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Click here to view this topic in its original format Forum > Eastern Front (1941-1944) > Question from Russia: Melitopol offensive

Posted by: Isaev Alex September 25, 2003 04:12 pm
Dear All!

I am investigating battle near Melitopol (September-October 1941).
There is a very strange thing in this action of Romanian Mountain corps.
Ex-stab officer of german 1 Geb.Div. Hans Steets in "Gebirgsjäger in der Nogaischen Steppe" describes in detail defensive actions of romanian Kavalry and Mountain corps but when germans began offensive at 1-4 of October 1941 romanian mountain brigades mysteriously disappear.
I think them should have took part in german "Kesselschlacht".

Could you possibly provide me any information of this action?

Posted by: Victor September 25, 2003 06:02 pm
You will find some details here

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