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Posted by: Fratello February 05, 2005 11:51 am
This is the cover of the latest Valeriu Avram's book

Posted by: Fratello February 05, 2005 11:53 am
Idem. The back cover

Posted by: Victor February 05, 2005 12:01 pm
Where did you buy it from? By the looks of the price label it seems it was somewhere in the center: Mihai Eminescu, Dalles etc.

Posted by: Ruy Aballe February 05, 2005 12:11 pm

I am very interested in knowing more about the book. Fratello, could you please post a short review on it?
Thanks in advance.


Posted by: Fratello February 05, 2005 01:20 pm

I found this book from Unirea Shoping Center. There is a bookshop on the ground floor near Germanos. But it was the only one that I bought and I didn't see it in another place. I don't know why.

I found this book from Unirea Shoping Center. There is a bookshop on the ground floor near Germanos. But it was the only one that I bought and I didn't see it in another place. I don't know why.

Posted by: Dénes February 06, 2005 01:59 am
This book has been in the making for quite a while. I am glad it finally ended up on the book stores' shelves.
The topic is commendable, as there were many Germans who contributed to the fame of ARR, particularly as bomber airmen, for ex.: cpt. Adolf Schöbesch, lt. pil. Alex. Eugen Schmelling, cpt.obs. Wilhelm Schmaltz, adj. pil. Alfons Auner, etc.

Gen. Dénes

P.S. Apparently, Dr. Valeriu Avram is the most prolific Rumanian aviation historian & author.

Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu February 06, 2005 10:17 am
Unfortunatelly not a very technical man who made some really "grosolana" error in another book he published.I wonder why he doesn't ask the help of specialized people - as I understand he is now the teacher of Aviation History at Aerospace Engineering University in Bucharest so he has access to specialized personnel working there.

Posted by: Fratello February 06, 2005 11:54 am


I am very interested in knowing more about the book. Fratello, could you please post a short review on it?
Thanks in advance.


This is the scan of book's preface

Posted by: Fratello February 06, 2005 11:56 am

Posted by: Fratello February 06, 2005 11:58 am

Posted by: Fratello February 06, 2005 12:01 pm
and also the book's contents

Posted by: Fratello February 06, 2005 12:05 pm
...same pages with interesting photos

Posted by: Fratello February 06, 2005 12:06 pm

Posted by: Fratello February 06, 2005 12:08 pm

Posted by: Fratello February 06, 2005 12:10 pm

Posted by: alexkdl February 06, 2005 03:42 pm
Fratello , very interesting book ...but how bad we cant buy it ! Also, can you post the requested crew liste of the Jandarmerie as you didnt respond me yet


Posted by: Ruy Aballe February 06, 2005 05:57 pm
Thank you very much Fratello! I must find a way of getting the book, now that you've increased my interest.
I will ask a Romanian friend to find it for me, but I am afraid she will have some difficulties while trying to locate a copy. I will provide her with the directions you gave us, namely that bookshop at Unirea Shoping Center. However, I think she can search for it at other bookshops in the center of Bucharest.
What about the publisher? Maybe it is possible to order the book directly from them.
If you don't mind, I will send her the scan of the cover as a further aid. Let's hope she can find one!


Posted by: Fratello February 07, 2005 06:33 pm

Fratello , very interesting book ...but how bad we cant buy it ! Also, can you post the requested crew liste of the Jandarmerie as you didnt respond me yet


I think is not so impossible to get this book. And about your request crew liste of the Jandarmerie I dind't forget you and I tell you again: "Send me a private message!".

Posted by: Fratello February 07, 2005 06:44 pm

Thank you very much Fratello! I must find a way of getting the book, now that you've increased my interest.
I will ask a Romanian friend to find it for me, but I am afraid she will have some difficulties while trying to locate a copy. I will provide her with the directions you gave us, namely that bookshop at Unirea Shoping Center. However, I think she can search for it at other bookshops in the center of Bucharest.
What about the publisher? Maybe it is possible to order the book directly from them.
If you don't mind, I will send her the scan of the cover as a further aid. Let's hope she can find one!


