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Posted by: dragos July 05, 2003 11:16 am
There was a problem with the forum files that did not allow users to post topics/messages. Now it is solved. laugh.gif

Posted by: Marcus Wendel July 05, 2003 11:38 am
Nice to see the problem solved!


Posted by: Geto-Dacul July 05, 2003 04:33 pm
Remains the avatar problem! :wink:

Posted by: dragos July 07, 2003 07:52 am
Remains the avatar problem!  :wink:

Check now.

Posted by: Geto-Dacul July 08, 2003 04:46 pm
Check now.

GREAT! smile.gif

Posted by: Der Maresal July 09, 2003 03:00 am
Please fix this forum so we can post photos and images as soon as possible, like on the forum of Markus.

Pictures tell a thousand words - this is a must! :!:

Thank You

Posted by: Victor July 09, 2003 06:01 am
Would you guys mind scaling down your avatars? They are a bit too large.

Posted by: dragos July 09, 2003 07:23 am
Ok, I've changed the allowed avatar dimensions to max 100 pixels horizontally and 150 pixels vertically. Der Maresal, please change your avatar.

Posted by: Sorin Adrian Crasmarelu July 23, 2003 11:50 am
Hello I'd like to express my congratulations to the authors of this site for their great work and I would like to extend my moral support to them as well.
Hopefuly, with more and more actions like these, people will learn real history and true facts about the Romanian military involvement in World War II.
Sorin A. Crasmarelu

Posted by: Benoit Douville July 26, 2003 08:29 pm
I am unable to put an Avatar. It said Debug Mode line 157. I send E-Mail to the moderator but no answer. Is this forum exclusively for Romanian sad.gif

Posted by: Victor July 26, 2003 08:52 pm
I did reply on 22.07.2003

Send me the avatar and I will see what I can do.

Posted by: Victor July 27, 2003 07:02 am
Benoit, the problem was that your avatar was biger then 6Kb, which is the allowed limit.

Posted by: Benoit Douville July 27, 2003 04:30 pm
Thank you Victor. I really appreciate your time and effort. You know, it was my wife who deleted the E-Mail by error that you send to me earlier this week.


Posted by: Geto-Dacul August 07, 2003 02:04 am
Is it possible, or will it be possible to load pictures from our PCs on the forum?

Best regards,


Posted by: Victor August 07, 2003 10:37 am
We will have to wait for Dragos to get back from his vacation.

Posted by: dragos August 11, 2003 09:02 am
From my experience as a web designer, I know that forums that allow uploading pictures will quickly generate a large disk space usage. For now, we only have 100 Mb allocated by our web server. In the future, if we can afford a larger space, we will surely install this feature.

Posted by: Florin October 09, 2003 11:18 pm
Hi Dragos,

Sometimes if I push "Submit" I have available the "Edit" icon.
Many times the "Edit" icon is not available after I touch "Submit".

So the wisest thing is to touch first "Preview".
However, there are many situations when my post is not forwarded, and I am asked again my password. Once I am passing the "Password" step, the space to typewrite the text is blank. This means the message was lost.
Usually I preventively save in Microsoft Word with "Clip" and "Paste", because typing in a MS Word file changes . - " ' in ? ? ? ?
I observed that usually a message is accepted easier if I push "Submit" than "Preview". And here we are, back to the initial problem. The icon "Edit" does not appear always when needed.


Posted by: Florin October 10, 2003 03:01 am
Hi Victor and Dragos,

My message no. 112 should be deleted. It is under: General discussion Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 10:56 pm Subject: Movies involving Romanian troops?

The appearance was not the desired one, and as I had no "Edit" after "Submit", I repeated the message with a corrected look.
So my immediate message below this one should be kept (the one issued at 11:05PM).

If this involves too much work, forget about it. People who read will understand what I did anyway.


Posted by: petru December 29, 2003 11:43 am
I am trying to post a picture and I don't know how. How could I do it? I tried copy/paste but it does not work.

