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> Romanians on the Italian Front 1915-1918
Posted: February 06, 2009 06:01 pm
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Hello 21 inf and Kepi,

I saw a few men wearing ww1 uniforms participating to the comemoration. Are they reenactors? Can you give me some info about them or put in contact with them as I am myself a reenactor from 3rd transylvanian volunteer regiment Avram Iancu who fought in ww1?

Yes, they are reenactors. They come from the Reenactement Association of k.u.k. IR.87 from Solkan near Nova Gorica (and Italy's Gorizia). Link has already been provided to you by industrious Kepi. biggrin.gif I am currently working on my pet project and that is writing the regimental history of IR.87 from 1882 to 1918, so I have special affection for k.u.k. IR.87, which was considered one of the best and most loyal regiments in the k.u.k. Armee.

(see also page 9 for an article from the Romanian Embassy's website in Slovenia about this ceremony. They published a couple of extra photos.)

This post has been edited by Klemen on February 06, 2009 06:03 pm
Posted: February 07, 2009 08:50 pm
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Dear friends!

The volumes from 1916 and 1917 also cover the Romanian Campaign. Enjoy the reading! biggrin.gif laugh.gif wink.gif tongue.gif

Österreich-Ungarns Letzter Krieg 1914-1918, Band I, 1914

Österreich-Ungarns Letzter Krieg 1914-1918, Band II, 1915 (I.Teil)

Österreich-Ungarns Letzter Krieg 1914-1918, Band III, 1915 (II.Teil)

Österreich-Ungarns Letzter Krieg 1914-1918, Band IV, 1916 (I.Teil)

Österreich-Ungarns Letzter Krieg 1914-1918, Band V, 1916 (II.Teil)

Österreich-Ungarns Letzter Krieg 1914-1918, Band VI, 1917


Posted: October 29, 2009 08:53 pm
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Hi Klemen,

I am new on this forum. I am writing my PhD Thesis on multinational/dynastic military loyalties of Romanians in the Habsburg arm 1848-1918.

I must say I am impressed with the the very high level of discussion.

If you still need KuK IR 64 history, here is the e-mail adress of one of the authors:

I wrote him an e-mail few days ago and I managed to get a promising reply.
PMEmail Poster
Posted: November 16, 2009 04:29 pm
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Hello Sebastian!

I am new on this forum. I am writing my PhD Thesis on multinational/dynastic military loyalties of Romanians in the Habsburg arm 1848-1918.

Please Sebastian tell us more about your PhD Thesis! ohmy.gif wink.gif

I must say I am impressed with the the very high level of discussion.

Thank you. biggrin.gif

If you still need KuK IR 64 history, here is the e-mail adress of one of the authors: I wrote him an e-mail few days ago and I managed to get a promising reply.

Thank you. I already wrote to Mr. Petresc last autumn and we exchanged one or two e-mails. Unfortunately he was at the time very busy, but he promised to get back to me. Sadly I haven't heard from him since then.

Best wishes,

Posted: January 28, 2010 09:06 pm
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I open a topic, "Romanians against Romanians" on this great forum.

About my PhD thesis: I try to find the "undiscovered" and "usual suspects", namely the Romanians that fought in WWI loyally in the KuK and the Russian army and after 1918-1919 were rejected from enrollment in the new Romanian army, or those who refused to return to their homes in the Greater Romania. I know there are few cases, but I would need more names.

Starting from these peoples' example, I try to argue that supranational and national loyalties are not at all exclusive (you can believe in both), and when they are exclusive, one is not always choosing national loyalty, but the supranational one. As case study I chose Romanians between 1848-1918, but mainly Romanians from Transylvania and the Romanian Kingdom. I do not have enough time and resources to deal with all those from Bukowina and Bessarabia.
PMEmail Poster
Posted: January 29, 2010 11:42 am
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In 2005, at Societatea Culturala "Stefan cel Mare" Bucovina it apears a book written by Mugur Andronic, In umbra marilor imperii ucigase.
Is written like a novel, with 3 principal characters, his grandfather and his two brothers, who served in AH army during ww1. It related only true stories, based on the interwievs of about 100 veterans from Reg 41 Cernauti and Reg 22 Lemberg (Lvov). These interwievs were taken between 1973 and 1988, and all these veterans are mentioned at the end of the book.
There are described battles in Galitia and Italy, prisonier camps and other things.
PMEmail Poster
Posted: April 18, 2010 12:31 am
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About my PhD thesis: I try to find the "undiscovered" and "usual suspects", namely the Romanians that fought in WWI loyally in the KuK and the Russian army and after 1918-1919 were rejected from enrollment in the new Romanian army, or those who refused to return to their homes in the Greater Romania. I know there are few cases, but I would need more names.

