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Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu December 20, 2004 07:49 pm
I wanted for a long time to make a complete list of all books about ARR, I will start with the ones I have or read (hope Idon't forget any), please complete this list with the books you read or heard about.

"Un nume de legenda: Cpt. Av. Alexandru Serbanescu" (you can still buy it from Modelism)

"Tudor Greceanu" (I think it is named "Pe drumul celor putini" - anyone knows if I can still buy it from somewhere ?)

"Jurnalul Locotenentului Dobran" (by Ion Dorban - can still buy it from Modelism)

"Singur pe cerul Stalingradului" (by Ion Profir- can still buy it from Modelism)

"IAR-80 Povestea unui erou necunoscut" (by Dan Antoniu and G. Ciocos - hope I didn't spell the name wrong smile.gif I could only get the book by directly talking to mr. Antoniu)

"Romanian Black Hussars - Grupul 3 picaj" (can still buy it from Modelism)

"Marin Dumiterscu" (cannot remember the name - anyone knows where I cna buy it from ?)

"Pumnul Tarii" (by Dan Stoian - anyone knows where I can buy it from ?)

"Cavalerii bimotoarelor de asalt" (by Cornel Marandiuc - anyone knows where I can buy it from ?)

"Romanian Air Force - The Prime Decade" (by Denes Bernad - cannot find it in Romania)

"Romanian Aces of WW2" (by Denes Bernad - cannot find it in Romania)

"Bine ati venit in infern !" (the name escapes me atm - we talked about this author in another thread)

Posted by: D13-th_Toppy December 20, 2004 08:43 pm
"Marin Dumitrescu" (cannot remember the name - anyone knows where I cna buy it from ?)

Mytzu, i think the book you are reffering to is written by Constantin Struna and it is called "Bate clopotu'n Gulag". Btw the pilot' s name is Dumitru Marinescu tongue.gif

i have these also:
Romanian Aeronautics in the second worls war - (probably Modelism still has it for sale)
Aviatia Romana in timpul celui de-al doilea razboi mondial (from Aeromagazin) (dunno from where to get it now, maybe give them a call)

about the books you posted:
i got "Cavalerii bimotoarelor de asalt" and "Pumnul tarii" from modelism, maybe they still have it.

Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu December 20, 2004 09:17 pm
"Marin Dumitrescu" (cannot remember the name - anyone knows where I cna buy it from ?)

Mytzu, i think the book you are reffering to is written by Constantin Struna and it is called "Bate clopotu'n Gulag". Btw the pilot' s name is Dumitru Marinescu

Yes you are right - I always mix up his name sad.gif the book was given to me by his nephew (actually borrowed) and I was not able to locate it and buy it for myself, so if anyone knows where I can buy it from (no necesarry a new one) please let me know.

Posted by: cipiamon December 20, 2004 11:52 pm
Also i remeber:

- Festung Ploiesti (published recently by Printeuro)
- La chasse du jour germano-roumain
- La chasse du nuit germano-roumain
- Inimi cat cerul patriei

and i think there are manny others, but verry hard to find sad.gif

Posted by: Iamandi December 21, 2004 06:59 am
QUOTE (cipiamon @ Dec 20 2004, 11:52 PM)
Also i remeber:

- Festung Ploiesti (published recently by Printeuro)
- La chasse du jour germano-roumain
- La chasse du nuit germano-roumain
- Inimi cat cerul patriei

and i think there are manny others, but verry hard to find sad.gif

"Inimi cat sa cuprinda cerul patriei" - Cornel Marandiuc


- but some thinks about that book... more like propaganda. I like this book.

Posted by: Victor December 21, 2004 07:00 am
QUOTE (cipiamon @ Dec 21 2004, 01:52 AM)
- Festung Ploiesti (published recently by Printeuro)

Wasn't this published in Ploiesti? I saw it in the window at the Military Library, but didn't see it in any bookstore.

Posted by: alexkdl December 21, 2004 08:42 am

Festul do I get this book given I live in Switzerland ...what a bad luck for me !! Festul means in German ...fortareaza .......why a German language or maybe I interpret it wrong ?


Posted by: cipiamon December 21, 2004 11:32 am
Yes i sow this book in the library of the Military Academy (no civilians may buy it), i have a friend who has connexions... and he took it. I ll try to convince him to boro me this book.

