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Posted by: Indrid March 12, 2005 10:29 am
Victor, i find your attitude towards a forum member to be offensive.

what Comrade commisar user was a metaphor for a otherwise extremly defective romanian airforce. also the title of the thread - " another Mig lancer lost" - with focus on the word -another - gives the indication of the frequence of such an event. of course i agree that comrade Commisar's reply was not exactly a show of knowlegeability, however, i believe it is your mission as a MODERATOR of this forum not to use the club, but the word first. u should be an example to imitate, not to fear. last time i checked, Becali was not president of Romania.

also, since u are not, to the extent of my knowledge, a professional critic of the romanian media, your remark abut the "Libertatea" publication is void of any value. you have used towards it the same line of reasoning that Comrade comissar used to express his opinion about the romanian airforce. however, since u considered that , by being a moderator, the same line of reasoning can lead, in your case, to a superior form of argumentation, this tells a lot.

u should appologise to all the forum members for that. i hope that from now on u will Moderate, not Anihillate. we thank you


Posted by: Victor March 12, 2005 10:41 am
Indrid, from what I know you aren't a moderator on any serious forum, so forgive me for not considering your opinion of any actual value. I expect you to adress the topic at hand here, not your beliefs. For that there is the Comments&Suggestions section of the forum, so please do it there.

Posted by: Indrid March 12, 2005 10:44 am
i sure would like to hear the opinion of other members of this forum towards your attirude. considering that in your eyes i am the lowest of the low on this forum.

would you?

Posted by: Dénes March 12, 2005 02:38 pm
QUOTE (Indrid @ Mar 12 2005, 04:44 PM)
i sure would like to hear the opinion of other members of this forum towards your attirude.

I found Victor very knowledgeable and a correct Moderator. He moderates other military history forum(s) as well, so he has experience in doing this.

Gen. Dénes

Posted by: Indrid March 12, 2005 05:03 pm
i agree victor has good skills in military issues. what i meant was the attitude towards forum members sometimes. that was it.

Posted by: Warlord March 26, 2005 02:36 am
I agree whit Indrid...
Victor can sometimes be very irritating... unsure.gif

Posted by: C-2 March 26, 2005 08:12 pm
It's his forum and his choice to act as he considers.
In my point of view ,many times he was too "soft".

Posted by: Indrid March 27, 2005 07:43 am
i think the lack of people giving out their opinion can lead to two conclusions: either they are scared to be banned or the number of regular posters never goes higher that 30 or 40 out of the 500 registered users. each one is a disastrous conclusion.

and the whole " it's Victor's site and he can do what he wants " is a backward totalitarin communist propaganda flag that has no place in a civilized forum. how can anyone express his opinion knowing that he might get banned just for something passing through the moderator's mind?

since this forum is a place of interaction of people in a virtual environment, i do not see why rules applying in the outside should not be applyed on the inside as well. we are people even here, on this forum, remember that!

in the long term, this attitude may drive people away instead of making them join, and a forum without members ( because there are unbelievably few posters on thsi one compared, for example to the one of the paradox forums where Alexandru is a member) can truly allow the moderators the control they so eagery seem to need.

thank you

Posted by: dragos March 27, 2005 08:32 am
QUOTE (Indrid @ Mar 27 2005, 10:43 AM)
i think the lack of people giving out their opinion can lead to two conclusions: either they are scared to be banned or the number of regular posters never goes higher that 30 or 40 out of the 500 registered users. each one is a disastrous conclusion.

I think there can be more than two conclusions. Other would be that some of the members restrict themselves at posting on strictly military history issues, and are not interested in chit-chat. Other conclusion would be that some of the members are not uncomfortable with the way this forum is moderated.

Remeber that our goal is not to have a forum with lots of members ranting wathever they want, but to have a rather limited focus on military history. Keep this in mind before making inappropriate comparisons with other forums.

Posted by: Zayda March 27, 2005 10:04 am
I'm sorry but i have to say i agree with Indrid...
the attitude of the moderators can sometimes be....well, based on impulses of the moment rather than judgement.


Posted by: alexkdl March 27, 2005 10:11 am
All I can say about this issue , that without the Forum Admin....the increasing neo nazism ,fascist and racial hatreate nostalgic feelings expressed by some of the members on here as well abusive and offensive comments being posted from time to time..... would have changed the Rumanian Military History Forum into an undesired forum only very few would have liked to visit. I therefore think that the Admin criticizm on here is not appropriate but rather a reflection of personal issues .

And talking about Victor as moderator , I find his military and military aviation knowledge outstanding in addition I think he's A OK moderator .


