car was the SECOND 3.5 liter that was built.
I'm always typing inahurry... smile.gif

Posted by: C-2 November 23, 2005 09:52 am
Some new data courtesy of Mrs Hladiuk who her sister and brother in law were good friends with Frim.
During the war Frim with a special train,was at the front for testing and meintaines.
After the comunists came to power ,Frim was arested and spent some time in jail.
And some more details about the Jaguar;
Mihai used to fly without the royal court autorization.
So Frim would let him to fly clandestine at IAR Brasov.
When Frim asked to buy the car,he got a visit from an oficer with an "buying/selling" document.The price was ridocole.

Posted by: C-2 December 30, 2005 05:03 pm
QUOTE (Dénes @ Nov 10 2005, 09:23 PM)
QUOTE (C-2 @ Nov 11 2005, 02:32 AM)
She told me how the mechanics from IAR have repaired a B 24 who was force landed on a field.Frim took off from the field and took the plane to the IAR factory "as he was doing this all his life.."

Actually, it was a German test pilot, Hptm. Hans-Werner Lerche, who lifted the repaired B-24D off the cornfield and flew it to the closest airfield with a suitable runway, which was Zilistea. It was only then when Frim took over the controls and flew the bomber to Brasov.

Gen. Dénes

Well,it seemed thatafter all there were TWO B 24 ,who were repaired.
One of them was flown by a GErman pilot and taken later to Germany.
The second was indeed flown by Frim and mechanic Oprea.

Posted by: Doc May 09, 2007 06:01 pm

Does anyone know anymore about these 2 B-24's that were downed and flown by Romania? I am researching the crew of one of them and would like to know more about these two aircraft.Thanks

Posted by: C-2 May 10, 2007 09:01 pm
I heard that the one that was in romanian hands was given back .

Posted by: Doc May 10, 2007 09:26 pm
Hi C-2 and thank you. The Romanian AF told me that one was destroyed at Brasov in Sept 1944 by a German fighters patrol Messerschmitt 109, on the flying field at IAR Brasov.
Any other info is appreciated. I am trying to link US serial numbers to these two aircraft.

Posted by: Dénes May 11, 2007 05:22 am
The former identity of both ARR-marked B-24s is known. There is a third one too, but no photo of it in ARR markings has been found yet.

One of them was ex-Boiler Maker II, 41-23782, Red E, flown by the 415th B.S., 98th B.G., which crashed during 'Operation Tidal Wave'.

You can find a photo of this bomber in its original USAAF then ARR marking on page 56 of my book, 'Rumanian Air Force. The Prime Decade', published by Squadron/Signal in 1999.

This particular aircraft was indeed destroyed on the landing ground of the IAR Brasov factory by marauding Luftwaffe Bf 109Gs on 26 Aug. 1944.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Doc May 11, 2007 08:38 am
Hello Denes,

I appreciate your input. I am researching Honkey Tonk Gal and its crew, in particuliar Lt. William K. Little whose grave/memorial I found in Sinaia last year. From what I can tell Honkey Tonk Gal was one of the others that was repaired. I will have a look at your book. If you can think of anything else please let me know. Was the 3rd aircraft you refer to part of Tidal Wave?


Posted by: Cantacuzino May 13, 2007 05:18 am
I am researching Honkey Tonk Gal and its crew, in particuliar Lt. William K. Little whose grave/memorial I found in Sinaia last year. From what I can tell Honkey Tonk Gal was one of the others that was repaired.

Soon will be release a book with TW subject " Ploesti - Low Level Strike.
" Honky Tonk Gal " will be on (at least 6 pages) with pictures and color profile ( including romanian markings)
Below is the front cover.

Posted by: Dénes May 13, 2007 07:44 am
This is a very good and encouraging news, C-no. Three friends came together and made a book. It deserves high praise.

Keep us informed about the book's availability.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Doc May 13, 2007 01:51 pm
Thank you for the info. Who will be the publisher. I am going to Sinaia and will check the bookshop there. I will also visit the gravesite again.

Posted by: Cantacuzino May 18, 2007 06:05 am
Thank you for the info. Who will be the publisher. I am going to Sinaia and will check the bookshop there. I will also visit the gravesite again.

Check your PM.

Posted by: C-2 May 20, 2007 01:53 pm
I already red it.
Great book.
Very easy to read even for a "non hobist".
It was a suprise for me,since I didn't know Dan Melinte can write.
I guess he only made the profiles.
I hope I'll get a few more copies for the friends.

Posted by: teastridge August 14, 2007 12:09 pm
The Boilermaker II was my grandfathers aircraft. He was the bombadier. His name was Maynard G. Hubbard. I have a picture of the crew along with his letters from the POW camp Sub-Lagarule Timis, Timisul de Jos, Roumania 45-21; Or Largarule Prizoiniero #2, 13,14, 18 Timisul de Jos, Roumania 45-21. I have Gen Denes book the Rumanian airforce and have seen the picture of my grandfathers aircraft after the crash. I was hoping for more information about the crash site and if anymore pictures are available.