Posted by: Dénes December 21, 2004 03:47 pm
QUOTE (cipiamon @ Dec 21 2004, 05:52 AM)
- Festung Ploiesti (published recently by Printeuro)

Isn't that book a translation of this one, published earlier this year?
user posted image

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: alexkdl December 21, 2004 06:03 pm
Victor is this book the translation of the Roumanian book BINE AZI VENIT IN INFERN ?


Posted by: Victor December 22, 2004 03:28 pm
Jay Stout is a former F-16 pilot who has researched the subject and has written this book. It isn't the translation of "Bine ati venit in infern" written by Ioan Grigorescu, nor is "Festung Ploiesti" a translation of Jay Stout's book, as it was also written by a Romanian. It would be good if Cip would get his hands on it. biggrin.gif

Posted by: cipiamon December 22, 2004 03:42 pm
Probably yes in the near future.

Posted by: alexkdl December 22, 2004 04:10 pm
Victor I just thought to let all people on here who are interested on Ploesti TIDALWAVE new editorials , to inform you that in 2005 there will be a comprehensive book on the Tidalwave which will be published in UK , called PLOESTI RAID THROUGH THE LENS it can be ordered in advance at

Seasonal Greetings to you and all on this forum

Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu December 22, 2004 07:41 pm
Is there a book about SM79 group ? Or at least do you know about the existence of not published memoires from a crewmember belonging to that group ?

Posted by: Dénes December 22, 2004 08:13 pm
'Avions' has published not long ago a two-part series on a Savoia bomber veteran, Eusebiu Hladiuc. That's the closest you can get to published memoirs.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu December 22, 2004 09:12 pm
Can someone who has those stories from Avion scan them please ?

Posted by: electric December 23, 2004 05:47 pm
"Aripi In Furtuna" - Anton Marin, Editura Militara 1979

It's about post 23rd August 1944 ARR actions. This book fits the commie propaganda standard of it's time, being written by a former WW2 "active" witness : coll. ® eng. Anton Marin.

It includes scenes mentioned by other books (such as Dan Stoian's - "Pumnul Tarii"); a nice (and well known) episode describes how Mr. Cujba repaired one damaged B-17 using acacia wood (rom. 'salcim').

Best Regards,

Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu December 23, 2004 08:05 pm
Thank you Electric - do you have that book and is it worth reading ? For some reason I am unable to read more then 3 pages of a pre 89 book on ARR.

Posted by: C-2 December 23, 2004 09:16 pm
QUOTE (D13-th_Mytzu @ Dec 23 2004, 08:05 PM)
Thank you Electric - do you have that book and is it worth reading ? For some reason I am unable to read more then 3 pages of a pre 89 book on ARR.

We must been twin brothers laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: Florin December 24, 2004 07:44 am
QUOTE (electric @ Dec 23 2004, 12:47 PM)
"Aripi In Furtuna" - Anton Marin, Editura Militara 1979

It's about post 23rd August 1944 ARR actions. This book fits the commie propaganda standard of it's time, being written by a former WW2 "active" witness : coll. ® eng. Anton Marin.


Best Regards,

I read "Aripi in furtuna" long time ago.
Why "This book fits the commie propaganda standard of its time", from your point of view?

Anton Marin wrote also a book about Romanian inventions and priorities during the early history of aviation. Quite an interesting book, even though sometimes he exaggerated our merits by neglecting to mention some foreign achievements in the same fields.

Posted by: electric December 25, 2004 11:46 pm
D13_th-Mytzu, yes I do have it; I think that all the books have to be read, in order for one to get a broader picture of the general and particular opinions.

Florin, my belief is that the books written before the Romanian '89 events must be read with the proper reserve...

Best regards,

Posted by: Ruy Aballe December 26, 2004 10:48 am

Florin, the book you mentioned, written by Anton Marin, sounds interesting, even if it must eventually be read with a certain degree of precaution, as Electric has pointed out... Do you remember if the work of Eng. Ion Stroescu is mentioned by the author?

