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Click here to view this topic in its original format Forum > Small arms, Daggers & Uniforms > Matra Tag found near Stalingrad?

Posted by: steve polyak October 14, 2003 02:41 am
A friend in Russia has found a small aluminum tag with the word "Matra" stamped into it. This piece is circular, about 1.5 inch in diameter with a small attachment hole. It was found near Stalingrad. Does anyone know if this is a Rumanian item, and what it may have been used for? Thank you.


Posted by: Geto-Dacul October 15, 2003 06:44 pm
Don't think it's a Romanian item... Matra, Tatra (Slovakian words) etc... Maybe a Slovakian tag.

Best regards,


Posted by: Victor October 15, 2003 07:06 pm
Some services of the Romanian armed forces used Matra trucks, IIRC

Posted by: Geto-Dacul October 15, 2003 07:07 pm
Agree... But why to put the brand of a truck on a dog-tag? laugh.gif ohmy.gif

Posted by: steve polyak October 16, 2003 01:38 am
Thank you for your help gentlemen. I think this item was a vehicle key identification tag, so the Matra truck possibility seems reasonable. Where can I find information about Matra WW2 trucks/vehicles? All the best . . .


Posted by: Dénes October 16, 2003 04:14 am
Hello Steve,

Nice to see you here, too.

I found only one reference to MATRA vehicles being used in the Rumanian Army, namely as repair trucks. Unfortunately, no sub-type or tonnage was given.


Posted by: Geto-Dacul October 16, 2003 12:40 pm
Ah... I though that it was a soldier's tag... Sorry my mistake.


Posted by: steve polyak October 16, 2003 10:20 pm
Hi Dénes!

So nice to hear from you. Thanks for the information. I think that's what it is -- a key tag from a Rumanian Matra truck. I hope all is well with you.

I am still collecting airplanes plates. You can see some of my 190 plates at:

I continue to enjoy your Squadron Hs 129 book. Keep up the great work . . .

All the best,

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