Posted by: dragos December 29, 2003 12:03 pm
You can't post a picture unless it is already uploaded on a server. To display a picture, copy the URL of the picture, paste it where you want it to appear in the message body and enclose it with img tags, as following:

user posted image

Posted by: mabadesc December 29, 2003 01:43 pm

I know the site is short on storage, but would it be possible if you had a rule, say, that each user can post a maximum of 20 pics, and set size limits on each pic?

This way you wouldn't have people posting irrelevant pics left and right, but you still would get the interesting ones.

Just an idea...

Posted by: dragos December 29, 2003 07:15 pm
We'll see what we can do. Thanks for suggestion.

Posted by: dragos May 13, 2004 07:16 pm

Posted by: Florin June 06, 2004 03:47 am

Since I changed my Internet provider, I cannot edit my messages any more.
However, anytime I submit my messages the icon "Edit" appears. But if I click on it, the answer is: Sorry, but you can only edit your own posts.
Click Here to return to the topic

Last time when I tried to edit my message, the only result was to post an identical replica of it, on June 5th, in "Picture from Iraq - Update".

Posted by: boonicootza June 06, 2004 02:57 pm
I am trying to post a picture and I don't know how. How could I do it? I tried copy/paste but it does not work.

You can use

It's easy and free

Dragos, you should make this service known to all members.


Posted by: dragos June 08, 2004 07:03 am
Test post.

Posted by: Florin October 20, 2004 01:35 am
This message is from October 19, 2004...

I am trying to figure out what is happening.

When I am in the main list of topics, I can see as the last post my new topic: "Danube delta and the Ukrainian actions - Oct 2004", but when I enter in "Post WWII and recent military", it does not exist, as topic. However, for the others exist, as I got a reply. And I could access it and reply to reply, but just from the general main menu, by direct clicking the title of the topic.


Yesterday I sent a reply in "Picture of the Day - "Progress" in Iraq / Update".
In the general main menu, I see that "Last Post by: johnny_bi".
But when I enter in the topic, it looks to me as it was before my last post.

As seen from my monitor, my last post in "How much trust must have in NATO?" also does not exist.

It is interesting that these last 2 posts and the new topic I created are regarding to Russia and Ukraine. Should I call James Bond to take care of the Russian spy? smile.gif

Posted by: Dénes October 20, 2004 02:39 am
I can access the new Ukrainian thread without problems, both through the post-W.W. 2 chapter and by using the shortcut.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: dragos October 20, 2004 04:24 pm
QUOTE (Florin @ Oct 20 2004, 04:35 AM)
This message is from October 19, 2004...

I am trying to figure out what is happening.

When I am in the main list of topics, I can see as the last post my new topic: "Danube delta and the Ukrainian actions - Oct 2004", but when I enter in "Post WWII and recent military", it does not exist, as topic. However, for the others exist, as I got a reply. And I could access it and reply to reply, but just from the general main menu, by direct clicking the title of the topic.


Yesterday I sent a reply in "Picture of the Day - "Progress" in Iraq / Update".
In the general main menu, I see that "Last Post by: johnny_bi".
But when I enter in the topic, it looks to me as it was before my last post.

As seen from my monitor, my last post in "How much trust must have in NATO?" also does not exist.

It is interesting that these last 2 posts and the new topic I created are regarding to Russia and Ukraine. Should I call James Bond to take care of the Russian spy? smile.gif

I guess the problem is related to your browser caching system. Have you tried using the refresh button ?

Posted by: Florin October 20, 2004 11:39 pm
It seems I changed the settings, about the order of the posts to be seen. I could fix it somehow, even though not completely.

I'll see if that was at all about it, or I also have to pay atention to what Dragos mentioned, regarding the "browser caching system".

Posted by: Florin October 22, 2004 08:54 pm
I still have problems which may sound unbelievable to you.

I can see the reply sent by Denes, right here, after my previous complain, but I cannot see the following reply, sent by Dragos, and mine after him. I know about that because I could see them about 2 days ago.

When I try to edit some of my own posts (just for little details, like the good look of the text), I either had been offered the version previous to the one I want to change, or worse, when I try to edit one post, I had been offered to edit the immediate previous post.