Any time my friend. I found this book accidentally and I didn't know about it until I had found at that bookshop...and I'm also sure that is not the only book in the market. If I find this book in another place I'll inform you.

Posted by: Dénes February 07, 2005 08:56 pm
It's interesting to note that Lt. Peter Petersen (not Peterson), see photo on p. 198, was born in Pueblo, Mexico! He died on 21.05.1943 North of Galati, and currently rests in the "Pro Patria" cemetery, in Bucharest (Block F, Reihe 2, Grab 25).

Not long ago, I had some lively discussion about his nationality, with people who suggested that he was, in fact, Mexican, based on his place of birth. I tried, in vain, to explain to them that nationality and citizenship are not necessarily the same (for the topic, see thread on Nationality).

Gen. Dénes

P.S. A personal thought: it's peculiar for me (but nonetheless very welcomed) to see the Germans being labelled as "comrades-in-arms" by a renowned professional Rumanian historian, after officially being hammered in us for so so many years (and occasionally even today) that they were Fascists, Nazis, Hitlerites, etc...

Posted by: Dénes February 07, 2005 10:20 pm
Further to what I wrote above in the post scriptum, I remember the moment when I compiled the photo legends for my 'Rumanian Air Force. The Prime Decade' book.
On page 10, top, I included the same photo prof. Avram displayed on the rear cover of his book, depicting ARR Cpt. Serbanescu and Luftwaffe Lt. Neuböck linking arms. The legend states:
ARR and Luftwaffe airmen enjoyed warm relationships with each other during their common war on the Eastern Front. This relationship lasted up to Rumania's about-face of 23 August 1944.

I remember having serious concerns of clearly stating the above - based on what Rumanian airmen personally told me - which was rather uncommon in the 1990s, when the 'hitlerites, fascists, nazis' labels were still very much the norm in Rumanian history books. This could have been easily used against me by persons who did not like me and what I do in regards of the history of aviation. That's why is a revelation for me to see the change in language, as displayed in prof. Avram's latest book.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Aleks February 07, 2005 10:41 pm
Hi Fratello,

I’ll be free to ask you just one question considering mentioned book. Is there any notice about Luftwaffe units, activities, claims or losses prior and during campaign against Yugoslav Kingdom in April 1941? Maybe there is some operational photo in the book from mentioned period?
As you may guess Romanian language is a “bit” of problem for me.
Thank you in advance for any help.


Posted by: Fratello February 08, 2005 09:31 am

Hi Fratello,

I’ll be free to ask you just one question considering mentioned book. Is there any notice about Luftwaffe units, activities, claims or losses prior and during campaign against Yugoslav Kingdom in April 1941? Maybe there is some operational photo in the book from mentioned period?
As you may guess Romanian language is a “bit” of problem for me.
Thank you in advance for any help.


Really, I didn't find any notice about Luftwaffe units, activities, claims or losses prior and during campaign against Yugoslav Kingdom in April 1941 in this book.

Posted by: Fratello February 09, 2005 07:53 am


To order this book you can call also to the Editura Comunicator IMPEX
Phone number: 0040-21-336.68.27; 0040-21-336.49.68; 0040-21-336.49.69.
Mobile: 0744.302.199; 0742.482.124
Fax: 0040-21-336.48.72.; O.P.4 C.P. 12.

Posted by: MaxFax February 09, 2005 01:27 pm
The first 2 numbers are wrong !!
The mobile-phone number is good.
The right phone number is: 021/3223691
Ask please about Miss Florentina Chivu.
Readers outside Bucuresti can order COD the book.

Posted by: Fratello February 10, 2005 08:44 am

The first 2 numbers are wrong !!
The mobile-phone number is good.
The right phone number is: 021/3223691
Ask please about Miss Florentina Chivu.
Readers outside Bucuresti can order COD the book

This numbers are from the book's 2nd page. I didn't know that the first 2 numbers are wrong. Thanks any way for additional information, MaxFax.

Posted by: MaxFax February 10, 2005 12:49 pm
You're welcome "mio fratello" ! smile.gif

The book can be ordered also by fax: 021-336.48.72. (the number is ok)
In att. of Florentina Chivu of course !

