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Posted by: druzhina November 20, 2003 12:21 am
Did the Romanian Armed forces have their own newspapers? What were

Posted by: dragos03 December 14, 2003 07:48 pm
They had several newspapers, like "Soldatul" or "Santinela". There were also locally-printed newspapers like "Ecoul Crimeei" (only during the Crimeean campaign).
Every specialty had its own newspaper: "Revista Infanteriei", "Revista Artileriei", "Revista aviatiei", etc.
Another was "Romania militara".
Foreign states edited some newspapers in Romanian language: "Signal", "Der Adler", "Deutschland" (german), "Tempo" (italian) and "Graiul liber" (edited by the russians for the romanian prisoners in USSR).
If you want to know more, i will send you my diploma on this subject (i'm a journalist student), when it's finished.


Posted by: Indrid December 14, 2003 08:16 pm
aaaaaaaaaaa :oops:

i'm feeling pretty embarassed to ask. can you send it to me tooo? i am also curious.

Posted by: dragos03 December 14, 2003 10:54 pm
When it's finished (in 1 month), i will send it to anyone interested. But it's in Romanian.

Posted by: Relu December 15, 2003 02:10 am
Hello Dragos, you probably collect newspapers, don't you?
I don't know, but was Ordinea a military newspaper in WWII?

Best wishes.

Posted by: mabadesc December 16, 2003 06:18 pm
Dragos03, - one more reader for your diploma thesis...please send me a copy chose an interesting topic.

Posted by: Carol I December 16, 2003 07:02 pm
One more name on the list. Please let me know when you finish your graduation project. Thanks.

Posted by: Indrid December 17, 2003 07:46 am
dragos03 i wish you the same interest for your paper to come from the people that are supposed to grade it! cause you`ll definnitively get a 10!

best wishes!

Posted by: dragos03 December 17, 2003 11:11 pm
Thank you for your interest. When it's ready i will post a message. I don't think my teachers will be very interested in my paper, but that's a good thing because they won't know what to criticise.
I am not a newspaper collector, just a student. Everything i know it's from the archives. I don't know about "Ordinea".


Posted by: Geto-Dacul December 20, 2003 12:01 am
Hello Dragos!

I'm also very interested in reading your thesis, since I have a good collection of Romanian WW2 newspapers and magazines ; Ultima Ora, Tempo, Semnalul, Sentinela, Romanian Signal, Ordinea, Europa Noua, Scanteia, Era Noua, Universul, Porunca Vremii etc.

Best regards,


Posted by: Bernard Miclescu December 20, 2003 08:08 am
Dragos, if You don't mind I would like to read your thesis when it will be finished. I do not know much about the subject you choose. Untill then "bon vent" and thank You in advance.


Posted by: costi December 21, 2003 07:53 pm
Me, too, Dragos!

And "multa bafta"!

Posted by: mabadesc December 21, 2003 08:09 pm
A few more interested readers and you're better off publishing it as a can make some profit too... biggrin.gif

Posted by: dragos03 December 26, 2003 10:23 pm
Thank you again for your interest, but i think you expect too much from my thesis. It will be a simple hisory of military actions, with examples from the newspapers, to see how they were reflected. Maybe someday i will write a book about it.
Geto-dacul where did you get your newspapers from? I only have a few Signal and Tempo (Romanian version).
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all of you.


Posted by: Geto-Dacul December 27, 2003 12:52 am
dragos03 wrote :

Geto-dacul where did you get your newspapers from? I only have a few Signal and Tempo (Romanian version).

A Romanian dealer proposed me the personal collection of a famous Romanian numismat, Mr. Buzdugan. It had tens of old newspapers, with "historicial new". I bought the newspapers and the propaganda magazines & tracts for 150$. A very good historical investment... :keep: :ro:

Best regards and happy holidays!


Posted by: Indrid December 28, 2003 10:17 am

you capitalist!!!!!! laugh.gif

Posted by: dragos03 January 16, 2004 05:00 am
My diploma is ready. If you still want to get it, send me an e-mail.


Posted by: Alexandru H. January 16, 2004 05:06 am
Very cheap! Nice investment, Geto...I almost envy you...

And don't worry about Indrid....150$ may be a lot to some romanians, but it's never enough when you have such a hobby smile.gif

Posted by: mihai January 16, 2004 05:43 am

Me, too,
Amor crucifixi traxit nos christi.

Posted by: AGC March 30, 2007 11:46 am
“SENTINELA” is one example of an army newspaper. You can see in the picture Romanian students at the “Politehnica” University from Timisoara during their army training in 1943.


user posted image

Posted by: mateias January 13, 2008 08:47 am
For Dragos03,
I'm also interested in this topic. Therefore, please include me in the list, after graduation. Good luck !

For Geto-Dacul,
Quite interesting that collection of yours, including all political "shades" (from left to right). I wonder if your collection goes further than 1944. Especially Scanteia and Universul.

Posted by: Nestor Makhno January 13, 2008 10:09 am
If anyone has some good photos or scans of Romanian military newspapers from 1941-44 I would be very interested in seeing them.

Posted by: Messerschmitt January 13, 2008 01:54 pm
I wanna read your diploma. you`ll get pm with my mail.

Posted by: Florin November 30, 2010 05:17 am
The first page of an American newspaper printed on June 22, 1941 gives an idea about the style and reaction of the American mass media to the start of the invasion of USSR.
My photo has high resolution - you can read the text.

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