This is very interesting subject. Do you later plan to publish your PhD thesis as a book? I in particular would be interested to know whether any Romanian GTM recipients settled in Austria or Hungary after 1919, where they were entitled to state pensions because their war medals. I know that some non-German and non-Hungarian GTM recipients used this option. For more details see this:


When I was in the library of the Kriegsarchiv I also found the following book

Mühlfeit, Hans. (1960-1962). Das Goldene Buch der Tapferkeit (I-III). Wien: Hartleben.

where one could find the names and usually also the photos of various recipients of GTM, STM1, STM2 and BTM plus other k.u.k. war medals, who lived in Austria after 1945. Most of the names were German, but I also found a couple Slovenes, Croats, Bosnians, Czechs and Poles among them. I can't remember right now whether there were also any Romanians, but it would be worth to check this book.

Another source which you might find extremly helpful to your PhD thesis is Vasile Barbu's unpublished manuscript about Romanian Transilyanians in the k.u.k. Army during Great War 1914-1918. He also writes about the Romanian officers. Barbu himself was a high ranking Austro-Hungarian officer who after the war was accepted into the Royal Romanian Army and rose to the rank of brigadier-general. I have no idea what happened with him afterwards. Would be nice to know, though.

Starting from these peoples' example, I try to argue that supranational and national loyalties are not at all exclusive (you can believe in both), and when they are exclusive, one is not always choosing national loyalty, but the supranational one. As case study I chose Romanians between 1848-1918, but mainly Romanians from Transylvania and the Romanian Kingdom. I do not have enough time and resources to deal with all those from Bukowina and Bessarabia.

Sounds fantastic! Have you so far been able to discover any new books? biggrin.gif I am trying to find more about Sixtil Puscariu's memoirs. I have read that during the war he served as major of the artillery on the Italian Front. I wonder if he wrote anything about this in his memoirs.


Posted: April 18, 2010 12:47 am
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Hello contras!

In 2005, at Societatea Culturala "Stefan cel Mare" Bucovina it apears a book written by Mugur Andronic, In umbra marilor imperii ucigase. Is written like a novel, with 3 principal characters, his grandfather and his two brothers, who served in AH army during ww1. It related only true stories, based on the interwievs of about 100 veterans from Reg 41 Cernauti and Reg 22 Lemberg (Lvov). These interwievs were taken between 1973 and 1988, and all these veterans are mentioned at the end of the book. There are described battles in Galitia and Italy, prisonier camps and other things.

I know and I already have this book, contras. I bought it with a help of one of this forum members some years ago. biggrin.gif laugh.gif I have to admit that I was a little bit disappointed by the book. First I don't like when a book is written as a novel because this takes a lot of her credibility (what is true and what did the author add/change/edit?) and secondly from what I could determine with my fledgeling Romanian most of the book is talking about the fightings in Russia. Unfortunately only a few, too few, excerpts are dedicated to Italian Front. Yes, I saw that long list of veterans' names at the end. I wish Mr. Andronic would publish some of those interviews. Still, I guess, it's better than nothing. biggrin.gif


Posted: April 18, 2010 12:55 am
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Just found these interesting excerpts from the war diary of Zgf. Ioan Doican from Racoviţa, who apparently served during the war with k.u.k. IR.31. Is this the entire transcript of his notes or are there more? Has anyone here on the forum read Cornel Lupea's book to tell me if there is more about Ioan Doican in his book, particularly if there are any notes from Italian Front or he served on the Eastern Front throughout the war? wink.gif
Posted: April 25, 2010 04:45 pm
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Published in the Transylvanian Review nr. 2/2007 (I reckon nobody here has a copy of this magazine, eh? unsure.gif )

Stefan Damian, Sextil Puscariu sul fronte italiano della Prima guerra mondiale, p. 107-122

Abstract - Sextil Puscariu on the Italian Front during World War I  - The study investigates the manner in which the events of World War I were reflected in the memoirs of the Romanian scholar, who experienced them on the Austrian-Italian front. Beyond the sense of duty towards his home country, the dualist empire, Romance scholar and philologist Sextil Puscariu (1877–1948) constantly experienced and demonstrated a strong affection for Italy, a country widely considered to be the sister of Romania and of Romanians everywhere and therefore expected to provide assistance whenever necessary.