When I am in the general menu, if enter in my topic "The beginnings of the Romanian air force", I cannot see my 2 last posts of yesteday, October 21st.
But if in the general listing of "...Pre WW2 war history..." I double click on "3", form the 3rd page of the topic, then yes, I can see my last 2 posts.

On my default Internet page -, which starts automatically when I am connected, the news are with a delay of 1 day. (Website which should be from today is from yesterday.)

So what should I do... Should I download "Netscape Navigator" and used it instead of "Microsoft Internet Explorer"?
(I would not be surprised if when I'll post the message the two names right above will be automatically converted into Internet links for commercial purposes. Like in "Rio Grande", when I typewrote the name under my topic about Ukraine. This is another problem which I cannot control.)

Should I also change my Internet provider? Should I change my Internet provider and the software for Internet surfing? (Netscape or Microsoft?)

Well, I hope to get some answers. I have to do something, and I'll do something, one way or another, because I cannot continue this way.

Posted by: dragos October 22, 2004 09:07 pm
Weird problems indeed. I don't think they are caused by your browser or your operating system, since most of us use Windows and IE and don't experience these problems. I suggest forwarding your complains to your internet provider.

Posted by: dragos October 22, 2004 09:15 pm
I would not be surprised if when I'll post the message the two names right above will be automatically converted into Internet links for commercial purposes. Like in "Rio Grande", when I typewrote the name under my topic about Ukraine. This is another problem which I cannot control.

In order to be spared by undesirable programs that serves you commercials or worse, consider using a different browser and install an antivirus and a firewall (I am using Zone Alarm firewall and McAfee antivirus, both free).

Posted by: Florin October 23, 2004 01:57 am
QUOTE (dragos @ Oct 22 2004, 04:07 PM)
I suggest forwarding your complains to your internet provider.

...And they are not helpful. They try to discard me to the manufacturer of my desktop (Gateway) and to Microsoft.
Their customer representatives simply don't help you, maybe because they lack the ability. My provider is Verizon. Verizon is one of the biggest American corporation in TC, and as any big corporation, they have a kind of Socialist behaviour toward their consumers.

I'll install one of the programs you recommended.
Also, even though I am a far cry from a computer expert, I entered in my "Program Files", then deeper, and I deleted some files which I felt they should not be there. It seems my computer behaves much better, at least regarding or software as AutoCAD and MS Word, but much worse in
However, maybe it is just one of the temporary problems affecting sometimes the whole "Yahoo!" site.

Dragos, thank you for the advices.

Posted by: dragos October 31, 2004 08:26 am
Some problems with the images in the older posts not showing have been fixed.

Posted by: RHaught November 29, 2004 02:57 am

Now have my digital camera back and some members would like to see a map I have. Looked at previous posts. Since I use AOL, would it be possible to upload on computer then place into post? Better yet, can someone post the basic steps into uploading a photo onto the forum?

Posted by: Carol I November 30, 2004 08:09 pm
QUOTE (RHaught @ Nov 29 2004, 03:57 AM)
... can someone post the basic steps into uploading a photo onto the forum?

You can use the "File Attachments" option (lower on the page you use for posting) to upload the images directly onto the forum.

An alternative to save space is to upload the image on another site and link your post to it (use the "IMG" button above the window where you type the message). As a remote site to upload the images you can use

Posted by: Imperialist April 07, 2005 10:41 pm
What about the signature?
I tried to upload a signature but the signature length is only 1 character.
Is the signature feature disabled?


Posted by: Dénes April 08, 2005 01:59 am
Yes, the signature feature has been disabled (more correctly reduced to 1 character) by the Admins.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Imperialist April 10, 2005 04:58 pm
Why cant we attach Bitmap files?
Is there a way of changing that?


Posted by: Imperialist April 10, 2005 04:59 pm
QUOTE (Dénes @ Apr 8 2005, 01:59 AM)
Yes, the signature feature has been disabled (more correctly reduced to 1 character) by the Admins.

Gen. Dénes

any special reason for that happening? I mean most forums have this feature and members have a chance to personalise their posts...


Posted by: dragos April 10, 2005 05:14 pm
QUOTE (Imperialist)
Why cant we attach Bitmap files?

