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Click here to view this topic in its original format Forum > Eastern Front (1941-1944) > Losses at Stalingrad

Posted by: petru November 29, 2003 03:14 am
What were the russian losses at Stalingrad? I always had the impression that they lost actually more than the germans. After operation Mars germans had to evacuate the Rzhev salient and the loss ratio was more than 1 to 10 in the german favor(around 30000 to up to half a million).

Posted by: Dénes November 29, 2003 05:16 am
1st Phase: Strategic Defensive Operations (17 July-18 Nov. 1942):
Irrevocable losses: 323,856
Sick and wounded: 319,986
Total: 643,842 men

2nd Phase: Strategic Offensive Operations (19 Nov. 1942 -2 Febr. 1943):
Irrevocable losses: 154,885
Sick and wounded: 330,892
Total: 485,777 men

[Source: Krivosheev]

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