By the way, I think one book is missing from the general list:

"Seaplanes over the Black Sea: German-Romanian operations 1941-1944", by Cristian Craciunoiu and Jean-Louis Roba; Bucharest, Editura Modelism, 1995. ISBN 973-97497-2-0


Posted by: Iamandi December 27, 2004 06:47 am

Anyone read "Sfarleaza cu fofeaza" ? biggrin.gif Ok is not with ARR, but was the first book with airplanes and romanian people. My first book, and when i was child i read it again and again...
Ok. More serious - a little book "Sa vii acasa pe un nor" with some of the chapters with IAR-39 storyes.
Back at childhood age - i read another one, a verry nice one, i forget his name, was with childrens in nearby of one of the airports of the ARR and "G" (at that momment i considered it was Fiat "G"-50...) and some of the real pilots from that period, pre and post 23 Aug. 1944. Some love storys, nice-nice-nice for that age.


Posted by: alexkdl December 28, 2004 04:36 pm
Hello Denes

I hope you spent a nice x-mas. I started to read " Fortress Ploesti" and the author does mention you as the source of most ARR photos printted in...however he doesnt mention about the Roumanian author who participated or anything about a Roumanian partner on that books since this was part of some discussions on here.

Also there's an other book called Rescue from Ploesti by William G.Williams , did you provide the very rare ARR photos in there because u arent mentioned ? He claims that most of its photos were from Maxwell AFB in the US....?

Let me know


Posted by: Victor December 28, 2004 09:31 pm
I passed again in front of the Military Library. The author of "Festung Ploiesti" isn't mentioned on the cover. Only the Prahova County Museum of History and Archaeology.

Posted by: Dénes December 29, 2004 04:28 am
QUOTE (alexkdl @ Dec 28 2004, 10:36 PM)
Hello Denes

I hope you spent a nice x-mas. I started to read " Fortress Ploesti" and the author does mention you as the source of most ARR photos printted in...however he doesnt mention about the Roumanian author who participated or anything about a Roumanian partner on that books since this was part of some discussions on here.

Yes, I did help Jay Stout in his project with photos and info. However, he had a "mysterious" Rumanian collaborator, who did not want his name to be disclosed.

there's an other book called Rescue from Ploesti by William G.Williams , did you provide the very rare ARR photos in there because u arent mentioned ? He claims that most of its photos were from Maxwell AFB in the US....?

I am not aware of this book. Can you briefly describe the type of photos included in it? Are there any photos of Rumanian airplanes or airmen?

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Dénes December 29, 2004 05:25 am
There is a Rumanian language web site related to aviation - maintained by a former University professor of mine from Brasov - where various Rumanian books on aviation are listed on two pages.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Victor December 29, 2004 07:38 am
QUOTE (Dénes @ Dec 29 2004, 06:28 AM)
Yes, I did help Jay Stout in his project with photos and info. However, he had a "mysterious" Rumanian collaborator, who did not want his name to be disclosed.

I did not want my name mentioned because I really didn't do much, except find and translate some passages from different books. I asked Mr. Stout to give the credits to the actual authors.

Posted by: alexkdl December 29, 2004 01:54 pm
Hello Denes

Yes there are photos ARR I never saw before . But most intriguing of all are photos of Cantacuzino with Col.Gunn drinking wine upon arrival in Foggia , a ARR ME-109 which was painted with large a US flag which landed in Italy with Cantacuzino and Gunn , the same ME-109 ispected by US officers also Americans POW's photos in Roumania and after their camp was bombed by Germans. Also US POW's preparing to leave Popesti airfiled during Operation Reunion


Posted by: alexkdl December 29, 2004 02:11 pm
Hello Victor

There are as few books published in Roumania I would like to buy and due to my location i would be very grateful if you know the sources I can order them through in Boucharest by Internet or fax from end

-Jurnalul al Locotenentul Dobran
-Singurul pe cerul Stalingrad
-Escadrila 52 de Vanatoare
-Un erou Aviatorul Serbanescu

Thanks in advance

Posted by: Victor December 29, 2004 02:23 pm
For 1, 2 and 4 try
No. 3 isn't a book I would really recommend. It is more of a novel than a history book. I have no idea were you might find it.

Posted by: alexkdl December 29, 2004 03:05 pm

Many thanks I am very much aware about modelism though they dont deliver a thing abroad nor respond foreign email addresses...I have tried in the past , they didnt bother to even answer an email which bytheway I repeated later on Roumanian language


Posted by: Victor December 29, 2004 03:57 pm
Two members of the Modelism Publishing house are members of this forum, including mr. Cristian Craciunoiu.

