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Click here to view this topic in its original format Forum > Romanian Royal Navy > Yard Dinamica 1942 Bucharest or Galatz ??

Posted by: Th. Dorgeist August 27, 2003 02:33 pm

with my research to wood shipbuilding in Romania found I also an order of the Sardex to threw Dinamica in Bucharest.
Then again spoken of it the this threw would build in Galatz the ships.
does /give did it give perhaps still/it in Bucharest and Galatz one threw with this
names and can someone say itself which ships was built there??



bei meinen Forschungen zum Holzschiffbau in Rumänien fand ich auch einen Auftrag der Sardex an die Werft Dinamica in Bukarest.

Dann wurde wieder davon gesprochen das diese Werft in Galatz die Schiffe bauen würde.

Gab / oder gibt es vielleicht noch/ es in Bukarest und Galatz eine Werft mit diesen Namen und kann mir Jemand sagen welche Schiffe dort gebaut wurden ??



Posted by: Cristian Craciunoiu September 09, 2003 11:54 am
Sardex was a design for a Soviet trawler build in Romanian Yards Turnu Severin, Oltenitza and Galatzi from 1950. I have a copy of the drawings. It seem to be in fact a German project of 1938. Beeing a steel ship, there were a lot of forget pieces and details produced in Bucharest at Dinamica. There are very few pictures of this ship as they were all exported in Russia.

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