Posted by: C-2 March 27, 2005 07:59 pm
To remaind you people;the name of this forum is"ROMANIAN MILITARY HISTORY FORUM "!
Victor and Dragos made this site in order to promote the "ROMANIAN MILITARY HISTORY"
The fact that we have also topics as comments and sug. can show that this is a democratic forum.
We (and I'm talking about the members that are interested about the military history of Romania)don't want any personal attacks on forum members and other unintelectual behaviors.
There are enough forums for thinks like this.
Zayda,since you joined you posted less then a post per month....
Not micu contribution to this forum...

Posted by: Indrid March 28, 2005 10:35 am
speakign about agresiveness..........

i do not believe the number of posts is important. picking on Zayda was a low shot. i did not think you could do that. i am dispointed in you


Posted by: Alexandru H. March 28, 2005 11:01 am
Let's all do what Iamandi does in order to increase the total post count and become valuable members: cut-n-paste every damn piece of information that might interest at least one person in this whole world.

I am not a piece of mass-product, therefore I think I won't try very hard to become a valuable member of this society of truly inspiring historians. I like to find more about history of the Romanian forces and I won't argue without any prior knowledge about the advantages or disadvantages of the romanian "human wave" tactic.

What Indrid said was about a moderating attitude, not about Victor's historical background. And, as I said before, in a recent thread, I believe he is not moderating but administrating this forum. A difference between a communitarian approach and a capitalistic one. I, for one, have low regards for capitalism and mass-market, therefore I am critical on his performances as a moderator...

Posted by: Indrid March 28, 2005 11:03 am
thank you

Posted by: Iamandi March 28, 2005 11:46 am
QUOTE (Alexandru H. @ Mar 28 2005, 11:01 AM)
Let's all do what Iamandi does in order to increase the total post count and become valuable members: cut-n-paste every damn piece of information that might interest at least one person in this whole world.

I am not a piece of mass-product,

Hehehehehehe! But you are a piece of mass-production, Halexandru! biggrin.gif

Anyway, you try to invite me to post in this topic? Thank you, you are so kind... So, let's try something... "Nashpa"! I dpn't find anything to copy+paste here, so i'l try to write something on-topic:

My words about Moderator's attitude

Why nobody ban Alexandru H., yet? I think this is an unpleasant attitude from moderator's side...

And, i don't want to become a valuable member, but i think is no need to give you explanations.

Why do you not create another clone to harass me?

After Adam and Eva, nobody was original. And this is how was starting the mass production...


PS - The reality, Alexandru h. is: i'l try to post a lot, because i want to be Moderator, to enjoy my power - i will bann you! mad.gif

laugh.gif Ok, don't start... i was joking.. in some parts...

Posted by: Zayda March 28, 2005 04:59 pm
Zayda,since you joined you posted less then a post per month....
Not micu contribution to this forum...

and also

picking on Zayda was a low shot.
thank you, even if there is no damsel in distress syndrome here.

c 2 is right to a certain extent. one would expect that somebody really make use of his quality as a member once joined. but the fact that i'm not writing very much only relates to the fact that my interest in this forum is only conjenctural since i am interested by the two war's commemorative art and you seem to take interest in "favourite women". But when i posted here was in my quality of FORUMIST and, as far as i read the rules on this forum, there is no number of posts provision to be met. I you should so desire, maybe you should ammend it, it is not of my concern.
i exressed what i observed about the moderators. It was an opinion that i was entitled to express even if i had only one post.

Posted by: C-2 March 28, 2005 07:51 pm
Interesting is the fact that those who are not pleasad by the moderator's /administrators are those who do not promot the Romanian Military History but only topics about weather women and other "important" thinks....

Posted by: Indrid March 29, 2005 06:52 am
look at my post count, C2. 300 posts besides favorite women.

that puts me in the top 15 posters of this forum, considering that some, like Geto Dacul either died or stopped posting from several reasons that i will not discuss here.

i also contributed to an extent to this forum , since i brought a journal of my grandfather's experinces during ww2. perhaps i should have asked for material benefits, since we agree we are all capitalists here.... rolleyes.gif

maybe i should do, as alex suggested, start a thread in one of the parts of the forum that count entitled "pictures from conflicts" and post there evry damn picture that has even the remotest weapon in it and soon my post count will be highr that the moderators. so what ? does that make me any good? come on, that is a childish attitute. we are not picking marbles from the sand and the one that has the most wins.

oh, and before you trash my most prices posession on this forum, that is, the favorite women thread, look at the view count. do not tell me you think i looked at those pages 6 thousand times.....and i also saw you posted tehre pretty often. and the fact that this particular thread is one of the most viewed ( i think top 5 or even more) threads in this forum sais a lot about the real interests of the posters. oh, and if you look at the most viewed, you would probably be surprised to see that at the top few deal with ww2.

so your argument is worthless. appartently those that look at women count are more active than those who look at panzers. sad , on a ww2 forum.

now i expect the moderators to close favorite women thread, because of not belongign in the general discussion area.

