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Posted by: cainele_franctiror March 29, 2012 11:36 am

In April will be available my new book "Cruciati ai inaltimilor. Grupul 7 Vanatoare de la Prut la Odessa (Iunie-Octombrie 1941)

Mr. Ioan Di Cesare had also a contribution.

Main topics are:

-Beginnings of 7th FG
-The German Training school at Pipera Airfield (late '40 and early '41)
-Air fights and ground attacks in Bessarabia Campaign
-Air fights over Odessa
-More than 100 photos

A lot of information and the photos are for the first time printed. Anyway, another 100 photos that I intended to use will stay out from editorial reasons. Most of them are from an album offered by 1st Fighter Flotilla to general Jienescu in late 1941. Today, the album belongs to Mr. Di Cesare.

Posted by: muggs March 29, 2012 12:33 pm
Let us know from where it can be bought.

Posted by: cainele_franctiror March 29, 2012 12:36 pm
Sorry, sure

The Publishing House is Editura Militara, so it can be bought from Cercul Militar Natonal.

Posted by: Victor March 29, 2012 01:10 pm
Great news. Looking forward to it.

Regarding ordering from Ed. Militara, it basically resumes to receiving a call and being invited to the CMC to pick-up the books from there.

Posted by: muggs March 29, 2012 03:23 pm
At least they should distribute the books via a bookstore chain that is more widely available..basically if you don't live in Bucharest there is no way to buy books from them directly.

Posted by: horia March 29, 2012 04:41 pm
Is the cover ready?

Posted by: cainele_franctiror March 29, 2012 04:43 pm
Not yet. I'll post it here in one week.

Posted by: Radub March 29, 2012 05:11 pm
Interesting! Please keep us informed about availability and means of purchase.

Posted by: cainele_franctiror March 29, 2012 05:25 pm
small parts from the book can be read in Observatorul militar for three issues starting with current week

Posted by: Dénes March 29, 2012 06:23 pm
Excellent news!
I am looking forward to reading it.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Dénes March 29, 2012 07:04 pm
I read the excerpt published in OM. Very nice and interesting details.

Here is what I have on Handrick (info which I received from Henry L. deZeng IV, whom I met in Ohio, about 20 years ago):

HANDRICK, Gotthardt. (DOB: 25.10.08). (DKG).
01.04.35 appt Staka 1./JG 132 (to 18.07.37).
1936 winner of the Pentathlon in the Olympics. 18.07.37 appt Kdr. J/88 in Spain (to 11.09.38). 11.09.38 appt
Kdr. I./JG 234. 01.11.38 appt Kdr. I./JG 132. 01.05.39 Maj., appt Kdr. I./JG 26 (to 23.06.40). 24.06.40
Maj., appt Kommodore JG 26 (to 21.08.40). 26.08.40 Maj., appt Kdr. Erg.JGr. Merseburg (to 06.10.40).
07.10.40 Maj., appt Kdr. III./JG 52 (to 22.06.41). 20.06.41 Maj., appt Kommodore JG 77 (to 01.05.42).
01.05.42 Obstlt., appt Kommodore JG 5 (to 06.43). (n.d.) awarded the Ehrenpokal. 06.43 trf to Luftflotte
Reich and appt Jagdabschnittsführer Wien (to 15.09.43). 15.09.43 appt Jagdfliegerführer Ostmark (to
15.06.44). 01.10.43 promo to Oberst. 17.10.43 Oberst, awarded DKG for service as Kommodore JG 5.
15.06.44 appt Kdr. 8. Jagddivision (to 08.05.45). 12.44 Oberst, appt (acting?) Jagdabschnittsführer
Mittelrhein (to 26.01.45). 26.01.45 appt (acting?) Jagdfliegerführer Mittelrhein (to 02.45).
Credited with 15 victories.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: cainele_franctiror March 29, 2012 07:11 pm
Thank you, Danes! What about Hernick? I did not found any mention about him, but mr. Di Cesare insisted that was his name...

