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Posted by: Victor April 02, 2005 05:50 pm
This topic was created to popularize books related to Romania and its participation in WW2. Please post your reviews here.

Posted by: horia April 03, 2005 10:29 am
few of my favorites books...

Posted by: Ruy Aballe April 03, 2005 02:03 pm
Horia, you must start by reviewing at least one... of course, we expect you can review them all in due time!:D


P.S. Will post a review of an interesting find today.

Posted by: Ruy Aballe April 03, 2005 03:02 pm
Here goes something I found in the Eastern European history section of a university library in Porto (I don't know if the book is still available in Romania):

Title: România, Viaţa politică în documente 1945
Author: collective work, coordinated by Ioan SCURTU
Publishing house: Arhivele Statului din România
Local and year of publication: Bucureşti, 1994
ISBN: 973-96198-4-3

Softback, 477 pages; dimensions 24cmx16cm.

I found this book by a mere twist of luck, when I was taking a peer at the Eastern European History section of a local university library. When I asked how they got it, I was informed by one of the library clerks that it was obtained through university exchange. I managed to negotiate a long-term loan in order to get a nice assessment of this work; as an aside note, I must emphasize that Romanian books on XX century history are a relatively rare find in Portuguese and Spanish universities. However, by comparison, it is easier to find academic periodicals on diverse subjects, from archaeology to modern history (eg., the periodical "Analele Universităţii Bucureşti - Istorie").

As its title implies, the book is basically an extensive compilation of 106 original documents dating from 1945, published by the General Directorate of the Romanian State Archives. The selection was made by a team of six researchers (Tudor Bucur, Marin Radu Mocanu, Ioana Alexandra Negreanu, Silvia Popovici, Natalia Tampa and the coordinator himself), and contains Romanian and foreign archive documents, as well as others obtained from other sources.
The book has a tri-lingual – Romanian, English and French - introduction about the pivotal year of 1945, signed by the coordinator, where a short overview of the period is provided. The aims of the work are also established in the same short text: “Efortul principal al autorilor a vizat nu ineditul cu orice preţ, ci prezentarea unei imagini echilibrate, complexe şi reale asupra evoluţiei vieţii politice a ţării, cu principalele sale componente, interne şi externe” (English translation: “The authors major concern lay in offering a comprehensive and real image of the evolution of the country’s political life, including the major domestic and foreign factors that influenced it, rather than presenting novelties for the sake of novelty”).
The documents of American, British and Soviet origin, were (quite rightly so, in my opinion) made available in the original languages. Each document in English or Russian is followed by a Romanian translation.
A very positive point of the book structure is the presence of a complete list of contents, with a short but useful description of each document, preceded by its correlative number and the date in bold scrip (of course, the respective page number is also given). An example:

"1. 1945 ianuarie 6. Sinteză întocmită de lt. col. D. Panaitescu, şeful secţiei a III-a – Armata 1, asupra luptelor desfăşurate de forţele române în Budapesta şi pe teritoriul Cehoslovaciei între 1 şi 6 ianuarie 1945 .........................................................................61"

As an added bonus for those who can’t read Romanian, the contents list is also provided in English and French, in separate pages (Romanian, pp. 5-12; English, pp. 13-20; French, pp. 21-28).
The book has also two handy indexes at the end: one of person’s names (or “indice antroponimic” in Romanian), and also one of geographical names.
All in all, this is a very handy compilation that should appeal to all those interested in the history not only of Romania, but also of Eastern European during the closing stage of World War II and the first moments of uneasy peace that came after the end of hostilities.
As every document compilation, the book looks "dry" to people not used to do historical research, but nevertheless works of this kind are useful tools for both dedicated researchers and enthusiastic amateurs.


Posted by: Dénes April 05, 2005 01:53 am
An interesting - and today scarce - German pictorial book on the Bessarabia and Crimea Campaigns, published during the war, in 1943.

Hardcover, 240 pages with 392 b/w photos and about 30 drawings, text in German. Size: 9 3/4" x 6 3/4".

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: dragos03 April 21, 2005 09:38 pm
Several very interesting old books.

1. A book written by general Dabija about the Polish campaign. It is an incredible objective analisys of this campaign. The author identifies all the factors that led to the quick German victory: the use of massed formations of tanks, the importance of airpower and the role of Stukas, the weaknesses of the Polish army, the wrong Polish tactics, the deficiencies of the Polish defense plan... The book is focused on the airwar.
It is incredible that even in Romania there were people who understood the lessons of the Blitzkrieg while most French and British generals were unable to.

