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Posted by: Victor February 26, 2008 08:10 am
Starting from March 2008, the access to the General Discussion area will be restricted for new members or those with little participation in history-related discussions.

The basic conditions for access are:
- membership for at least 6 months
- minimum 150 posts in the historical section of the forum.

Those who fulfill at least one of these two conditions and want to receive access to the General Discussion area will post their application here.

Posted by: D13-th_Mytzu February 26, 2008 09:08 am
Pick me ! smile.gif

Posted by: New Connaught Ranger February 26, 2008 10:09 am
I am game if you are biggrin.gif

"I hereby do solemnly swear to be on my best behaviour"

Kevin in Deva.

Posted by: mabadesc February 28, 2008 12:32 am
Starting from March 2008, the access to the General Discussion area will be restricted for new members or those with little participation in history-related discussions.

The basic conditions for access are:
- membership for at least 6 months
- minimum 150 posts in the historical section of the forum.

Those who fulfill these two conditions and want to receive access to the General Discussion area will post their application here.

Thank God for that!
That should stop the quasi-spammers.

Posted by: dead-cat February 28, 2008 08:51 am
they'll be posting to other sections though. at the end of the day, someone will have to clean up. either in the "general discussion" or somewhere else. that's the curse of spammers.

Posted by: Alexei2102 February 28, 2008 08:54 am
QUOTE (dead-cat @ February 28, 2008 08:51 am)
they'll be posting to other sections though. at the end of the day, someone will have to clean up. either in the "general discussion" or somewhere else. that's the curse of spammers.

Correct 100 % IMO. Perhaps a new rule in regards to spam should be better. Something like instead of closing some sections, a direct ban towards the user in question ?



Posted by: Imperialist February 28, 2008 10:11 am
The first thing that rule should do is define what will constitute spam in a forum. Information that nobody asked for? Is there a way for someone to find out if the information he/she intends to post in a new thread is "asked" by x% of users?

Posted by: Victor February 28, 2008 10:14 am
QUOTE (Alexei2102 @ February 28, 2008 10:54 am)
Correct 100 % IMO. Perhaps a new rule in regards to spam should be better. Something like instead of closing some sections, a direct ban towards the user in question ?



That is too extreme.

Posted by: Radub February 28, 2008 11:37 am
Tough but fair. It was turning into feeding time at the zoo there. laugh.gif

Posted by: Victor February 28, 2008 03:48 pm
Please keep this topic only for subscriptions for teh GD section. Thank you.

Posted by: Victor March 01, 2008 11:14 am
The measure is now in place. Those who want to participate in General Discussion on the forum and fulfill the above mentioned conditions should apply in this topic.
Thank you.

Posted by: RHLV March 01, 2008 05:43 pm
How's about counting me in? I've been good, Daddy.

Posted by: boonicootza March 01, 2008 05:55 pm
Me too. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Alexei2102 March 01, 2008 06:36 pm
Ditto here,


Posted by: Agarici March 03, 2008 12:16 am

Filled application! See you all there...

Posted by: PanzerKing March 03, 2008 10:13 pm
I do not understand, I meet both requirements!

I've been on this forum since the beginning and participate in the historical section all the time, maybe not lately because I'm so busy, but that's why I come here!!! I do not understand why I am not allowed to use the General Discussion. I have 196 posts in the historical section! sad.gif

Posted by: C-2 March 04, 2008 01:05 am
I vote for panzer king.
He's right about "he's past".
Let him in!

Posted by: Victor March 04, 2008 07:20 am
QUOTE (PanzerKing @ March 04, 2008 12:13 am)
I do not understand, I meet both requirements!

I've been on this forum since the beginning and participate in the historical section all the time, maybe not lately because I'm so busy, but that's why I come here!!! I do not understand why I am not allowed to use the General Discussion. I have 196 posts in the historical section! sad.gif

I think I was pretty clear about this: you need to "file an application" in this topic first. I do not have the time to take every member and see if he/she fulfills the requirments, especially since many are not active any more. So, to save time and unnecessary work, those of you who do not have access to the GD section and meet one of the basic requirements for it, make a post in this topic and you will receive access.

Please read more carefully what I write.

Those who fulfill at least one of these two conditions and want to receive access to the General Discussion area will post their application here.