Just a reminder. Initially the forum did not have the feature of attaching images. At some point, a larger server space allowed us to have the possibility to attach images. However, this feature should be taken as a privilege and should not to be abused by adding images not relevant to the purpose of this forum. Only several image types and extensions are allowed, enough for our purposes.

So what do you have so important in BMP format that you want to share with the forum community?

Regarding the signature, we had them at some time, but we renounced to them in order to increase the quality of the forum. Signatures are distracting the readers attention from the content of the post, and they can be inconvenient both in aspect and in content, requiring extra supervisation.

Posted by: Imperialist April 10, 2005 07:42 pm
QUOTE (dragos @ Apr 10 2005, 05:14 PM)

So what do you have so important in BMP format that you want to share with the forum community?

OK, thanx for the answer, dragos.

About the BMPs, I dont know why, but lately my PC saves only in BMP type any images I download from the net... I still havent figured out whether suddenly a lot of things on the net turned to BMPs, or there's something in my settings. (thoeretically speaking, the image type is the one that is uploaded on the webpage, I think, so it couldnt be something with my PC)
It could be that worm in the jpg extensions, so they reverted to BMPs... I dont know I'm not that computer literate...
I had some political cartoons, but dont worry, I would have posted only the smartest of them, not any en masse thing that could affect your space limit...
Anyway, no problem.

take care

Posted by: Alexandru H. April 10, 2005 07:53 pm
Download IrfanView (great free program) and try it again...

Posted by: Imperialist April 11, 2005 12:25 pm
QUOTE (Alexandru H. @ Apr 10 2005, 07:53 PM)
Download IrfanView (great free program) and try it again...

Thanx, I see it works great!!!

Posted by: dragos April 13, 2005 11:40 am
To limit the abusive usage of attachments, the File Attachments feature has been disabled for the following forums: WW2 in general, The post-WW2 an recent military and General discussion.

Posted by: Victor April 13, 2005 01:58 pm
Avoid pointless chit-chat in other sections than General Discussion.

Posted by: Imperialist April 13, 2005 02:12 pm
QUOTE (dragos @ Apr 13 2005, 11:40 AM)
To limit the abusive usage of attachments, the File Attachments feature has been disabled for the following forums: WW2 in general, The post-WW2 an recent military and General discussion.

All I want to say is that your decision was totally disrespectful.
And I mean the decision to delete all my cartoons posted.
You did not warn, but went ahead and deleted them all. I'm sure I would have been reasonable enough not to post any more, if your warning was issued. I even asked beforehand if posting contemporary cartoons wouldnt be off-topic. You did not object, so I dont see why you deleted retroactovely something you did not object to initially and something that was not illegal at the time... it would have been polite to leave them be.

The Forum Guidelines dont label decent political cartoons as abusive.
They dont label signatures abusive either.

In the first 20 pages of the Tidal Wave topic there are 168 images attached, amounting to 98MB... and the topic has 100 pages more!!!

I only posted 700KB, and I abused the attachment function. You pick on the little guys...

take care, and please dont erase this. I lost my right to attach images, leave me my right to protest against that loss, especially if I do it politely

Posted by: dragos April 13, 2005 04:51 pm
First, I did not deleted your posts because I'm against political cartoons, but it is not for the first time when I mention that the file attachment function should be used only for important stuff, or at least related to Romania in WW2. In this respect, your comparison with the TW topic is inapropriate, because there one can find really interesting and rare images related to this historical episode. In order to save space, sooner or later I will have to weed out the unnecessary attachments, and that means the deleting of *all* attachments from the General discussion forum in the first place. For the purpose of topics like Favorite Woman or Political Cartoons, you can use, especially if you are familiar with computers.

In the end, I will say again:
Use the <File Attachments> feature only for unique illustrations related to Romanian military history. All other uses are subject to be deleted without warning.