Posted by: Carol I May 07, 2005 10:23 am
Now on, a German book about the fights around Iaşi in 1944: Jassy by Walther Rehm.

user posted image

The description in German (which unfortunately I cannot understand) is:
Walter Rehm: JASSY. Erschienen 1959 als Band 21 der bekannten und gesuchten Reihe.
Erstklassige Dokumentation zum Thema Südukraine und Ende in Rumänien 1944 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der 79. Infanterie Division.

Posted by: Carol I June 21, 2005 09:30 pm
On there is a book which appears to be presenting the German point of view on the events in the summer of 1944 in Romania: Die Katastrophe in Rumänien 1944 by Hans Kissel.

user posted image

Seller description (in German):
Hans Kissel : Die Katastrophe in Rumänien 1944
Erschienen 1964 beim Arbeitskreis für Wehrforschung beim Wehr und Wissen Verlag in nur einer Auflage !
Am 20.8.1944 begann die russische Rumänienoffensive. Sie führte in kürzester Zeit zur Zertrümmerung des Südflügels der deutschen Ostfront. Das Einmalige der Katastrophe bestand darin, daß alleine an deutschen Verbänden 5 Korpsstäbe mit 19 materiell und personell aufgefüllten Infanteriedivisionen sowie eine Panzerdivision und eine Panzergrenadier Divison innerhalb weniger Tage bis auf unbedeutende Reste völlig vernichtet wurden.
Dieses Buch eines ehemaligen hohen Offiziers und Kommandeurs der ehemaligen deutschen Wehrmacht gilt als das Standardwerk. Neben einer ausführlichen Beschreibung des Kampfverlaufes mit allen beteiligten Einheiten umfaßt es erstklassige Aufstellungen und Statistiken aller Details.

Posted by: Carol I July 29, 2005 11:12 am
user posted image


Posted by: dragos03 July 29, 2005 11:40 am
This last book is about Adrian Nastase's father. He decided to waste some state money to publish this expensive book, to make his communist father look like a war hero. It's a shame.

Posted by: C-2 July 29, 2005 12:43 pm
You should see a rwal waste of public money on a "museum " about maps in the center of BuC.!

Posted by: Victor July 29, 2005 03:17 pm
Let's stick to book reviews and leave museums for other topics.

Posted by: Carol I July 29, 2005 05:38 pm
QUOTE (Dénes @ Apr 5 2005, 02:53 AM)
An interesting - and today scarce - German pictorial book on the Bessarabia and Crimea Campaigns, published during the war, in 1943.

Hardcover, 240 pages with 392 b/w photos and about 30 drawings, text in German. Size: 9 3/4" x 6 3/4".

user posted image

Some pages from this book:

Posted by: Dénes October 13, 2005 02:39 pm
A Hungarian book has just been published about the military actions in Transylvania, between 1940-1944. The title is 'Erdély a Hadak Útján' (Transylvania on War Path) and was authored by three professional historians, Péter Illésfalvi, Péter Szabó and Norbert Számvéber. The Publisher is Puedlo, located in Budapest.
Reportedly, the book is illustrated by 150 photos and 10 maps.

Since the timeframe is August 1940-October 1944, references to the Rumanian Army should be abundant.

Myself I didn't have the book yet, but when I'll receive it, I'll post here a short note.

Here is the book's cover:
user posted image

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Cantacuzino October 13, 2005 02:43 pm
Since the timeframe is August 1940-October 1944, references to the Rumanian Army should be abundant.

Any project for english edition of the book ?

Posted by: Dénes October 13, 2005 03:14 pm
I am not aware of it. However, Hungarians usually are not very good with foreign languages, so I don't think there will be an English version of the book.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: sid guttridge October 19, 2005 10:27 am
Hi Denes,

Thanks for the tip. It may answer some questions I have asked on this and other sites about the Hungarian order of battle in Northern Transilvania in 1940. Please let me know if the book contains that sort of information and I will buy a copy. Fortunately a friend of my sister's boyfriend has just married a Hungarian girl and they live nearby, so I might at last get to understand what Hungarian books say!



