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Click here to view this topic in its original format Forum > Comments and suggestions > Postwar and Post-Communist Modern Romanian army forum..

Posted by: Der Maresal June 24, 2003 02:59 am
It would be interesting to make a small section dedicated to the Romanian Army of Today as well as the Army we had after the second world war when we were member of Warsaw Pact and a Soviet Sattelite.

There are many interesting stories and facts we could learn, from our T-72 tanc, to Migs (then and today) to Kalashnikovs to... "who was shooting at us" --- 1989!!!! ( )

Well, when we were under the German sphere of influence....that was sure interesting but the Soviet days are interesting too and should not be burried away, I think the Romanian army has learned valuable lessons both in the war, and after, both under the Germans and under the Russians....(and now,.. under the Americans.. :cry: .. / in "Afghanistan") ohmy.gif that's why you should consider making a section about our army from 1945 - to today. There IS room for it,,- Highly reccomended :wink:

Posted by: dragos June 24, 2003 08:34 am
I'll take this into consideration, but right now there are other priorities.

If you have pictures and material about Romanian Army during WW2, it would be highly appreciated if you share it for this site. But wait till we finish building the site.

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