Posted by: Fratello February 10, 2005 09:42 pm

You're welcome "mio fratello" ! 

The book can be ordered also by fax: 021-336.48.72. (the number is ok)
In att. of Florentina Chivu of course !

Thanks again MaxFax, "mio fratello" too.

Posted by: Victor February 13, 2005 07:43 pm
Well, I finally managed to find the store (thanks for the directions Fratello). It was a Diverta store. Unfortunately they didn't have it anymore. I checked the Diverta site and it seems they don't have it available for online offers either.

Look here:

Maybe they will renew the stock if there is demand. They also ship overseas.

Posted by: Dénes February 13, 2005 07:54 pm
Interestingly, the site gives Roata as the book's publishing house, not Comunicator, as it's displayed on the front cover.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: MaxFax February 15, 2005 06:10 pm
QUOTE (Dénes @ Feb 13 2005, 09:54 PM)
Interestingly, the site gives Roata as the book's publishing house, not Comunicator, as it's displayed on the front cover.
Gen. Dénes

"Editura Roata" is a mistake !
Look a little more below on the Diverta webpage, you will see: " Editor: Comunicator"

Posted by: Fratello February 18, 2005 08:13 pm
Today I was to the Unirea Shoping Center and I saw again this book (GERMANII IN AERONAUTICA ROMÂNÂ) in the bookshop on the ground floor near Germanos.
How want to get it, he must hurry because it was only one book.


Posted by: Barbosu February 20, 2005 09:20 am
I want to find Sorin Tulea's book "Amintiri din razboaie neterminate" (Memories of unfinished Wars).

Anyone who knows where I can find it, please tell me.



Posted by: MaxFax March 21, 2005 12:51 pm
Here is a brand new book on the market:

Tudor Greceanu / Drumul celor putini
Ediura Vremea

Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu March 21, 2005 01:41 pm
Hooray !!! This is not a new book - it was published before by Editura Eminescu in 2000 and had a different front cover.But I could not find it anywhere - I had to borrow it from a friend.I am really glad someone republished it smile.gif

Posted by: MaxFax March 21, 2005 01:48 pm
QUOTE (D13-th_Mytzu @ Mar 21 2005, 03:41 PM)
Hooray !!! This is not a new book - it was published before by Editura Eminescu in 2000 and had a different front cover.But I could not find it anywhere - I had to borrow it from a friend.I am really glad someone republished it smile.gif

Unfortunately the b/w photos are of very low printing quality sad.gif
The book published by Edit. Eminescu has also low quality photos ?

Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu March 21, 2005 01:55 pm
Eidited: I read 1.200.000 instead of 120.000 biggrin.gif sorry about that lol

The pics in the other edition are good quality and they are on "hartie cerata".

Posted by: Dénes March 21, 2005 01:57 pm
QUOTE (D13-th_Mytzu @ Mar 21 2005, 07:55 PM)
I have just seen the rice.. omg 1.200.000 lei ?!? why is it so expensive?

The price is only 120.000 lei, or 5 Euro.

I have the previous edition of the book and the quality of photo reproductions is unfortunately rather poor.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: enedan March 23, 2005 11:00 am
Do u have any ideea about where the book of Teodor Greceanu can be found?
Thank you.

Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu March 23, 2005 01:18 pm
Just searched at all bookstores between Pta Unirii and Pta Romana and found nothing... actually I searched for other books related to romanian aviation (even in "anticariate") and was only able to find 1 book called "Raiduri Aeriene romanesti" by Constantin Ucrain and Dumitru Craciun-Iasi, editura Junimea 1988.Except that I came empty handed sad.gif but why do I expect to really find books about romanian aviation in Romania... silly me.

Posted by: MaxFax March 23, 2005 05:38 pm
QUOTE (MaxFax @ Mar 21 2005, 02:51 PM)
Tudor Greceanu / Drumul celor putini
Ediura Vremea

The book can be ordered on-line on the webpage of the "Vremea" publishing house.
I have just received my copie ordered on-line.