Posted by: Dénes October 20, 2005 12:05 am
QUOTE (sid guttridge @ Oct 19 2005, 04:27 PM)
It may answer some questions I have asked on this and other sites about the Hungarian order of battle in Northern Transilvania in 1940. Please let me know if the book contains that sort of information and I will buy a copy.

I will certainly let you know. I expect to receive the book in mid-November (it has not been released yet).

Fortunately a friend of my sister's boyfriend has just married a Hungarian girl and they live nearby, so I might at last get to understand what Hungarian books say!

Very interesting. I am wondering how did a Hungarian girl end up in Devon? wink.gif
Please say 'szervusz' to her from my part...

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: sid guttridge October 20, 2005 06:43 am
Hi Denes,

They live in Potters Bar, north of London. She is a self-made woman. She comes from a poor family in the east of Hungary and was brought up by her grandmother. She studied English and came to London to work as a waitress, but soon got better jobs and eventually started her own small business making sandwiches for office workers.

There are two waves of Hungarians over here - the post 1956 variety and the post-1990 variety. As Britain and Ireland are the only countries that have allowed the new EU countries' citizens freedom to work without restriction there has been a third wave in the last year.

Does the book have an ISBN number? I have found it on the internet, but without an ISBN number it will be difficult to order.



Posted by: Dénes November 01, 2005 11:09 pm
A few more info on the by now released Hungarian book on Transylvania:
Size A/4, 216 pages, illustrated with 174 photos and 10 maps.
ISBN: 963 9477 75 3

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: sid guttridge November 03, 2005 01:00 pm
Hi Denes,

Many thanks for the ISBN. I am trying to get a copy now through some Hungarians who work with my nephew.

Have you seen it yet?



Posted by: Dénes November 03, 2005 02:41 pm
QUOTE (sid guttridge @ Nov 3 2005, 07:00 PM)
Have you seen it yet?

No, I have not seen it yet, but it's on the top of my priority list.
I'll keep you informed.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Carol I November 10, 2005 04:15 pm
Military history:

Posted by: Carol I November 18, 2005 12:00 am
1938 book on submarine warfare:

Posted by: sid guttridge February 26, 2006 12:33 pm
Hi Denes,

Have you any news of "Erdely a Hadak Utjan"?



Posted by: Dénes February 26, 2006 04:10 pm
The book has finally been published late last year. However, only in very limited number (and very cheap, too); therefore, it's almost impossible to find. I could not order it through any on-line booksellers.

The person who promised to send it to me actually sent it to... Toronto, USA! Fortunately, it was returned to him, albeit damaged, and now he promised to send it to me again (of course, I will have to foot the double postage fee).
In the meantime, my mother managed to find one, using her relations (and a nice box of chocolates), so I know I have a copy waiting for me in Hungary.

As soon as I'll finally have the book, I'll post a note here.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: C-2 March 16, 2006 06:13 pm
I just heard from Dragos Stinghe,that in about 10 days ,his book about the famous Romanian aeribatic team "The Red Devils" (Dracii Rosii).
About 100 pages and photos.

Posted by: Dénes March 16, 2006 08:23 pm
QUOTE (C-2 @ Mar 17 2006, 12:13 AM)
I just heard from Dragos Stinghe,that in about 10 days ,his book about the famous Romanian aeribatic team "The Red Devils" (Dracii Rosii).

What will happen to his book (verb missing)?

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: C-2 March 16, 2006 09:07 pm
The book will be for sale in 10 days.

Posted by: Dénes March 16, 2006 09:16 pm
Will that book be published through ARPIA?
Did Mr. Stinghe do some research in the archives as well?

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: C-2 March 16, 2006 09:41 pm
I think he has a sponsor.
Mr Stinghe does not like taking sides (you know what I meen).
He has enought material at home I belive.
At 86 he cannot go to Pitesti.He doesn't drive much anymore.
When I invited him to come with me to the new aviation museum,he refused because "They'll keep me there". biggrin.gif

Posted by: MaxFax September 19, 2006 07:41 pm
QUOTE (C-2 @ March 16, 2006 11:07 pm)
The book will be for sale in 10 days.

Really ?!

We are in September now and I have heard nothing about this book !
Was it printed ?!