Posted by: alexkdl December 29, 2004 04:04 pm
QUOTE (Victor @ Dec 29 2004, 03:57 PM)

Oh OK Victor , I will try to get a hold of them



Posted by: cipiamon December 29, 2004 05:22 pm
Anybody knows anything about this book? "Amintiri din razboaie neterminate" Editura Semne 2003 ?

Posted by: Iamandi January 03, 2005 11:19 am

"Misiune de sacrificiu" - maybe Cornel Marandiuc.


Posted by: cainele_franctiror August 31, 2005 05:17 pm
Mr. Vasile Tudor finished the first of a new book : ,,Aerial war over Romania 1941-1945" It is full of new informations.''

Moderator's note: Topic merged by Dénes

Posted by: Dénes August 31, 2005 05:42 pm
Was it published? If yes, where?

Gen. Dénes

P.S. What do you mean by: "the first of a new book"?

Posted by: Dénes August 31, 2005 05:57 pm
QUOTE (cipiamon @ Dec 29 2004, 11:22 PM)
Anybody knows anything about this book? "Amintiri din razboaie neterminate" Editura Semne 2003 ?

I would like to revive this topic.

Were there any aviation related books published recently in Rumania?

Has anyone seen Sorin Tulea's mentioned book, published by Editura Semne?

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu September 01, 2005 12:23 am
Electric called the "editura" and they said it is no longer available and that we should try our luck in "anticariate".

Books recently published in ROmania about aviation would be Tudor Greceanu's book, the one about Bibescu and I think there are another 2 or 3 new books but don;t really remember (it is very late now and my neuron is asleep).

Posted by: electric September 01, 2005 06:58 am
Hi All!

Contact details for the publishing house:

Grupul Editorial Semne - Artemis
STR. DELAVRANCEA BARBU, Nr. 24 021/3188344 (distribution 021/310.74.59)


Posted by: MaxFax September 01, 2005 11:49 am
QUOTE (D13-th_Mytzu @ Sep 1 2005, 03:23 AM)
Electric called the "editura" and they said it is no longer available and that we should try our luck in "anticariate".

A friend of mine called also today the "editura" and the answer was a little bit different !
The entire quantity of books were taken by somebody who has ordered the printing and probably is related with Tulea. The guy from the publishing house could not remember this person's name .... unsure.gif

So probably the book still is available somewehre and is waiting for us to buy it ...

Posted by: Dani September 01, 2005 11:58 am
QUOTE (MaxFax @ Sep 1 2005, 01:49 PM)
QUOTE (D13-th_Mytzu @ Sep 1 2005, 03:23 AM)
Electric called the "editura" and they said it is no longer available and that we should try our luck in "anticariate".

A friend of mine called also today the "editura" and the answer was a little bit different !
The entire quantity of books were taken by somebody who has ordered the printing and probably is related with Tulea. The guy from the publishing house could not remember this person's name .... unsure.gif

So probably the book still is available somewehre and is waiting for us to buy it ...

I wonder about the number of copies made...

Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu September 01, 2005 01:48 pm
I wonder about the number of copies made...

Probably a few hundred as it happened with all ARR related books published in Romania (as far as I know).

Posted by: electric September 01, 2005 02:25 pm
QUOTE (MaxFax @ Sep 1 2005, 11:49 AM)
So probably the book still is available somewehre and is waiting for us to buy it  ...

MaxFax, Mytzu said that the book is no loger available at the publishing house.
They told me that they don't have it anymore.

So you received the same answer:)


Posted by: Dénes September 01, 2005 03:30 pm
Someone should call the Tuleas and talk to Mr. Tulea's wife (if I understood correctly, Mr. Tulea has hearing problems recently). Perhaps she knows more about the whereabouts of the book caché.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu September 01, 2005 04:13 pm
C-2 ?

BTW: a permanent "targ de carte" opened in Bucharest with all publishing houses and low prices, unfortunatelly I do not know where it is (anyone ?), l wonder if this will be a good enough ocasion to republish some of the books about ARR.

Posted by: C-2 September 01, 2005 05:06 pm
Tulea has never been married.
That's why he lives so long.
I know the woman that is a family friend and taked care of him.
I'll make some calls .