Posted by: Dénes March 29, 2012 07:29 pm
I found no trace of "Cpt. Hernick'. It must be a misspelling.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: C-2 March 29, 2012 09:46 pm

Posted by: muggs March 30, 2012 06:28 am
HÖRNIG, Franz. (DOB: 16.11.13). 01.07.38 Oblt., appt Staka 1./JG 234 (to 01.11.38). 01.11.38 appt
Staka 1./JG 132. 01.05.39 Oblt., appt Staka 1./JG 26 (to 08.09.40). 08.09.40 trf to JFS 1 Werneuchen.
09.09.40 Oblt., appt Staka 9./JG 52 (to 01.11.41). 20.09.40 Oblt., appt (acting?) Staka 3./Erg.JGr.
Merseburg (to 03.10.40). 23.09.41 Hptm., appt acting Kdr. III./JG 52 (to 30.09.41). 28.07.42 Hptm., appt
Gruppenleiter in JFS 4 (to 21.09.42). 08.42 Hptm., appt Kdr. I./Zerstörervorschule 1 (to 11.10.42).
12.10.42 Hptm., appt Gruppenleiter in JFS 7 (to 25.01.43). 01.01.43 promo to Maj. 26.01.43 Maj., appt
Kdr. I./JG 107 (to 01.44). 16.10.44 Maj., appt Ic/Luftgaukdo. V. Credited with one victory

Posted by: cainele_franctiror March 30, 2012 07:16 am
Thank you C2 and muggs, but as I can see, Hornig is credited with only one victory, so... he cannot be the winner! biggrin.gif

Posted by: C-2 March 30, 2012 10:02 am
That's the one.
I found a paper writen by Dicesare 10 years ago with the corect spelling.

Posted by: cainele_franctiror March 30, 2012 10:38 am
I had google Hornik and there's nothing about a ww2 pilot with this name

Posted by: C-2 March 30, 2012 05:41 pm
I found after a short search the small paper written 10 yars ago by Mr Dicesare:

Major Handrick fighter pilot Me 109 E
Grup comander captain Harinik-a very famous Austrian pilot those days.
Leutenant Von Boremski (dies 1962 car accident in Hamburg-I found this with the help of a german guy).
And captain Wolf Dietrich Wilke ex comador Tuzov airfield.

Posted by: Florin March 31, 2012 02:28 am
Question from a non-historian: when they made at Brasov the Me-109 under license, did they built the in-line engine, too?

Posted by: C-2 March 31, 2012 05:45 am
As far as I ,as a non historian,know,the engines were "made in germany",but rebuilding them was a job done in romania.

Posted by: Radub March 31, 2012 08:37 am
The engines were made by Daimler Benz in their own workshops and no Messerschmitt factory made them on-site. (think of "Dacia cu motor Renault" wink.gif ) Many parts for the Romanian-made Messeschmitts were brought in from Germany, engines, propellers, landing gears, instruments, jigs, even the paint. The main part of the work done in Romania was panel-beating and assembly. Messerschmitts were built like that everywhere, no factory made everything - production was "split" between a number of "satelite" workshops, one made wings, one made fuselages, one made tailplanes, and then they were brought together. The idea was that no enemy attack could stop production. If a wing factory was hit, another was available elsewhere. I.A.R. also had "satelite" workshops in Ghimbav, Caransebes, Arpasu, etc. After the Brasov factory was disabled by the USAF bombing in the late-spring of 1944, the Messerschmitts were assembled in Caransebes.

Posted by: cainele_franctiror April 05, 2012 06:51 am
another small part from my book, this week in OM

Posted by: Florin April 05, 2012 02:03 pm
QUOTE (Radub @ March 31, 2012 03:37 am)
The engines were made by Daimler Benz in their own workshops and no Messerschmitt factory made them on-site. .................... I.A.R. also had "satelite" workshops in Ghimbav, Caransebes, Arpasu, etc. After the Brasov factory was disabled by the USAF bombing in the late-spring of 1944, the Messerschmitts were assembled in Caransebes.