Posted by: mabadesc December 19, 2006 04:08 pm
Has anybody read David Glantz's new book on the failed Targu Frumos Soviet Offensive? The title of the book is:

Red Storm over the Balkans: The Failed Soviet Invasion of Romania, Spring 1944 (Modern War Studies) (Hardcover)

I just started reading it, so I haven't yet formed an opinion on the book.

What I can say so far is that it is documented mainly from Soviet military archives. It goes into minute details - down to battalion levels both from the German and Soviet perspective, but especially from the latter.

What disturbs me a little is that there is almost no mention at all of Romanian units. Also, he seems not to have researched any romanian archives for this book.

Posted by: Victor December 19, 2006 05:53 pm
I received it, but didn't actually had the time to read it. Do not expect to find to much info on the Romanians, except for what was drawn from Soviet archives and German secondary sources.

Posted by: Dénes December 19, 2006 09:23 pm
I also received the book several days ago.

I agree with Victor, not much details on Rumanian forces (even less on the air war); however, it appears a thorough work, worth of reading.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: RHaught May 22, 2007 10:01 pm
I just bought the book here and was the only one left at the store. I'm finding it useful in the locations and the units involved. Making notes to look at the maps of the area I have. Though it doesn't mention alot about Romanian forces can still figure it out by the other resources available.

Posted by: mabadesc June 14, 2007 06:00 pm
Has anyone had the chance to read the following book?

Lotul Antonescu in ancheta SMERS, Moscova, 1944-1946. Documente din arhiva FSB

Editura Polirom 2006

Any comments?


Posted by: C-2 June 14, 2007 07:22 pm
New book by Dragos Stinghe.
Editura Militara.
" O Viata Pe Dos".-A LIfe Unside Down.
Not a miliatrybook,but my wifes enjoys it very much.

Posted by: Cantacuzino July 02, 2007 08:05 pm
New book by G-ral av. Dan Stoian.
" In zbor spre cetatile Nistrene". Editura Semne
It's about the first campain ( Bessarabia) with almost 500 pages. An impressive work about Bomber groups activity.
Shot with at 2007-07-02

Posted by: Cantacuzino July 02, 2007 08:13 pm
" File din Istoria Cavaleriei romane si Tancurilor din Armata Romana" Editura "Vasile Carlova" Bucuresti.
Authors: General de brigada ® Emil Gheorghita si Colonel® George Gheorghiu.

A new book dealing with romanian cavalry and tanks in WWII.
638 pages full of data from archivs and vet. memories, many biographies and pictures about tanks aces (like Velican).
Shot with at 2007-07-02

Posted by: Dénes July 02, 2007 08:31 pm
Thanks, C-no for the great news.

Do you know an on-line place where these books can be ordered from?

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Cantacuzino July 03, 2007 06:52 am
Thanks, C-no for the great news.

Do you know an on-line place where these books can be ordered from?

Gen. Dénes

No I don't know. sad.gif

Mr Stoian book can be ordered from author himself (I can give you his home adress and
As for the second book I have only the adress of one of the authors.

Posted by: MaxFax July 04, 2007 04:39 am
QUOTE (Dénes @ July 02, 2007 10:31 pm)
Do you know an on-line place where these books can be ordered from?

For the "Editura Vasile Carlova" I just found this: unsure.gif

Posted by: mabadesc July 10, 2007 03:40 am
I'm sure many of you own or have read the book "Romania in World War II" by Dinu Giurescu.
I haven't been able to find it until now, but have just seen it for sale on, albeit for a fairly hefty price ($50).

For those who have read it, would you recommend buying it? Is it worth reading or keeping as a reference, or is it just another overview rehash of well-known facts?

I'd appreciate your recommendation. Thanks.

P.S. One more question: Has anyone seen General Mihail's memoirs for sale at any new or used-bookstore?

Posted by: Victor July 10, 2007 06:12 am
I have it. Not much use as in terms of military info, but very good on political and social aspects. If you would run a search, you would see I used as reference many times to reply on the forum.

Posted by: mabadesc July 11, 2007 04:08 am
Thanks for the info, Victor.

Posted by: MaxFax July 13, 2007 02:49 pm
Take a look at this link:

A new book, keept quite secret on this forum ?! ph34r.gif
I wonder why ?! unsure.gif
They say it will be launched Friday 20 of July at "Muzeul Aviatiei" (at the ex airfield of Pipera )

Posted by: Victor July 14, 2007 11:35 am
This is a surprise to me, but netherless a pleasant one. Good to see Mr. Antoniu and Cicos found the ressources to publish a new book. Hopefully a very informative one.