Posted by: MaxFax September 01, 2005 08:39 pm
QUOTE (electric @ Sep 1 2005, 05:25 PM)
QUOTE (MaxFax @ Sep 1 2005, 11:49 AM)
So probably the book still is available somewehre and is waiting for us to buy it  ...

MaxFax, Mytzu said that the book is no loger available at the publishing house.
They told me that they don't have it anymore.

So you received the same answer:)


Not quite electric !!
It seems that the book was never available at the publishing house.
The "mistery man" took away every printed copyv .... unsure.gif

Posted by: cipiamon September 01, 2005 09:13 pm
Is the first time i hear such thing, verry strange, verry...

Posted by: C-2 September 01, 2005 09:16 pm
It's not so strange.
Nobody is interested in bools about the ARR,so some people get a sponsor to pay for the publishing.
After that they don't want to try promoting the book cause there is no money.
So some "guy" is colecting the books to his home and seling them from there.
The same happened with Stinghe's book.

Posted by: MaxFax September 02, 2005 03:41 am
So my dear fellows colleagues, we must find “the mystery man” and help him to sell the book!
Let’s hope that some copies are still available?! That’s very probable! .....

Posted by: C-2 September 02, 2005 04:54 pm
Well some light on the subject.
First of all Sorin Tulea WAS MARRIED,but his wife died long ago.
My mistake,but I got myself this info...
He's book was never sold.
He gave it as a present to friends with dedication.
The family friend who told me this promised to chech if there are any more books avilable.
I'll keep you informed.

Posted by: MaxFax September 07, 2005 08:41 am
QUOTE (C-2 @ Sep 2 2005, 07:54 PM)

He's book was never sold.
He gave it as a present to friends with dedication.
The family friend who told me this promised to chech if there are any more books avilable.
I'll keep you informed.

Nothing new in the "Tulea's book" case ?!

Posted by: C-2 September 07, 2005 11:40 am
I'll make a call this evening.I got no response yet...

Posted by: MaxFax September 07, 2005 08:52 pm
Some very sad news: cdr.av (rez) Sorin Tulea just died.

The funerals are Saturday at 12 a clock, "Ghencea civil" cemetery.
I've got this news from Mr. Craciunoiu.
More details about the funerals tomorrow from Mrs. Greceanu who is involved in that activity.
" Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca ! "

Posted by: Dénes September 07, 2005 10:39 pm
I am really saddened of this unexpected news.
I knew Mr. Tulea personally and he was a remarkable man.
May he rest in peace.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: C-2 September 08, 2005 05:47 am
I hope thathe's son,will be able to be at the funeral.
He lives in Argentina.

Posted by: MaxFax September 08, 2005 06:58 am
C-2, please don't let us down !!
I mean about the book !
In this particular situation the book becames more valuable, being the very last personal information about Tulea's activity in ARR !

Posted by: Victor September 08, 2005 07:54 am
Very sad news indeed.
Dumnezeu sa-l ierte!

Posted by: Dani September 08, 2005 08:16 am
May God rest him in peace!

Posted by: Zayets September 08, 2005 08:19 am
Sa-i fie tarana usoara!

Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu September 08, 2005 09:26 am
Do you think the family will mind if some of us will attend the ceremony on sunday ?

Posted by: MaxFax September 08, 2005 09:46 am
I think no, if you keep a low profile !

Posted by: C-2 September 08, 2005 12:35 pm
The family friend that took care if ST,has a copy.
I can take it and scan it.

Posted by: MaxFax September 08, 2005 02:59 pm
Last minute news from mr. Craciunoiu:
The funerals are Saturday at 12 a clock, "BELU" cemetery, NOT at Ghencea.

Posted by: cainele_franctiror September 08, 2005 03:20 pm

Sad news ... Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca! BTW , how many combat pilots from ww2 are still with us?

Posted by: C-2 September 15, 2005 11:45 am
I visited Dobran today ,who lost constinet yesterday,and hurt himself.
I gave him an exemplar of Aeromagazin,and he found S.Tulea's book.
I took it to read and even for scaning.

Posted by: C-2 September 16, 2005 05:15 pm
I just talked with Eusebiu Hladiuk who told me that veteran fighter pilot Tolan died in his Summer house in Spain.He was a doctor in Frankfurt.
Maybee someone can make a short biografy .

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