Posted by: Victor March 26, 2005 06:56 am
I just received an email from Dan Antoniu. The book of Tudor Greceanu is going to be officially presented Monday, 28 March, at 17:00 in the Carturesti bookstore, near the Patria cinema. It seems I made a mistake by ordering it online.

Are any of you coming?

Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu March 26, 2005 09:18 am
Ich will be there biggrin.gif
Uhm.. where is this Carturesti thing ?

Posted by: Victor March 26, 2005 12:55 pm
As I mentioned above it is near the Patria Cinema. There is a small plaza near the cinema and a house that has the walls covered with fabric on which it is written Carturesti.

Posted by: Victor March 28, 2005 06:16 pm
Small crowd today at Carturesti, probably because of the "lovely" weather in Bucharest.

The speakers: Neagu Djuvara, gen. Ioan Dicezare, cdor. av. Dan Stoian and Martha Greceanu. As usual gen. Dicezare spoke for about an hour, while standing (quite a performance for a an 89 year old person). The book is available in the bookstore for 130.08 lei ("heavy" lei). For those interested in buying and reading it, please be careful about taking everything in it for granted. Tudor Greceanu was a great pilot ans soldier, but he sometimes tends to exagerrate.

Posted by: Dénes March 28, 2005 09:11 pm
QUOTE (Victor @ Mar 29 2005, 12:16 AM)
The book is available in the bookstore for 130.08 lei ("heavy" lei).

Isn't it rather 13.01 lei? The same price a book would cost in the pre-1989 era...

For those interested in buying and reading it, please be careful about taking everything in it for granted. Tudor Greceanu was a great pilot ans soldier, but he sometimes tends to exagerrate.

I can second Victor's caveat.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Victor March 29, 2005 04:43 am
Yes 13, not 130 lei.

Posted by: horia March 29, 2005 09:04 am
Last week-end here in Brasov was an International Book Trade Show, and i found just one book about aviation. This book is about memories of Nicolae Maxim "Little aeronautic suplement".
P.S at Nemira editure was a promotion and I could buy "Tancuri in flacari" written by Ion S. Dumitru with just 40 000 lei!!

Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu March 29, 2005 03:22 pm
It was nice meeting you Victor, too bad other members of this forum were not there.Here are some pics Victor took with my crappy camera (please forgive the poor quality):

Neagu Djuvara:
user posted image

Ion Dicezare:
user posted image

Martha Greceanu:
user posted image

Dan Stoian:
user posted image

Posted by: C-2 March 29, 2005 05:51 pm
sorry I didn't come...
I was working....
Dan Stoian has finaly bought a hearing aparatus?
Could you or Victor talk to him?

Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu March 29, 2005 06:02 pm
Not really - I am a shy person rolleyes.gif and no one introduced me to him.

Posted by: MaxFax March 30, 2005 08:42 am
QUOTE (Victor @ Mar 28 2005, 08:16 PM)
The book is available in the bookstore for 130.08 lei ("heavy" lei). For those interested in buying and reading it, please be careful about taking everything in it for granted. Tudor Greceanu was a great pilot ans soldier, but he sometimes tends to exagerrate.

130.000 lei ?!
Hmmm !
The on-line price is only 120.000 lei, shipping included (in Romania of course).

Posted by: C-2 March 31, 2005 07:18 pm
Those who are interested in Dragos stinghe's book,please tell me the nr of copies you want since the nr printed is limited.
I'll ask mr Stinghe to put for us a small cantity.

Posted by: Dénes March 31, 2005 07:28 pm
I am in with 2 copies.
Payment in early June, when I'll be in Rumania.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: boonicootza March 31, 2005 09:29 pm
I've bought it online and it came really fast, just one day. It was a good read.

Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu April 01, 2005 06:15 am
C2 I would like 3 copies please (btw: what is the price ?).

Posted by: electric April 01, 2005 06:16 am
I kindly ask for one copy of Mr. Stinghe's book for me, too.

Posted by: C-2 April 01, 2005 05:41 pm
I talked with Mr Stinghe a few days ago and he said they are working on the cover.
I don't know the price.
I'll let you all know as soon as I have some news.

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