Posted by: MaxFax August 20, 2007 06:45 pm
QUOTE (Victor @ July 14, 2007 01:35 pm)
This is a surprise to me, but netherless a pleasant one. Good to see Mr. Antoniu and Cicos found the ressources to publish a new book. Hopefully a very informative one.

Did you go further and buy the book ?!
If yes, could you tell us a few words about it ?
Does it have photos ? Good printing quality ?

Thanks in advance.

Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu August 20, 2007 07:47 pm

Astazi la sf. ceremoniei de la Statuia Aviatorilor i-am dat un telefon lui Dan Antoniu pe care nu il vazusem acolo, l-am intrebat daca este deja la Muzeu si mi-a raspuns ca nu, este acasa... l-am intrebat usor surprins daca nu astazi are lansarea de carte, moment in care mi-a spus ca s-a contramandat... motivul, citez:
"fiindca nu puteati intra voi..." , evident ca nu se referea la mine sau electric in particular, ci la toti cei cu adevarat pasionati si interesati de acest subiect; ca deobicei acesta se vroia (nu de catre autori) a fi un eveniment la care sa participe exclusiv autoritati
Un gest demn de admirat din parrtea dlui Dan Antoniu, desi o situatie trista si tipic romaneasca

[edited by admin]

Posted by: MaxFax August 21, 2007 05:20 am
Oh ?! sad.gif
So nobody has the book ....

Posted by: Victor August 21, 2007 05:58 am
Those that came to the comemoration of cpt. av. Serbanescu, could have bought the book, because mr. Antoniu had several with him. However, I was the only one there from the forum. I had a chance to browse through it before lending it to someone to read it first.

The book was published on the authors' expense, so don't expect a very good print quality for the photos. Unfortunately, if there aren't any sponsors it's difficult to publish a book in good printing conditions. In terms of information, the book is obviously very rich and has the written declarations of many of the pilots that flew that day, as well as their photos. While the fighter pilots mostly known, the IAR-37/38/39 crewmen aren't and it's interesting, for me, to put a face beside their name. These men and their clumsy machines are most of the time overlooked, even though their contribution to the support of the ground troops was probably one of the most important one.

Posted by: horia February 10, 2009 01:34 pm
just found it on the net:

Posted by: Bernard Miclescu October 03, 2009 02:08 pm
New release from TMA and FRROM éditions (French) " LES BOMBARDIERS SAVOIA EN ROUMANIE". (72 pages, 150 photos).


Posted by: MaxFax October 03, 2009 03:42 pm
QUOTE (Bernard Miclescu @ October 03, 2009 04:08 pm)
New release from TMA and FRROM éditions (French) " LES BOMBARDIERS SAVOIA EN ROUMANIE". (72 pages, 150 photos).


This book was announced as available in the May/June issue 46 of Airmagazine. I have ordered it by e-mail at the editor 3(!!) times, but no fu__ing answer like usual mad.gif. Jose Fernandez has an odd way to treat the potential customers ... blink.gif

Posted by: Dénes October 04, 2009 07:29 am
The book is basically the text written by the late Mr. Taralunga in the 1980s, and published in the Modelism magazine, with a few additions to the topic that could not be published under Communism (the anti-Soviet campaign).

Mind you, I have not seen the book, so I cannot comment on the layout, etc.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: C-2 October 04, 2009 08:48 am
A ghost book....

Posted by: ocoleanui November 06, 2009 11:55 am

Posted by: contras April 30, 2010 09:14 pm
For whom want's to know more about the war in 1919, there is one book written by the general who led the battle, and other veteran memories:

Posted by: RedBaron July 15, 2010 10:05 pm
QUOTE (Cantacuzino @ July 02, 2007 08:05 pm)
New book by  G-ral av. Dan Stoian.
" In zbor spre cetatile Nistrene". Editura Semne
It's about the first campain ( Bessarabia) with almost 500 pages. An impressive work about Bomber groups activity.
Shot with at 2007-07-02

Is this still available for purchase?

Posted by: osutacincizecisidoi February 23, 2011 05:03 pm
Armata, Maresalul si evreii-Alex Mihai Stoenescu.