This post has been edited by Klemen on April 25, 2010 04:45 pm
Posted: June 14, 2010 09:24 pm
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Liviu Groza, memoria hârtiei şi Regimentul 43 Infanterie Caransebeş

Istoricul caransebeşean Liviu Groza deţine o cantitate impresionantă de documente şi fotografii inedite, care, în perioada următoare, vor face obiectul unei expoziţii. În ediţia de astăzi vă prezentăm o serie de imagini, strânse de-a lungul mai multor ani de cercetare, cu privire la acţiunile militarilor caransebeşeni din cadrul Regimentului 43 Infanterie care au luptat în Primul Război Mondial pe teatrele de operaţiuni din Slovenia şi Italia. (V. Popescu)

Reputatul istoric caransebeşean Liviu Groza deţine o impresionantă arhivă de documente şi fotografii inedite, mai puţin cunoscute până la acest moment, care vor face, în perioada următoare, obiectul unei expoziţii. Între acestea, se află şi o serie de dovezi, strânse în mai mulţi ani de cercetare, cu privire la acţiunile militarilor caransebeşeni din cadrul Regimentului 43 Infanterie care au luptat în Primul Război Mondial pe teatrele de operaţiuni din Slovenia şi Italia. Astfel, Liviu Groza deţine în arhiva sa personală fotografii cu un monument amplasat în localitatea slovenă Lokvica, din municipalitatea Miren Kostanjevica, ce este dedicat militarilor caransebeşeni căzuţi pe fronturile de la Isonzo şi Doberdo, în perioada anilor 1915-1918. Această operă comemorativă, aproape deloc cunoscută în prezent, a fost ridicată de Regimentul 43 Infanterie, alcătuit, din punct de vedere etnic, în mare parte, de soldaţi români originari din urbea de pe Timiş şi Sebeş, care luptau, însă, datorită contextului istoric, în subordinea Guvernului Austro-Ungar. Între ostaşii celebri care se aflau în acea perioadă pe front se numărau renumitul taragotist Luţă Ioviţă, care nu ezita să îşi încânte camarazii de arme cu măiestria sa, ori de câte ori avea prilejul, academicianul arheolog Constantin Daicoviciu şi Antoniu Marchescu, autorul lucrării intitulate ,,Grănicerii Bănăţeni şi Comunitatea de Avere”.

Monumentul în cauză a fost reabilitat de Guvernul sloven prin intermediul accesării unor fonduri PHARE. Acesta este format dintr-un soclu paralelipipedic, şi în fiecare dintre colţuri există câte un proiectil de tun. În partea superioară este amplasat un alt proiectil de tun, iar în faţa monumentului se găseşte o plăcuţă inscripţionată în limba germană, cu textul ,,Construit de Regimentul 43 Infanterie Caransebeş”. Pentru activitatea de cercetare în ceea ce priveşte Regimentul 43 Infanterie din Caransebeş, Liviu Groza a colaborat îndeaprope cu instituţii precum Arhivele de Război din Viena şi Graz, sau cu Oficiul Naţional pentru Cultul Eroilor şi Ambasada României din Slovenia. Regimentul 43 Infanterie a activat la Caransebeş după desfiinţarea Regimentului de Graniţă Româno-Bănăţean numărul 13.

În prezent, în urbea de pe Timiş şi Sebeş există un monument denumit ,,Pro Patria”, ce este situat în faţa Liceului Teoretic ,,Traian Doda”. Acesta este dedicat cinstirii eroilor-elevi din clasele terminale ale instituţiei de învăţământ care au fost încorporaţi în Regimentul 43 Infanterie şi au dispărut pe câmpul de luptă. Trebuie adăugat şi faptul că, în acest an, cu ocazia Zilei Armatei Române, tot în ideea cinstirii eroilor-martiri din cadrul Regimentului 43 Infanterie, administraţia publică din urbea de pe Timiş şi Sebeş a avut iniţiativa de a amplasa o troiţă din lemn, sculptată de artiştii maramureşeni, în Complexul Memorial Lokvica, din municipalitatea Miren Kostanjevica.



I suppose nobody here is familiar with this exhibition or know whether Mr. Groza plans to publish any book about IR.43, eh? rolleyes.gif smile.gif


21 inf
Posted: June 14, 2010 10:13 pm
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Why dont you ask the owner of the blog, as he seems to be a little more informed?
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Posted: June 15, 2010 04:48 pm
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Why dont you ask the owner of the blog, as he seems to be a little more informed

I would if I would be able to find his e-mail address, but there doesn't appear any. I tried to leave a comment in the Comments section, but nothing sticks there. Can anyone find his e-mail address? biggrin.gif

Posted: April 23, 2011 04:14 pm
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Speaking of them Mateias is there any chance you could also somehow obtain copies of Dominic Stanca's memoires "Intre doua fronturi" (Cluj, Editura Patria, 1935)

I find this book in one anticar shop, I payed a lot for it (because it has the author autograph). No regrets, it is very interesting.
PMEmail Poster
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