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> On-line articles, on Romanian military history
Posted: August 05, 2005 11:49 am
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As there are quite a lot of articles dealing with memoirs, biographies, studies related to Romanian military history in various sites (mostly Romanian), I think gathering links to these articles into one place would be extremely useful.
PMUsers WebsiteYahoo
Posted: August 05, 2005 11:59 am
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„Hotii” de zapada - memoirs of Captain Vladimir Kiritescu

In lupta contra avioanelor pirat, el a fost cel mai bun - about Comandor Vasile Gavriliu

Rom si foc in muntii Tatra - memoirs of Eugen Stegarescu

I se spunea Fachirul - article about Ioan C. Dobran
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Posted: August 05, 2005 12:31 pm
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Memorii de razboi - General Titus Gârbea

Tiganca - drama de pe Prut - about the battle of Tiganca 4-19 July 1941

CONTACTE ROMÂNO-BRITANICE PE MASA LUI STALIN - negociations during September-December 1943

1 august 1943 la Ploiesti. Marturiile unui supravietuitor - memoirs of Valeriu Râpeanu about Tidal Wave

L-AM CONTRAZIS PE HITLER - the meeting of Titus Garbea with Hitler on 27 March 1944

1941-1943. Radiografia unui esec - The Slovak-Romanian-Croatian collaboration

PILOTUL UITAT - V. Avram - The Flyer Vasile Niculescu and the Great Union

1918-1920. ROMANIA REFUZA SA OCUPE UCRAINA - F. Anghel - 1918-1920. Romania refuses to occupy Ukraine

ROMÂNI ÎN WAFFEN SS - C. I. Scafes, H. Vl. Serbanescu - Romanians deside Hitler

ARMA FARA ARME - V. Avram - Aviation in WWI

1 august 1943: "Desantul" de la Ploiesti - A. A. Spânu - False Aerial Dropping on the Prahova Valley (1943)

SERATA DE ADIO S-A CONTRAMANDAT - N. Jurca - August, the 23 rd 1944 in a German Prince's Vision

COMISIA ROGGERI-ALTENBURG - P. Otu - In 1943 about the Future of Transylvania

VALS DIPLOMATIC IN JURUL BASARABIEI - D. Preda - The Romanian-Soviet Relations

Spioni ai puterilor centrale in Romania - A. A. Spanu - 1914-1916. German and Austrian Spies in Romania

AGONIE LA DOUA CAPETE - M. E. Ionescu, M. D. Erescenko, I. Hudita, N. Videnie, A. Dutu, A. Osca - 60 Years since Romania enterred WW II

Atacul fara rost asupra Bucurestiului - N. Jurca - Why didn't Hitler take hold of Romania?

1916 - Primele doua luni de front - I. N. Diniu - Recollections from The WWI

1916 - Primele doua luni de front - I. N. Diniu - Recollections from The WWI (II)

O alianta cu interese asimetrice - D. Preda - Romanian - Polish Relations (1918-1933)

O alianta cu interese asimetrice - D. Preda - Romanian-Polish Relations (1933-1939)

Voluntari români în unitatile SS - M. Tejchman - Romanian Volunteers in SS

Granitele sunt negociate si... impuse - T. Pokivailova, I. Chiper - The Russian Archives about the Romanian-Soviet Frontier at the Paris Peace Conference
PMUsers WebsiteYahoo
Posted: August 05, 2005 01:11 pm
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Sfântul Scaun crainic al adevarului - I. Dumitriu-Snagov, V. Sandru, M. Conovici - 60 Years Ago: The Dictate of Vienna

Ultimul raport - The Last Meeting of General Gârbea with Antonescu

1940-1945.Intelegere si sprijin din partea Vaticanului - D. Preda, M. Bucur - The Vatican does not recognize the Vienna Dictate

Misiunea militara germana în România. Tratative si reactii - Al. Osca - Antonescu and the German Military Mission

Dumitru Chera, aviatorul înviat din morti

Tratatul de la Trianon - Amnezii voite - C. Muresanu - The Trianon Treaty

Frontiera - un zid sau un pod - B. Niagulov - The Cadrilater Zone 60 Years Ago

De la Aidemir la Almalau - N. M. Nicolae - The Cadrilater Zone 60 Years Ago

UN RAZBOI SURD SI CIUDAT - Al. Dutu, F. Dobre - Antonescu and His Generals

UN RAZBOI SURD SI CIUDAT - Al. Dutu, F. Dobre - Antonescu and His Generals (II)

CASCA GERMANA MODEL 1935 - C. Scafes - German Weaponry used by Our Troops

JURNAL DE FRONT - C. Isarescu - War Diaries

JURNAL DE FRONT (II) - C. Isarescu - War Diaries (II)

JURNAL DE FRONT (III) - C. Isarescu - War Diaries (III)

JURNAL DE FRONT - C. Isarescu - War Diaries (IV)

Jurnal de front - C. Isarescu - War Diaries (V)

JURNAL DE FRONT (VI) - C. Isarescu - War Diaries (VI)

POVESTESC VETERANII - C. Sfintescu, T. Garbea - Pages from WWI

PMUsers WebsiteYahoo
Posted: August 05, 2005 05:20 pm
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Posting these links is a great idea.
Posted: August 13, 2005 10:54 pm
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Nice links - if you can read Romanian. Is there a free Romanian-English translator online?


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Carol I
Posted: November 28, 2005 08:01 am
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Red Storm in Romania by Pat McTaggart for World War II magazine
Carol I
Posted: November 28, 2005 08:03 am
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Desperate Panzer Counterattack at Debrecen by Pat McTaggart for World War II magazine
Carol I
Posted: November 28, 2005 08:06 am
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The Siege of Budapest by Peter B. Zwack for MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History
Posted: November 28, 2005 09:37 am
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Posted: November 28, 2005 09:42 am
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Armistice agreement with Romania - 12.09.1944:

Treaty of peace with Romania: 10.02.1947:
PMEmail PosterYahoo
Posted: June 01, 2006 09:34 pm
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Not exactly ww2 related, but...
An article about the Romanian Royal Navy in general and the cruiser Elisabeta in particular:
Royal Roumanian Navy Cruiser ELISABETA
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Posted: October 27, 2006 07:02 am
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there are a lot of memories of people who live in UK right here: smile.gif
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Posted: July 15, 2008 02:57 pm
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Posted: November 15, 2008 09:50 am
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War memories of captain Ioan Costachel, eastern front, 1941, 13 infantry division, later 1 Division and 12 dorobanti regiment, at page 7 and following.
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