Interesting so far, I will post a more detailed reply when i finish reading it .
For now I'll say that puts a different perspective on the marshal image than the books published by authors like Ancel Jean . laugh.gif

Posted by: DanMk March 09, 2011 08:52 am
Well I'm currently reading "Dulce ca mierea e glontul patriei" (Sweet as honey is the bullet of the motherland) by Petru Popescu. It's quite a nice book, though there are a bit too many artistic descriptions. The book describes the authors military stage in communist Romania as well as a romance during that time. It's well worth reading and I found it extremely cheap for it's content.

Posted by: horia August 12, 2011 06:33 pm
A great book

many pictures from RSR/RPR period!

Posted by: MMM August 31, 2011 07:44 am
Among the many books published by "Editura Militară", I've just read (and used) two really interesting ones:
Petre Otu: "Pace şi război în spaţiul românesc, secolul al XX-lea" (Peace and War in the Romanian Space, XX-th Century), in fact a collection of articles written (by Mr. Otu) about this subject in the last years. Among them, about the "Şeba Case", the military attache of Czechoslovakia at Bucharest, who wrote a book about the relations between Ro, Cz and USSR; another good story about the "Tudor Vladimirescu Division", a real Trojan Horse of Soviets in Romania (well, as if they needed one more, along the PCdR and the victorious Red Army...) and many others.
Elena-Iuliana Lache: "Statutul internaţional al României de la război la pace. 1939-1947" (Romania's International Statute from War to Peace). It's a well-documented PHD thesis studying Romania from the Molotov-Ribbentrop Treaty until the Paris Peace Treaty.

Posted by: 21 inf December 31, 2011 08:24 am
A wide range of history subjects here Romanian and english language (at least for a part of the articles)

Same here

Enjoy! smile.gif

Posted by: ocoleanui April 19, 2012 02:15 pm
One of the best book :

and another :

Posted by: Antoniu October 15, 2014 05:35 am
Mai exista o mica contributie "Aviatia romana in prima zi de razboi 22 iunie 1941, tiraj de 500 exemplare epuizat.

Posted by: Daniel Focsa October 15, 2014 11:42 am
QUOTE (Antoniu @ October 15, 2014 05:35 am)
Mai exista o mica contributie "Aviatia romana in prima zi de razboi 22 iunie 1941, tiraj de 500 exemplare epuizat.

In English please !

Admin please delete this ! All of us try to write in English, I supose there are no exceptions.

Posted by: Radub October 15, 2014 02:09 pm
QUOTE (Antoniu @ October 15, 2014 05:35 am)
Mai exista o mica contributie "Aviatia romana in prima zi de razboi 22 iunie 1941, tiraj de 500 exemplare epuizat.

Here is the translation:

There is one more small contribution: "Romanian Aviation on the First Day of War 22 June 1941", print run of 500 copies sold out.


Posted by: Daniel Focsa October 15, 2014 05:15 pm
Sa inteleg ca de acum putem scrie in romaneste, ca face radub traducerea pe urma ?

No, of course

***edited by admin***

Posted by: Victor October 20, 2014 12:12 pm
QUOTE (Daniel Focsa @ October 15, 2014 07:15 pm)
Sa inteleg ca de acum putem scrie in romaneste, ca face radub traducerea pe urma ?

No, of course

***edited by admin***

No, just Mr. Antoniu can do that. And it's not just Radu that translates when needed. I do it also. It is a form of courtesy for someone who has invested a lot of effort throughout several decades in the study of Romanian aviation and does not master the English language.

Posted by: Daniel Focsa October 20, 2014 03:40 pm
QUOTE (Victor @ October 20, 2014 12:12 pm)
QUOTE (Daniel Focsa @ October 15, 2014 07:15 pm)
Sa inteleg ca de acum putem scrie in romaneste, ca face radub traducerea pe urma ?

No, of course

***edited by admin***

No, just Mr. Antoniu can do that. And it's not just Radu that translates when needed. I do it also. It is a form of courtesy for someone who has invested a lot of effort throughout several decades in the study of Romanian aviation and does not master the English language.

Oh really ?
I thought the rules are the same for everybody.

And how will read romanian posts, the non-romanian readers ? I thought this forum is in English just for this. If it a form of courtesy for an author, in the same time is a form of non-courtesy for all the readers which don't understand romanian language.

Posted by: Radub October 21, 2014 09:55 am
To quote Scooter, "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice."
Be nice and people will support you.

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