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Click here to view this topic in its original format Forum > Comments and suggestions > A separate (sub)section: Romania 1940

Posted by: Agarici June 28, 2005 10:12 pm
A few days ago I sent a message to the moderators asking for a feedback about an initiative I’ve been thinking of for some time. A special section/subsection dedicated to Romania’s military situation in 1940. Something in between a reconstitution of the military potential of the Romanian army and its likely adversaries and a “what if” history exercise; I mean the reconstitution would be the main purpose and starting from here we could imagine possible realistic scenarios. I think that the “what if” part would not be so far from reality since Romania was really close to entering the war in 1940, during the two ultimatums. I imagined three different components of this section/subsection: Romanian army (army, air force, navy, fortifications, doctrines/battle readiness), foreign armies (Soviet army, Hungarian army, Bulgarian army, German army - German forces available for an intervention) and a third one (optional) for possible scenarios. For me, the reasons which stand for a separate section/subsection are pretty obvious and deal with the specificity of that enterprise (comparing to the larger “Romanian army in the interwar period” section) and with the need for cohesion and coherence, in order to have the different threads dealing with it systematized and grouped under one title. Also this section/subsection could be regarded as a conclusion to the interwar topic (and the process of modernization in which the Romanian army was involved in the late 30’).

However, I think the most challenging part of this project is that each of us could participate in re-creating that period and in putting the things in the context of those days. The result should be a collectively created image of what could have been a first Eastern front in Romanian participation in WW 2.

- The project (if initiated) proposed focus will be exclusively on the military history aspects, and not on the things related to historical justification, ideology, doctrines, nationalism. For all these, different topics could be opened. The political aspects will be discussed in the measure in which they influenced the military.

- Since this is not my forum and I have no executive part to play in here, the poll above in simply consultative. A final decision will be taken (as always) by the administrators.
However, your votes and feedback to my suggestion are more than welcome: for some the things might look good at this point, but any chance to be able to put together something interesting depends directly and proportionally on your interest towards the project.

Posted by: Iamandi June 30, 2005 05:40 am

I give my "yes" vote for this. I want to change ideeas about that period, what if's, OOB's of our neighbours, etc.


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