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> 'Bazu' Cantacuzino's life in Spain, Some new facts of BNazu's biography.
Posted: June 17, 2011 08:23 am
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QUOTE (Dénes @ June 17, 2011 05:53 am)
QUOTE (yugit @ June 16, 2011 09:53 pm)
Even the Russians NARCOMs and VVS pilots with whom
he fought shoulder to shoulder in the Western

Can you please detail a bit this 'shoulder-to-shoulder' fight with Soviet pilots?


Gen. Dénes

What I meant is bother in arms and under
the Soviets command....nothing
but this.

Thank you

This post has been edited by yugit on June 17, 2011 08:23 am
PMEmail Poster
Posted: June 18, 2011 10:07 am
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General de corp de armata

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In the absence of any hard fact, it is impossible to say why Bazu was denied entry to the US, but as anyone who ever travelled to the US can tell, there are a number of reasons why one could be denied a US visa. When applying for a visa, there are a number of questions that could have affected Bazu, such as "did you ever take part in military actions against the US", "were you ever associated with fascist or extreme-right movements", "were you ever associated with communist or extreme-left movements", "were you ever associated with movements involved in the Holocaust or persection of minorities", etc., etc.
Now (before anyone has a "nationalist brainbelch" and spoils this thread) I am not accusing Bazu of being an US-hating antisemitic fascist but it is a hard and undisputed fact that he fought against the US Air Force over Romania with a noted degree of success. He was heaped with an extremely proeminent profile for his success in these operations while flying on behalf of a state closely associated with Fascist Germany. His "profile" was too big... not an easy thing to hide, deny, ignore, forget or forgive easily... Maybe with time, this could have changed, but he died before that time.
Yes, there were many cases in which the US went against their own rules when issuing visas (Google "Operation Paperclip"), but Cantacuzino was not the type of person that would usually warrant such waivers.
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Posted: June 18, 2011 03:19 pm
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Your opinions is probably the most matching reality of what may have happened at that
time, which is kind of matching Frank Weisners memoires and Col.Gunns remarks during
his life time during ex Rumania POW's association reunions. In a way Mihai
had more luck with the Allies and the Russians and remained unscaved .

Thank you again

This post has been edited by yugit on June 18, 2011 03:21 pm
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