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Posted by: Stéphane February 21, 2013 02:49 pm
From 6 Oct 1944, the 27th Soviet Army and the 4th Romanian attacked the Axis troops (after the battle of Torda).

I know that the second Romanian Army attacked along the road between Nagyvárad/Oradea and Kolozsvár/Cluj to control the road and they fought against the 1 and the 2 Hungarian Repl. Mountain Brigades.

What was the OB of this second Romanian Army?

It did not find anything...

Thank you in advance.

Posted by: Victor February 21, 2013 06:18 pm
By "second Romanian Army" you mean the 1st Army, right? There was no 2nd Army throughout WW2.

Posted by: Stéphane February 21, 2013 08:37 pm
Bonjour Victor,

I am not so sure.

In 6 Oct 44, I know where is the 4th Rom Army and where is the 1st Rom Army but in the hungarian books I have, all of them are speaking about a 2nd Rom Army in the mountain attacking betweem Alesd and Aghiresu in oct 44...

What are these romanian units? It is a real mistery for me ???

This is not the 4th Roman Army which is rather in front of Cluj...and this is not the 1st Rom Army which is in the south at the West of

Posted by: Victor February 22, 2013 07:44 am
Could be the 2nd Mountain Division. I will check tonight and get back to you.

Posted by: Stéphane February 22, 2013 08:16 am
All the sources I have said that the 2nd Mountain division was with the 1st Rom Army...but they are not "Romanian sources".

In fact, I think we are speaking here about more than as single division. I know that the Romanian troops occupied the road between Alesd and Aghiresu and forced the 8 German Army and the 2nd Hungarian Army to escape by the north in the direction of Baia Mare and Statu Mare...If we had only 1 Romanian division on the road between Alesd and Aghiresu, it would not be enough to stop the Axis escaping to Oradea.

Thank you for your help.
(By the way, the site about the Romanian Army is very nice!)

Posted by: Victor February 23, 2013 01:53 pm
As suspected, it was the 2nd Mountain Division that advanced along the road f=going from Gilau (West of Cluj) to Huedin, Ciucea and Alesd.

South if this road, in the mountains were the Bihor Group, which was made up of three fixed regional battalions (Somes, Aries, Bihor) and to the West of it was the Crisuri Group (3rd Mountain Division, 1st Infantry training Division and the Codru Fixed Regional Battalion). The latter advanced towards Oradea.

Posted by: Stéphane February 23, 2013 02:45 pm
Thank you Viktor!

It's more clear to me.

Which Romanian book can you advice to me about the Hungarian campaign?

I think that I have everything in english or in Hungarian language (I can read hungarian) about this campaign...but nothing ins Romanian language.

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