Posted by: PanzerKing March 05, 2008 05:23 am
Actually, it was not very clear because in the U.S., and probably in Romania application is usually a form with questions and requirements. I literally thought there was an application to fill out.

That is why I did not understand! wink.gif

If I would have known that I just needed to ask in this thread, I obviously would have done it now wouldn't I? smile.gif

No need to be uptight Victor!

Posted by: Kosmo March 06, 2008 11:56 am
I'm old around here. Not much of a presence, but I'm old biggrin.gif
Not very old really, but old enough to count me in.

Posted by: Jeff_S March 11, 2008 10:23 pm
Victor, would it be possible to let those of us who don't have rights to post in General Discussion still read it?

Putting the focus back on the historical sections of the forum, and getting rid of trolls and spammers are admirable goals for sure. But GD was interesting sometimes too, and what harm can it do to let the rest of us read it? Surely if people start moving their spamming or trolling to the historical sections that can be dealt with individually.

Also on a technical note, when the restriction went in to effect, it's as if our earlier posts just vanished. Before the restriction I had about 50% of my posts in GD. Now my "most active" forum is post-WW2 and recent, but that's still only 20%, or 102 posts. I haven't been posting like a madman in other historical sections, so I'm still about 50% in GD I think. The problem it creates is that without counting posts by hand, there is no way to know when I'm over the "150 historical posts" limit and can ask to be allowed back in to GD.

Posted by: dragos March 11, 2008 10:48 pm
Also, you are welcome to GD forum

Posted by: Jeff_S March 11, 2008 11:11 pm
Thanks, and thanks!

Now for the sake of your health Dragos, please go to sleep.

Posted by: Victor March 13, 2008 06:50 am
QUOTE (Jeff_S @ March 12, 2008 12:23 am)
Victor, would it be possible to let those of us who don't have rights to post in General Discussion still read it?

Putting the focus back on the historical sections of the forum, and getting rid of trolls and spammers are admirable goals for sure. But GD was interesting sometimes too, and what harm can it do to let the rest of us read it? Surely if people start moving their spamming or trolling to the historical sections that can be dealt with individually.

Also on a technical note, when the restriction went in to effect, it's as if our earlier posts just vanished. Before the restriction I had about 50% of my posts in GD. Now my "most active" forum is post-WW2 and recent, but that's still only 20%, or 102 posts. I haven't been posting like a madman in other historical sections, so I'm still about 50% in GD I think. The problem it creates is that without counting posts by hand, there is no way to know when I'm over the "150 historical posts" limit and can ask to be allowed back in to GD.

There is no need to have 150 posts if you have been a member for more than 6 months.

Posted by: Jeff_S March 20, 2008 11:41 pm
QUOTE (Victor @ February 26, 2008 03:10 am)
The basic conditions for access are:
- membership for at least 6 months
- minimum 150 posts in the historical section of the forum.

Those who fulfill at least one of these two conditions and want to receive access to the General Discussion area will post their application here.

Those who fulfill at least one of these two conditions and want to receive access to the General Discussion area will post their application here.

Thanks for clarifying that. You did say "at least one" of the two conditions, for those who read the initial post carefully.

Posted by: guina April 05, 2008 07:15 pm

Request permission to join G.D.

Posted by: Iamandi June 29, 2008 04:43 pm
Give me rights to post in g.d. too, please.



Posted by: Victor June 30, 2008 06:35 am

Posted by: Messerschmitt July 02, 2008 06:27 pm
Can i also join the "club"? biggrin.gif

Posted by: dragos July 02, 2008 06:42 pm

Posted by: dacliber August 17, 2008 05:52 pm
I want to be a member to this select club too...

Posted by: MMM January 22, 2009 12:53 pm
The logic is at risk here... You don't want spam, but I'll be forced to reach 150 posts to gain a "right". So, I'll have to write things just for the sake of numbers! Not quite spam, yet not quite different! blink.gif

Posted by: MMM February 17, 2009 12:22 pm
I think I can...
I've fulfilled the 150 posts request - thus, I guess I qualify for a "voice" smile.gif
May I come in?

Posted by: Victor February 17, 2009 01:23 pm

Posted by: petru April 07, 2009 06:48 pm

I've been a member for quite some time. I would like to add a reply on the earthquake thread from the general discussion section. Can you put me on?