Thank you, "Radub", for the answers.
When I asked if the engines were made in Romania, I was thinking about how many Me-109 was able to manufacture I.A.R. Brasov after 23 August 1944.
A manufacturing plant always have spare parts in storage, the problem is how many. And it does not matter how small the part is, the first missing stops everything.

Posted by: Victor April 05, 2012 05:13 pm
Is there any chance it will be released before 20 April ?

Posted by: cainele_franctiror April 05, 2012 06:34 pm
No, I think will be released during the last days of April...

Posted by: Radub April 05, 2012 06:50 pm
QUOTE (Florin @ April 05, 2012 02:03 pm)
QUOTE (Radub @ March 31, 2012 03:37 am)
The engines were made by Daimler Benz in their own workshops and no Messerschmitt factory made them on-site. .................... I.A.R. also had "satelite" workshops in Ghimbav, Caransebes, Arpasu, etc. After the Brasov factory was disabled by the USAF bombing in the late-spring of 1944, the Messerschmitts were assembled in Caransebes.

Thank you, "Radub", for the answers.
When I asked if the engines were made in Romania, I was thinking about how many Me-109 was able to manufacture I.A.R. Brasov after 23 August 1944.
A manufacturing plant always have spare parts in storage, the problem is how many. And it does not matter how small the part is, the first missing stops everything.

I do not think is fair to hijack this thread. In as far as I can see, this book deals with Messerschmitt Bf.109E, which was never built in Romania. We should open a separate thread about the I.A.R.-built Messerschmitts - the subject can become quite big quite fast.

Posted by: C-2 April 05, 2012 07:46 pm
QUOTE (Victor @ April 05, 2012 05:13 pm)
Is there any chance it will be released before 20 April ?

Adolf's birthday?

Posted by: cainele_franctiror April 12, 2012 03:54 am
QUOTE (C-2 @ April 05, 2012 07:46 pm)
QUOTE (Victor @ April 05, 2012 05:13 pm)
Is there any chance it will be released before 20 April ?

Adolf's birthday?

No, Romanian King Carol I's birthsday, exactly 50 years earlier.

The third and the last part presented in OM here 14.pdf

Posted by: cainele_franctiror April 12, 2012 03:56 am

Posted by: cainele_franctiror April 12, 2012 03:58 am
QUOTE (cainele_franctiror @ April 12, 2012 03:56 am)

lucky third... this is how I became general, too.

Posted by: Dénes April 12, 2012 06:48 pm
Lt. C-dor av. Popisteanu was shot down by a single Yak-1. He was wounded and tried to force land his stricken aircraft, however, he died in the process. His Bf 109E crashed at Marienthal, near Tiraspol.

I mentioned the circumstances of his death in the second volume of my book, From Barbarossa to Odessa, on page 134.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: cainele_franctiror April 12, 2012 08:33 pm
I had three different stories about the way he died. That's why I decided to use the main document of the 1st Fighter Flotilla. Anyway, I also discovered that the plane who took his body home, in Bucharest, was a DC.2 (was to late to mention in the book, but I could mention that when I explained the pictures of this plane, which is inside the book).

About the place where his plane hit the ground Mr. Di Cesare also insisted that was near Vasilievka.

Posted by: muggs May 04, 2012 06:19 am
Any "new" news ?

Posted by: cainele_franctiror May 06, 2012 05:12 am
The book was already printed. In few days will be on the market.

and, I don't know how to attach the cover...

Posted by: muggs May 06, 2012 04:16 pm go here and simply drag and drop the file in the site, it will generate by itself an address which you can paste here

Posted by: cainele_franctiror May 06, 2012 06:54 pm

Thank you, muggs

Posted by: cainele_franctiror May 06, 2012 06:58 pm

Posted by: cainele_franctiror May 08, 2012 03:12 pm
starting today the book is available at Cercul Militar National, at the Library

Posted by: Dénes May 08, 2012 05:26 pm
I believe you actually mean bookstore (so non-Rumanians would know where can they purchase the book if nearby).