Posted by: Imperialist April 13, 2005 08:01 pm
QUOTE (dragos @ Apr 13 2005, 04:51 PM)
First, I did not deleted your posts because I'm against political cartoons, but it is not for the first time when I mention that the file attachment function should be used only for important stuff, or at least related to Romania in WW2. In this respect, your comparison with the TW topic is inapropriate, because there one can find really interesting and rare images related to this historical episode. In order to save space, sooner or later I will have to weed out the unnecessary attachments, and that means the deleting of *all* attachments from the General discussion forum in the first place. For the purpose of topics like Favorite Woman or Political Cartoons, you can use, especially if you are familiar with computers.

In the end, I will say again:
Use the <File Attachments> feature only for unique illustrations related to Romanian military history. All other uses are subject to be deleted without warning.

Dragos, I did not question your overall decision to ban attachments in certain areas. though I dont like it, but I questioned your decision to delete my posts.
Like I said, there were at most 500-700KB worth of cartoons. I spent time picking the appropriate ones from among 100s from my collection, and posting them, and then you simply erased them. No warning, no nothing. Then told me to use Imageshack (start all over again like that guy endlessly pushing a rock uphill)
I understood that concert poster are banned, or some other images, but the political cartoons were chosen so as to see how political imagery is and was used to send powerful messages, today and in the past (the past being covered by Alex H and his posts).
If those 500/700KB constituted such a burden on the server, I guess some older attachments on "Favourite Women" could have been deleted to compensate, afterwards I would have received my warning and stopped posting and those posted would have remained there. Equilibrium would have been restored.

Personally I think political cartoons are closer to the subject of the forum than "Favourite Women". I know this will upset Indrid, but thats how I view it.

And for the TW people, no disrespect intended in my previous comments, but we too are members. We, the ones not too much interested in minute details like bomber paintjobs and noseart, or crewmember lists etc.

Maybe we should find a way of making an archive of those images and free server space, I dont know, maybe placing them in the file sections of a yahoo group?
And I guess the political cartoons are the first to take that road, rather than the TW ones, to keep the forum's wwii focus???

Is that feasible?

take care

p.s. you should put that warning about attachment into the Forum Guidelines.
I'm serious... those are the first read, before anybody finds your post in some topic around about erasing on the spot. I personally did not see such a warning before.

Posted by: boonicootza April 13, 2005 08:46 pm
There is an easier way. ImageShack can be integrated in the forum, so when somebody attach an image it will be stored on their servers.

The ImageShack on your Site™ feature allows webmasters to place the ImageShack upload form directly into their website or message board, thus allowing website visitors to experience the full power of ImageShack's image hosting.

These are the instructions for this forum, Invision Power Board
These instructions will help you to install 'ImageShack on your Site' into the reply, quick-reply, and post-new-thread sections of your Invision Power Board, thus giving your visitors the ability to upload images directly. After upload, they may paste the images directly into their post box.

  1. Open /your_board_path/Skin/s#/skin_post.php" where # is your skin number.
  2. Find the function "postbox_buttons($data)"
  3. Inside that function, find:
    <td class="pformright" valign='top'>
      <textara cols='80' rows='20' name='Post' tabindex='3' class='textinput'>$data</textara>
  </td>  </tr>

  4. Directly UNDER the above-mentioned text, paste:
<td class='pformleft'><b>ImageShack Upload</b></td>
<td class='pformright'>
  <iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" width="280" height="70">
You must have an iframe-compatable browser to view the upload form.</iframe>

  5. Save the file you worked with. Login and reply to a thread in order to see your changes.

I hope it helps.

Posted by: dragos April 13, 2005 08:58 pm
Thanks boonicootza! I will consider your solution.

Posted by: dragos April 13, 2005 09:11 pm
I understood that concert poster are banned, or some other images, but the political cartoons were chosen so as to see how political imagery is and was used to send powerful messages, today and in the past (the past being covered by Alex H and his posts).

Again, the removing of your attachments has no other meaning than the one I explained before. I know that they represented only a small part of the total attachments I will have to delete, but the topic appearead as another source of wasted server space. Hopefully the problems will be solved with the solution of boonicootza.

Posted by: cnflyboy2000 April 14, 2005 02:49 am
QUOTE (boonicootza @ Apr 14 2005, 01:46 AM)
There is an easier way. ImageShack can be integrated in the forum, so when somebody attach an image it will be stored on their servers.