Posted by: C-2 March 29, 2005 05:47 pm
Indrid,from your last 35 posts(about 10% of your total) none of them deals with the Romanian Military History,but about Irak N koreea and so on....
You grandfather jurnal is a real contribution,and we all thaks you for shering it with us and may more will do the same.
But like my mother says;"Cu o floare nu se face primavara".
In a year and a half on this forum,you opened two topics on the forum subject;one on "eastern Front"-about snipers and second on"Pre ww2 "-something about the army...
You must be nr 15 from the end...
Exept attaking members of the forum and some naked girls I've seen nothing!

Posted by: Warlord March 29, 2005 09:11 pm
I don't think the nr of posts is that important..
And if someone think it is...he needs a doctor check wink.gif

Posted by: Indrid March 30, 2005 06:33 am
i am not going to fight with youC2. if that is what you think, fine...
i do not care...
if th moderators did not want general discussion and post ww2 chat why did they make these threads? and giving these examples is a lousy way to get authority that you do not have. i have spoken to more than 20 members of this forum and asked them who doo theythink is more important, you or Getu Dacul. they all said that the latter was. and he stopped posting one year ago, just to give you a picture.

this is not about you and me, so stop giving yourself importance. this thread was about the attitude of the moderators, and not about personal attacks which you so " responsibly and maturely" engaged in.

i say shut up and let others speak their mnd. that is it. and , to quot Dragos, " avoid personal remarks". maybe you should also pick on the 500 membrers of this forum who have less than 100 posts..

oh, that would be almost 85 percent of the forum...

gee sorry

Posted by: dragos March 30, 2005 06:53 am
QUOTE (Indrid)
if th moderators did not want general discussion and post ww2 chat why did they make these threads?

I'm sorry but where did I say that moderators do not want general discussion? However, if you think that general discussion must not be constrained by any guidelines or rules, here I cannot agree with you. We are for general discussion and chit chat, but within some limits, mostly of common sense.

QUOTE (T-34)
I don't think the nr of posts is that important..

Of course the number of posts is not important. What it is important, is the information and the manner of posts.

Posted by: Indrid March 30, 2005 07:05 am
i agree with you but i do not think i ever said there should be no rules. remember what happened when me and najroda used to fight about hungarian issues. just add there holocaust, positive discrimination and all sorts of racial theories and that would be th end of any foum. nodoby here wants that, i think.

and as you saw...we wanted to speak about romanian politics. ever since we were allowed to do it, how many threads involving out political realm have been created? i think none. elections came and went, did anyone here speak of them? only accidentaly, and thre was no big fuss. why? becasue we were allowed to....
that killed all the intrigue about it. i bet if you allow discussions about the holocaust, i would probably be a small thread and people would be bored to write in it.

that is what the problms lies in, i think. instead of" TOPIC CLOSED!!!! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SPEAK ABOUT THAT !!! WE WILL BAN YOU IF YOU TRY AGAIN!!!"
perhaps youshould try " hey you guys, you know this is a controversial issue and speaking about it will lead nowhere except mayb the closure of the site. so how about we drop it, ok?"

now i would respect that. and i think , at least on this forum that does not attract 15 year old's in need of rushes, everyone would.

Posted by: Alexandru H. March 30, 2005 07:16 pm
Heh! I don't even like the "favourite women" thread, but I'm not attracted to the "ww2 chit-chat" either. I like good info, numbers mostly, and I believe I found these the moment I discovered the site. The forum is not a place for gathering informations, simply to talk with someone else besides Indrid in real life. Does this make me a valuable member? Of course. Does being a pain-in-the-ass elitist, that believes that talking about the romanian army makes you a warrior equal only to Antonescu, makes you a valuable member? Nope, still a pain-in-the-ass elitist.

Zayda said it better: each one has some interest points here. Mine is not to share info on tanks (since I treasure what others know about them and not my two small bits) but to read about them. I am a silent partner, and I feel comfortable with this. I don't live in the forum so I have no interest in owning a father like C-2, thank you very much.

You forbade so much you began to forbid members... that's a healthy attitude...

I don't want to comment on Iamandi's attitude.

[edited by admin]

Posted by: C-2 March 30, 2005 07:49 pm
QUOTE (Indrid @ Mar 30 2005, 06:33 AM)
. i have spoken to more than 20 members of this forum and asked them who doo theythink is more important, you or Getu Dacul. they all said that the latter was. and he stopped posting one year ago, just to give you a picture.

I'm so important!
Did you phone all 20 of them from your cell phone?
Can you name me 10 of those 20?
I'm sure those were:Victor Dragos Cantacuzino.Alex,Denes Cipiamon Mytzu,Mabadesc,Florin and other people interested in a military forum....
Getodacul was an important member it's a privilege to be compared with him!