I never knew my grandfather because he was killed in korea in 1953 trying to save a fellow soldier. He went to pilot school after the war and went to fly for 3rd search and rescue that went after downed fliers in korea.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Posted by: Cantacuzino August 15, 2007 12:36 am
The Boilermaker II was my grandfathers aircraft. He was the bombadier. His name was Maynard G. Hubbard. I have a picture of the crew along with his letters from the POW camp Sub-Lagarule Timis, Timisul de Jos, Roumania 45-21; Or Largarule Prizoiniero #2, 13,14, 18 Timisul de Jos, Roumania 45-21. I have Gen Denes book the Rumanian airforce and have seen the picture of my grandfathers aircraft after the crash. I was hoping for more information about the crash site and if anymore pictures are available.

I never knew my grandfather because he was killed in korea in 1953 trying to save a fellow soldier. He went to pilot school after the war and went to fly for 3rd search and rescue that went after downed fliers in korea.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Your father's plane Boiler Maker - pictures (around 50 pcs.) and the color profile of the plane you can find in the book Ploesti Low Level Strike ( see the link)

I can sent you a copy. If you are interested sent me a PM.
Below some samples pages from the book.
Shot at 2007-08-14

Posted by: AUTOMOBILIA April 02, 2009 04:56 pm
This is the car of HM King Mihai in front of the factory.

As you can see in the previously picture the car body was modified (front wings) after an accident.

Mr Portocala export the car in '80 After few years of restoration in UK the car is now in the original condition, with the same original CKV 250 british number plates. Mr. Portocala sold the car in '90s .

Posted by: ionionescu March 20, 2011 11:41 pm
I think the first person from left, in the color photo, is Alexandru Dudu Frim. Can someone confirm this?
Location seems to be Italy - August 1941 by the delivery of the first JIS 79B's.
Foto source:
(link provided to me, by a Italian gentleman named DVX on, I thank him for that)

Posted by: C-2 March 22, 2011 11:01 am
It's 100% Chifulescu.

Posted by: ionionescu March 22, 2011 02:49 pm
Thank you C-2, can you please post an photo of Mr. Chifulescu, I found this topic: about pilot Florea Virgil Chifulescu, but unfortunately the photos are gone.
Also, if you know something about this series of photos (are they published in any book?), I will be grateful if you share any information with us.


Posted by: Dénes March 22, 2011 04:19 pm
This series of colour photos have already been published in an Italian aviation magazine (Ali d'Italia, IIRC), then in a French book on the Rumanian Savoia bombers as well.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: C-2 March 22, 2011 08:07 pm
QUOTE (ionionescu @ March 22, 2011 02:49 pm)
Thank you C-2, can you please post an photo of Mr. Chifulescu, I found this topic: about pilot Florea Virgil Chifulescu, but unfortunately the photos are gone.
Also, if you know something about this series of photos (are they published in any book?), I will be grateful if you share any information with us.


Uploaded with

Chifulescu on the left
Dudu Frim on the right.
Next to Frim ing. Manicatide.

Posted by: ionionescu March 22, 2011 08:49 pm
@Mr. Dénes and Mr. C-2, thank you gentleman. Regards!

Posted by: C-2 March 22, 2011 09:26 pm
You ar ewelcome.
As you see the plane is also a Savoia.

Posted by: ionionescu March 23, 2011 01:56 pm
QUOTE (C-2 @ March 22, 2011 10:26 pm)
You are welcome.
As you see the plane is also a Savoia.

Yes, the Junkers Jumo engine is unmistakable.

Browsing the internet, I found at the color photos attached below. I also found similar or same black&white photos in the book Rumanian Air Force - The Prime Decade, 1938-1947 by Mr. Dénes.
I have a question for Mr. Dénes, the first two photos with the SM 79B at Buzău-Ziliștea airfield seem to be shot with only moments in between. Can you please tell me if my assumption is correct, and any other information is welcome.

P.S. If the forum admin considers this post of topic, please move it somewhere else or create other topic where we can discuss interesting photos details like uniforms model, person identification, location, date. Thank you!

Posted by: C-2 March 23, 2011 07:12 pm
Don't take it for granted,but I belive the photos are made in Brasov.

Posted by: Dénes March 23, 2011 07:38 pm
QUOTE (ionionescu @ March 23, 2011 07:56 pm)
I have a question for Mr. Dénes, the first two photos with the SM 79B at Buzău-Ziliștea airfield seem to be shot with only moments in between. Can you please tell me if my assumption is correct...

Yes, you're absolutely correct. However, I don't have any further details.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: ionionescu March 24, 2011 07:40 pm
Ok, thanks for your answers gentleman. Regards!

Posted by: horia August 06, 2012 06:35 pm
Any ideas where this cup is, or if is in a museum or private collection?

Posted by: tandy817 March 12, 2017 11:38 pm
QUOTE (Doc @ May 11, 2007 08:38 am)
Hello Denes,

I appreciate your input. I am researching Honkey Tonk Gal and its crew, in particuliar Lt. William K. Little whose grave/memorial I found in Sinaia last year. From what I can tell Honkey Tonk Gal was one of the others that was repaired. I will have a look at your book. If you can think of anything else please let me know. Was the 3rd aircraft you refer to part of Tidal Wave?


My great uncle is William ( Bill ) Little I am looking up all the info on him during the war I can find if you have any please share if I can help you I will he was the Bombardier on Honk tonk gal

Posted by: markymark November 02, 2017 06:22 am
Greetings from Melbourne, Australia!

I don't know if this is a live post or not, but I believe I may own a watch that was given as a prize to Dudu Frim in 1938 in Prague. If anyone is able to provide any more information about this, I would be most grateful. I have attached photos for your reference. I can be contacted at mark.m

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