The ImageShack on your Site™ feature allows webmasters to place the ImageShack upload form directly into their website or message board, thus allowing website visitors to experience the full power of ImageShack's image hosting.

These are the instructions for this forum, Invision Power Board
These instructions will help you to install 'ImageShack on your Site' into the reply, quick-reply, and post-new-thread sections of your Invision Power Board, thus giving your visitors the ability to upload images directly. After upload, they may paste the images directly into their post box.

   1. Open /your_board_path/Skin/s#/skin_post.php" where # is your skin number.
   2. Find the function "postbox_buttons($data)"
   3. Inside that function, find:
     <td class="pformright" valign='top'>
      <textara cols='80' rows='20' name='Post' tabindex='3' class='textinput'>$data</textara>
  </td>   </tr>

   4. Directly UNDER the above-mentioned text, paste:
<td class='pformleft'><b>ImageShack Upload</b></td>
<td class='pformright'>
   <iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" width="280" height="70">
You must have an iframe-compatable browser to view the upload form.</iframe>

   5. Save the file you worked with. Login and reply to a thread in order to see your changes.

I hope it helps.

This looks way complicated. Have u guys ever heard of "user friendly? Who wants to become an IT guru just to post a jpg? Have pity on those of us who r less comp. savvy.

And all to save 700 Kb? I don't get it..... are your servers that overburdened?

If they are, why not "turn over" older attachments, as has already been suggested? Even a "newbie" is probably not gonna sift thru dozens of older pages of graphics, I would think.

Moreover, does this mean the days of "reveal yourself" are also numbered? If so, too bad, imo, as that thread helps define the "community" here in a special way.

This is a disappointing developement. Those political cartoons were pretty good, imo. Maybe it would have deteriorated over time, but for now, it was an interesting thread.

I realize monitoring all this stuff becomes burdensome: as graphics content multiplies, the opportunity for abuse does too. Why not ask for some volunteer editorial help, if this is the case?

Posted by: dragos April 14, 2005 06:35 am
laugh.gif cnflyboy2000, the complicated code was addressed only to me, it's a small piece of the engine of the forum. You will attach the pictures as simple as till now.

QUOTE (cnflyboy2000)
Moreover, does this mean the days of "reveal yourself" are also numbered?

What do you mean? huh.gif

Posted by: Indrid April 14, 2005 08:16 am
he is reffering to the PRESENT YOURSELF thread, where pic were attached...

Posted by: dragos April 14, 2005 08:21 am
After we change the attachment system, those who want their photograph there can edit their message and post a picture again. I am not deleting the posts, only the pictures uploaded by "File Attachments" feature of this forum. The pictures linked from other servers (such us ImageShack) will remained untouched.

Posted by: dragos April 14, 2005 09:27 am
Thanks to boonicootza's hint, the File Upload feature has been re-enabled throughout the forum. smile.gif

However, the older attachments in General Discussion forum or in other topics are subject to be deleted at some point.

Posted by: boonicootza April 14, 2005 10:11 pm
I'm glad I could help! biggrin.gif

Posted by: cnflyboy2000 April 15, 2005 02:12 am
QUOTE (dragos @ Apr 14 2005, 02:27 PM)
Thanks to boonicootza's hint, the File Upload feature has been re-enabled throughout the forum.  smile.gif

However, the older attachments in General Discussion forum or in other topics are subject to be deleted at some point.

o.k. thanks. and tip of hat to bctza. I hope Panka and Eric pics don't get lost in the shuffle........... we r seeing those kids grow up in front of our eyes. smile.gif

Posted by: Jeff_S April 15, 2005 01:46 pm
QUOTE (cnflyboy2000 @ Apr 15 2005, 02:12 AM)
o.k. thanks. and  tip of hat to bctza.  I hope Panka and Eric pics don't get lost in the shuffle........... we r seeing those kids grow up in front of our eyes.  smile.gif

I second this. I understand the need to clear out server space. I just hope that when the time comes, the admins can target the threads that have had no activity for a long time, rather than just the oldest pics (even if they are on active threads). Panka's thread is an excellent example of one that revives (and rightfully so, in my opinion).

