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Click here to view this topic in its original format Forum > Comments and suggestions > Is Ovidius dead?

Posted by: Der Maresal June 24, 2003 02:46 am
I sure hope that Ovidius will turn up eventually and show his face on this forum. May I suggest "inviting" him here?

I share many of his views, I hope this time it will not be so boring like it was on the Third Reich forum, where you only had to make politically-correct statements- I like peoples who say what they think, - and he is one of them.

Besides the bullets, mines Tanc Tracks and gund calibers, - I look forward in talking politics too on this forum,(if that's allowed) I would really like to know (from a Romanian perspective) why the second world war was necessary in the first place and who profited most from it. :wink: :!: :!: :!:

Looking foreward to sharing stories with you all and my personal familliy album of WW2 Grandfather pictures (if and when the image option becomes available) :idea:

Posted by: Ahmed June 24, 2003 09:26 am
I don't think you're beeing just, Maresal. TRF and Marcus Wendel are not that constringent. The only restriction they have is that you can't deny holocaust (but you could certainly bring it about and analize it). I read a lot of politically incorrect statements on that forum and they weren't sanctioned.

Posted by: Victor June 24, 2003 12:38 pm
I believe that Ovidius is still present on TRF (Witch King of Angmar has a very similar style with Ovidius). The new forum has been announced on TRF, on the old address, on Feldgrau etc, so if he wants to come, he will.

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