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Click here to view this topic in its original format Forum > Eastern Front (1941-1944) > Ukrainians in Romanian Army

Posted by: jarek_g March 17, 2006 10:08 pm
Hi guys,

In the book, S. Afteniuk, D. Elin, A. Kornayev, I. Levit, Moldavskaya SSR v Velikoy Otečestvennoy Voyne Sovetskogo Sojuza 1941 - 1945 gg, KiĊĦinev 1970, I find info:

In August 1942 Roumanian authorities appointed Army of Work (ukr. Trudoviye Viysko) from Ukrainians lived in "Occupied Teriitories". I seek info about them: structure, numbers of soldiers and places of activity.

In this to oneself book other info:

In April 1943 group so-called Out-of-Dnestr's Roumanians founded Transnistria's Advice of War, which had to recruit volunteers to armies from among Moldovians - citizens Soviet Union to 1940. According to Soviet authors to Advice did not succeed to put out even company of army.

Truth whether propaganda? wink.gif


Posted by: AJohansson April 01, 2006 10:23 am
Sorry, I don't have an answer to your question, but I am interested in the book "Moldavskaya..." that you were mentioning. Did you buy it in Chisinau or somewhere else?

Best regards

Andreas Johansson

Posted by: jarek_g April 01, 2006 11:58 pm
Hi AJohansson,

I read this book in library in Warsaw (Poland). This Centralna Biblioteka Wojskowa (Central Polish Army Library).


Posted by: sid guttridge April 03, 2006 02:45 pm
Hi Jarek,

It sounds quite possibly true. There were hundreds of thousands of "transnistrian" Romanians who had been Soviet citizens between the wars. However, if the Romanians left voluntary recruitment of them as late as April 1943 (i.e. several months AFTER Stalingrad) then it would not be surprising if there were few volunteers.

The Germans had the same problem recruiting Volksdeutsch volunteers from Eastern Europe. Himmler was very disappointed by the comparitively few Volksdeutsch volunteers the W-SS received up to 1942 and it was only conscription from early 1943 that brought in Volksdeutsch recruits in large numbers.



Posted by: jarek_g April 04, 2006 06:41 pm
Thanks Sid,
see you with pleasure also in this forum! biggrin.gif
Jarek or jarek_g

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