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: cainele_franctiror May 08, 2012 05:52 pm
yes, the bookstore...

well, in Romanian Language bookstore is librarie, so many times I make this mistake[I]

Posted by: Mihai Popteanu May 09, 2012 03:02 pm
I bought the book today from Biblioteca Nationala Militara.

Posted by: Victor August 26, 2012 07:24 am
I went to buy it last week, but the person in charge of book sales in on vacation until 7 September. So, if you ordered it or just plan to go there and buy it, wait for 2 more weeks.

Posted by: Radub August 31, 2012 10:52 am
I just got the book and it looks very interesting.
I have one observation about the photo at the bottom of page 265 captioned: "Soviet plane set on fire by the pilots from Pipera ". The plane in this picture is a Messerschmitt Bf.109G-2, very likely a Romanian plane.

Posted by: cainele_franctiror August 31, 2012 04:17 pm
Well, if it is so (or a F type) I mistaken it with a LaGG 3 fighter... mea culpa. But the plane is almost entire burned.

Posted by: Radub August 31, 2012 10:03 pm
If it is an F, then it is not Romanian. There is not enough in the photo to tell the type for sure, but I can see that it is armed with MG17 guns so it is not a G-6. My guess is G-2 or G-4.
This caption is just a small "niggle", the book is quite good otherwise.

Posted by: cainele_franctiror September 01, 2012 07:38 am
The plane it is not Romanian. The picture is from a photo album offered in late 41 or early 42 by the 1st Fighter Flotilla pilots to General Jienescu. All the downed planes from this album (also from the book) looks like being Romanian victories.

Posted by: cainele_franctiror September 01, 2012 07:44 am
QUOTE (cainele_franctiror @ September 01, 2012 07:38 am)
looks like being Romanian victories.

I mean they are all on the same page

Posted by: cainele_franctiror September 01, 2012 07:56 am
still I connot attach ...

Posted by: muggs September 01, 2012 10:17 am
Use, just drag and drop the picture there and then copy the link here.

Posted by: Radub September 01, 2012 12:42 pm
QUOTE (cainele_franctiror @ September 01, 2012 07:38 am)
The plane it is not Romanian. The picture is from a photo album offered in late 41 or early 42 by the 1st Fighter Flotilla pilots to General Jienescu. All the downed planes from this album (also from the book) looks like being Romanian victories.

Sorry... I do not understand...

Do you mean that this is a picture of a Messerschmitt shot down by Romanian pilots? How? In what circumstances? Planes of that type were used only by "friendly" nations at the time when the type was in use (Germany, Hungary, Italy). Did Romanian pilots shoot down a "friendly"? The Russians captured a few, but they never used them in combat.

A much more likely scenario is that it is a German F/G or a Romanian G that fell victim to a Russian airfield attack (or maybe crashed during take-off/landing).

By the way, if you ever need help with aircraft identification, please do not hesitate to write me a PM.

Posted by: cainele_franctiror September 01, 2012 01:46 pm

thank you muggs.

Anyway, the tail assembly looks more like LaGG 3 for me. I mean the horizontal stabilising of an Me 109 is not below the ungle of the tail where the tail meet the fuselage.

Posted by: cainele_franctiror September 01, 2012 01:54 pm
the Me 109 G tail

the LaGG 3 tail

Posted by: Dénes September 01, 2012 03:18 pm
I have this photo. By appearance, it's a Bf 109, either F or G.
If I remember correctly, it's an F used during transition to the "Gustav", but I need to double check it.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Radub September 01, 2012 04:44 pm
QUOTE (cainele_franctiror @ September 01, 2012 01:46 pm)
Anyway, the tail assembly looks more like LaGG 3 for me. I mean the horizontal stabilising of an Me 109 is not below the ungle of the tail where the tail meet the fuselage.

Look in the midle of the ashes. You see a trapese-shaped structure with two diagonal bars at the top corners. That is the windscreen frame of a Bf.109 and those diagonal bars are handholds.

But even without that "clue", it is evident because of the MG17 gun-throughs on the nose that it is a Bf.109.

As I said, this is not a big problem, so let us not make a big thing out of it. wink.gif


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