Posted by: C-2 March 30, 2005 07:51 pm
QUOTE (T-34 @ Mar 29 2005, 09:11 PM)
I don't think the nr of posts is that important..
And if someone think it is...he needs a doctor check wink.gif

Tell this to Indrid who thinks that the fact that he's nr 15 is a great achivment!

Posted by: Victor March 31, 2005 04:34 am
Comment by Alexandru H and by C-2 deleted. Please calm down and try to discuss things without resorting to personal attacks.

Posted by: Indrid March 31, 2005 06:29 am
QUOTE (C-2 @ Mar 30 2005, 09:49 PM)
QUOTE (Indrid @ Mar 30 2005, 06:33 AM)
. i have spoken to more than 20 members of this forum and asked them who doo theythink is more important, you or Getu Dacul. they all said that the latter was. and he stopped posting one year ago, just to give you a picture.

I'm so important!
Did you phone all 20 of them from your cell phone?
Can you name me 10 of those 20?
I'm sure those were:Victor Dragos Cantacuzino.Alex,Denes Cipiamon Mytzu,Mabadesc,Florin and other people interested in a military forum....
Getodacul was an important member it's a privilege to be compared with him!

not worthy of comment.

and i was not camparing you to Geto dacul. i was saying he commands more authority on this forum than you even now, when he is gone.

and about my comment about being the nr 15, i was just pointing to you that i am not just nobody on this forum, according to your scale of those-who -post-more-are-better

oh, and stop taking yourself so seriously. this is a thread about the moderators, not you.

Posted by: C-2 March 31, 2005 12:05 pm
That's right,about moderators that are in the opinion of the memebers interested in a civilaized forum more than resonable.
And I'm not tring to be autoritar but to learn some new thinks and share valuable info with those interested in militaria and not in chat.

Posted by: Indrid April 01, 2005 06:33 am
well then, stop chatting.

Posted by: C-2 April 01, 2005 05:26 pm
To hear such a suggestion from one of the "top" chatters......

Posted by: Victor April 01, 2005 06:08 pm
Let's clear up some things.

Once a member joins the forum he/she accepts the forum guidelines and I expect him/her to do his/her best to respect them. It is very simple IMO. Unfortunately not all members do this, so the admins have to keep the forum under constant surveillance to see if the rules are broken or if the discussion degenarates to chat-room level and issue warnings to those who fail to respect their obligations as members. The language used by both me and Dragos was never the likes of the shouting mentioned by Indrid:

It was always on a calm tone and it isn't personal. Some of you may not like the phrasing, but look at it this way. I don't like loosing time while having to browse through many uninteresting topics unrelated to Romania in WW2, yet you don't see me complain about having to respect my duties as admin.

Posted by: cnflyboy2000 April 03, 2005 09:52 pm
QUOTE (dragos @ Mar 30 2005, 11:53 AM)
QUOTE (Indrid)
if th moderators did not want general discussion and post ww2 chat why did they make these threads?

I'm sorry but where did I say that moderators do not want general discussion? However, if you think that general discussion must not be constrained by any guidelines or rules, here I cannot agree with you. We are for general discussion and chit chat, but within some limits, mostly of common sense.

QUOTE (T-34)
I don't think the nr of posts is that important..

Of course the number of posts is not important. What it is important, is the information and the manner of posts.

Personally, I like the GD threads a lot. I hope they never die or fall victim to the kind of stupid flame wars u see on some other forums. I would rather look at snapshots of Panka than of Panzers any day, and even Victor's photos are a tolerable diversion.

IMO. the threads are lively and interesting; We are a bunch of very opiniated, mostly well informed people..we disagree on lots of things, and it's easy to get hot under the collar quick. I think the admins mostly do a good job of walking the line between keeping the lid on it, without letting the threads get so booooooring that nobody wants to read them.

In support of my view, I would point to exhibit A, Indrid's famous and popular "favorite women" thread. I don't know if u noticed, but it's slowly became a little racier, edgier over time, imo. I guess, if the admins wanted to keep it strictly within the original guidelines, they could have iced it by now, but fortunately (imo) they have chosen not to....

Look guys: whether u know or care, there IS no other good forum of any kind I'm aware of coming out of Ro. Just some stupid tourist trap sites or some airheads talking about what kind of cellphone they own. U r a national resource, imo. In time, more people may find out about it...selfishly, I hope not.

There's pretty good INFORMED discussion and lively debate to be had here on a wide variety of topics. I hope it goes on forever, or at least for a little while longer.

I don't envy the job the admins have to do; reading all this stuff and keeping the Indians on the reservation. So I suggest we cut them a little slack. They are not the enemy....the guys on the "My Romanian Cell Phone" "Forum" or "Romanian Brides 4 U Forum" are the enemy.

Just one humble opinion from across the pond.

cheers to all.

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