Posted by: C-2 April 29, 2005 08:23 pm
HElp needed!
How do I post a photo in the new sistem?

Posted by: Dénes April 29, 2005 08:42 pm
Dr. C-2, first you press the 'Browse' button, then select the file that you want to upload to ImageShack's site (preferably in JPG format).
Then copy the link to that photo (it appears on ImageShack's page, but also in your internet browser, on top).
Then press the IMG button on this forum's top toolbar (second from left) and paste the link into the window that opens.
Then press 'post'.



Posted by: C-2 April 29, 2005 09:05 pm
ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif
I did't know you speak Chinese sad.gif

Posted by: C-2 April 29, 2005 09:12 pm
QUOTE (Dénes @ Apr 29 2005, 08:42 PM)

Then press the IMG button on this forum's top toolbar (second from left) and paste the link into the window that opens.
Then press 'post'.



I don't understand this part......

Posted by: C-2 April 29, 2005 09:15 pm
I don't understand why the old sistem of posting photos was changed with this "labirintic "one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From what I understand ,people who are using a PC all day long ,find it dificult to use.
What about those who are not computer experts?????????????????????????????????

Posted by: dragos April 29, 2005 10:37 pm
An image attachment guide has been posted at the following location:

It's not that difficult as it seems for the first time.

Posted by: C-2 May 01, 2005 07:36 pm
It works now....
I tried many times,the same steps but it didn't work until about 40 times....

Posted by: Imperialist December 09, 2005 03:20 pm
I wanted to add a homepage to my profile (, but it kept bouncing off. I noticed I have to register or something like that? huh.gif Does it mean my profile is frozen?


Posted by: Victor December 09, 2005 09:02 pm
Done. The link should appear in your profile.

Posted by: Kosmo December 21, 2005 10:16 am
I can not see some of the emoticons and some of the pictures posted. It says ":roll:" or "X user posted image". By "x" I mean a red one that indicates that you can not see a pic.

Posted by: dragos December 21, 2005 10:30 am
QUOTE (Kosmo @ Dec 21 2005, 01:16 PM)
I can not see some of the emoticons and some of the pictures posted. It says ":roll:" or "X user posted image". By "x" I mean a red one that indicates that you can not see a pic.

This may indeed happen with the older posts, since the forum passed through several software upgrades and modifications, and some of the icons and attachments existing at the begining were lost in the process.

Posted by: C-2 July 28, 2006 09:03 pm
I cannot post photos anymore....
I tried all day!

Posted by: Victor July 29, 2006 05:59 am
It still works, just that the button seems to have been partially covered and is difficult to push.

Edit: it should be visible now. I have increased the height of the table which contained it.

Posted by: Petre June 26, 2011 03:06 pm
"My Controls" always shows 0 new messages. Thanks for relay to Forum Team.

Posted by: Ferdinand August 16, 2011 07:19 pm
i can't post in "general discussion". any ideea? unsure.gif

Posted by: ionionescu August 16, 2011 08:38 pm

Posted by: Alexandru C. March 18, 2020 08:37 pm

I've posted a reply three days ago on Biographical Research/ "General Jenescu" but it hasn't appeared yet. Please check.

Posted by: dragos April 10, 2020 06:59 am
All new topics and posts need to be reviewed by a moderator before showing up, as an anti-spam measure. Since there are very few moderators, and they are not watching the forum every day, it may take quite some time for pending posts to be published, from a couple of days to weeks.

Posted by: Dénes April 10, 2020 08:50 am
Thanks for your volunteer work and continuous support.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Alexandru C. April 18, 2020 07:07 pm
It's somehow possible to apply this rule only to the new registered users? smile.gif

Posted by: dragos May 08, 2020 08:50 pm
QUOTE (Alexandru C. @ April 18, 2020 09:07 pm)
It's somehow possible to apply this rule only to the new registered users? smile.gif

That's an excellent idea. The forum software is quite old, but it seems to support this. I made some changes to see how it goes.

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