Posted by: dragos April 07, 2009 07:40 pm

Posted by: bansaraba July 21, 2009 12:59 am
Requesting permission to join the club! smile.gif

Posted by: Victor July 21, 2009 05:43 am

Posted by: contras February 06, 2010 08:37 pm
Starting from March 2008, the access to the General Discussion area will be restricted for new members or those with little participation in history-related discussions.

The basic conditions for access are:
- membership for at least 6 months
- minimum 150 posts in the historical section of the forum.

Those who fulfill at least one of these two conditions and want to receive access to the General Discussion area will post their application here.

I'd like to be member in this select part of the forum.
Thank you.


Posted by: dragos February 07, 2010 01:19 pm
Permission granted

Posted by: Hadrian April 14, 2010 10:09 pm
Please sign me in.

Posted by: dragos April 15, 2010 08:14 am
It's done

Posted by: ovichelu June 11, 2010 09:27 pm
May I join the club ?

Posted by: 21 inf June 12, 2010 03:31 am
May I also get access to the section? I fullfill the required criterias.

Posted by: Victor June 12, 2010 01:41 pm
Done, for both.

Posted by: 21 inf June 12, 2010 01:48 pm

Posted by: Taz1 June 25, 2010 08:12 am
Request permission to join G.D.


Posted by: dan_531983 June 25, 2010 09:17 am

I'm new on the forum and I think that the restriction of min. 150 posts on the forum is too much. Say 50 would make sense. Thanks!

Posted by: dan_531983 June 25, 2010 11:44 am
Hi again,

I think I have membership for at least 6 months, but still unable to post comments regarding WW2 eastern front. I also have an interesting video interview with a brave men from div.6 reg. 15 infanterie who escape from the Don Bend encirclement with maj. Rascanescu !!

Dear admins, when it will be possible to have a database for this kind of video interviews with our veterans/ invalids ?

Please grant access. Thanks. Dan.

Posted by: dragos June 29, 2010 06:59 pm
Dan, this restriction applies only to General Discussion sub-forum. You can post in the other sections of the forum, including the Easter Front forum.

Posted by: Vici January 24, 2011 05:05 pm
I would like to have acces to the General Discussion section if possible.

Posted by: Victor January 24, 2011 05:11 pm
Done. You should probably log off and log in again.

Posted by: ionionescu February 03, 2011 10:27 pm
Requesting permission to join General Discussion section, thanks!

Posted by: Victor February 09, 2011 08:14 pm
Done. Sorry for the delay. I was out of the country.

Posted by: ionionescu February 10, 2011 05:41 pm
Thank you, Victor!

Posted by: muggs September 18, 2011 06:08 pm
Can i get the access too ? Thanks !

Posted by: Victor September 19, 2011 02:14 pm

Posted by: Ferdinand October 15, 2011 08:57 am
Can i have acces to GD?

Many thanks.

Posted by: dragos October 15, 2011 11:12 am

Posted by: Ferdinand October 15, 2011 02:06 pm

Posted by: Mihai Popteanu December 19, 2011 06:28 pm
Please permit me to join General Discussion topic.



Posted by: Victor December 21, 2011 04:38 pm

Posted by: Mircea87 December 22, 2011 09:11 am
Can I join the General Discussion? Thank you.

Posted by: dragos December 22, 2011 09:18 am

Posted by: udar January 24, 2012 11:21 am
Hi, i wish as well to (re)join the General Discussion forum


Posted by: dragos January 24, 2012 01:41 pm

Posted by: Fulger December 16, 2012 02:00 am
I am new here as an official member, but i have been visiting this site for the past week as a guest. I wanted to introduce myself and the reasons why i am here and what my specific interests are. From what i've read here the "General Area" is restricted for newbies untill a period of 6 months has passed or i've posted 500+ times to the historical this correct?

I have not tried to post to other area's of this board yet, but let it suffice to say that i am very interested in the extremely obscure and rare topics concerning Romanian forces in WW2 as well as other Axis minor Allies.

My initial take on this site is it is one of a few rare gems on the internet and a gold mine of info and people.

I shall try to post my questions in the correct area very soon smile.gif

Posted by: dragos May 16, 2020 06:15 pm
The access to General Discussion has been granted again to regular members.

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