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Click here to view this topic in its original format Forum > Comments and suggestions > Language to be used on this forum..

Posted by: Der Maresal October 29, 2003 01:24 am
I don't want to challenge the regulations regarding the "English language only" to be used on the forum, but I think that not letting people post messages in other languages will keep many away.

there must be hundreads of young enthousiastic romanians out there ready to share their grandfather's warstories, photographs and other valuable information - the only drawback is - they don't speak English.

It would be a good idea to make a Separate Forum in Romanian [ just like there is an english and a romanian lanuage version of the adress], or let those who don't know the language write in their own.

If this forum was made by germans for example, about the german army in ww2, you can be sure that the Primary language they would want you to use would be German! laugh.gif - NOT English. Right? It is interesting that on this forum made my Romanians, about Romanians (and mostly visited by Romanians) one is not allowed to make posts in his mother tongue.


Posted by: dragos October 29, 2003 09:23 am
The problem is that the foreigners speaking Romanian are less than Romanians speaking English. A possibility would be to create a special section in this forum for those who can't write in English.

Posted by: Victor October 29, 2003 01:15 pm
I really doubt that Romanians who access this webpage do not also speak English in some degree. I also doubt that they actually read the forum rules! biggrin.gif

Posted by: Dr_V October 29, 2003 10:24 pm
I do speak English, but not as good as I'd wish. There are ocasions when I can't find the right English word to translate something (especially for Romanian particular expressions). In those limited situations, can I use the Romanian word marked in some way [ex.: (); ""; italic font] ?

Posted by: Tavi R. October 30, 2003 03:11 am
quite off-topic (I don't want to start a new thread for such a petty matter): When registering to websearches, the webmasters should also include the two other ways (Rumania & Roumania) of spelling Romania in the keywords field (or whatever uses a search engine to spot webpages). I'm telling you this because I've seen a lot of people still using the old ways of spelling the name, and these people never get this webpage in their results.

Posted by: Moshu October 31, 2003 08:52 pm
Why this forum is in English?It is about the Romanian Army and should be in Romanian or at least partially in Romanian! The foreigners which wish to know something about the romanian army should learn some Romanian or we are second or third hand nation? laugh.gif

Posted by: Chandernagore November 11, 2003 02:36 am
Why this forum is in English?It is about the Romanian Army and should be in Romanian or at least partially in Romanian! The foreigners which wish to know something about the romanian army should learn some Romanian or we are second or third hand nation? laugh.gif

I will answer this : if Romanians want to generate worldwide interest in their people and history there is no better way to go than with English. You would be perfectly justified to do it in Rumanian but you would loose audience and stay local.

Posted by: Alexandru H. November 17, 2003 12:07 am
Visit the forum in my sig and look at the number of registered users....20,000 people and a very active community...Now, we are not Swedish (as the owners), but we all speak English (the Owners too biggrin.gif )...

English is lingua franca these days and we shouldn't expect Romanian language very soon...Let's face it, Romanians still prefer non-serious ways of expressing themselves through the web (like chat) and a romanian forum will more likely die of starvation and lack of interest..

But it would be if the forum and site would be more advertised. I found it through the same Europa Universalis forum.... biggrin.gif

Posted by: Carol I November 17, 2003 12:39 pm
In my opinion, the use of Romanian language will only impose a restriction on foreign participants to discussion and hence will exclude further sources of potentially valuable information regarding the participation of the Romanian Army to WWII. It will also limit the audience to which the message of the Romanian enthusiasts interested in WWII history will be sent. This would eventually lead to a continuation of the wrong perception of history with references to “the German invasion of the Soviet Union across the Prut river frontier”, “the attack on German oilfields at Ploesti”, “the Soviet liberation of German occupied Bucharest on 30 August 1944” etc.

I think you all agree that this erroneous perception still exists and that very few accurate references are available outside Romania. It would therefore be a pity if non-Romanians interested in Romanian history would be largely excluded by the use of Romanian language in the discussions. The use of English language is not at all a lack of respect but a choice for making the message heard to a broader audience.

Anyhow, while Romanian language might be an easier alternative for many Romanians on the forum, I think that most of them feel at least comfortable with English (to say the least). Furthermore, this is not an English grammar forum, but a history forum and therefore I do not see language imperfections as being a problem.

Carol I

Posted by: Capitanul March 02, 2005 10:56 am
Why is .ro if we can't talk romanian? mad.gif

Posted by: Cantacuzino March 02, 2005 11:44 am
Why is .ro if we can't talk romanian? 

Hi Captain, I see you can talk in english too. So what is your problem ? tongue.gif

Posted by: Iamandi March 02, 2005 12:34 pm

I don't want to think about conspirations... tongue.gif But clear, this forum had problems with clones. Is hard to believe, this guy - "Capitanul" joined here just to say something about language to speak here... himself speaking in english without problems.

Anyone feel the need to say more examples?


Posted by: Cantacuzino March 02, 2005 02:41 pm
I don't want to think about conspirations...  But clear, this forum had problems with clones. Is hard to believe, this guy - "Capitanul" joined here just to say something about language to speak here... himself speaking in english without problems.

Anyone feel the need to say more examples?


I think also ghost are free to post here in english. So no wonder that " Capitanul " want that " Legiunea " to read and understand in romanian not in foreign language all the conspiracy about them on this forum. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Alexandru H. March 02, 2005 03:42 pm
Iamandi, you are obsessed with clones... maybe I am actually Indrid and mantain this two-man existence to create enough anarchy in the world that I may conquer it one day...

On the topic: my message was in English...

Posted by: Iamandi March 03, 2005 05:05 am
QUOTE (Alexandru H. @ Mar 2 2005, 03:42 PM)
Iamandi, you are obsessed with clones... maybe I am actually Indrid and mantain this two-man existence to create enough anarchy in the world that I may conquer it one day...

On the topic: my message was in English...

Not really! I think Indrid is the one, and you are the bad part of him... that part Indrid try hard to hide. Jekill and Hyde (*?), like. biggrin.gif


Posted by: Alexandru H. March 04, 2005 03:55 pm
You don't know how right you are!

Posted by: ^All^ March 04, 2005 09:53 pm
So the laguage used will be English.

Posted by: Cantacuzino March 07, 2005 07:04 am
So the laguage used will be English.

Yes, but " laguage" it's not english. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Iamandi March 07, 2005 07:09 am
QUOTE (Cantacuzino @ Mar 7 2005, 07:04 AM)
So the laguage used will be English.

Yes, but " laguage" it's not english. biggrin.gif

... but sounds like english... biggrin.gif


Posted by: cipiamon March 07, 2005 11:51 am
I think there are lots of foreign memers but i think 1% is the procent of their posts.

Posted by: cipiamon March 07, 2005 11:58 am
also, i think the roman speakers should have the information regarding theyr history in romanian language in the first place, and english in second place for foreigners.

Posted by: Victor March 07, 2005 03:25 pm
QUOTE (cipiamon @ Mar 7 2005, 01:58 PM)
also, i think the roman speakers should have the information regarding theyr history in romanian language in the first place, and english in second place for foreigners.

The information on the site is partially available in Romanian. Also Romanians have the advantage of much more written materials in their own language than the regular non-Romanian.

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