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> A List of French Military War Dead in Romania?
New Connaught Ranger
Posted: November 13, 2008 08:45 pm
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Hallo Fellow Members,
I am aware of the graves of 24 French Soldiers buried in Timisoara,

post WW1 I believe.

But are there others buried in other locations in Romania?

I know in WW1 there was a French Military Mission to Romania 1916 - 1918


General Henri Berthelot.

If so is there a list of dead and places of burial available?

Kevin in Deva. biggrin.gif
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Posted: November 14, 2008 08:07 am
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New Connaught Ranger
Posted: November 14, 2008 09:22 am
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Could somebody translate with regards the section in Bold?

And can anybody say from which period are the French, Algerian and English dead from?

The International Military Cemetery.

Slobozia Town, Ialomiţa County

Cimitirul este amplasat pe strada Eternitatii nr. 2 din Slobozia. A fost amenajat in anul 1932, in memoria militarilor romani si de alte nationalitati decedati in aceasta localitate in timpul Primului Razboi Mondial.

Acest cimitir este de tip militar, cu grupuri de morminte, cu monumente, precum si cu morminte individuale, fiind declarat monument istoric si de arta.

In el sunt inhumati 1918 militari, provenind din armatele romana, franceza, engleza, turca si germana: 1 francez, 214 algerieni (din armata franceza), 18 germani, 142 indieni, 1493 turci, 40 de ostasi necunoscuti, 10 britanici, 77 de romani.
Ceremonialurile de comemorare a eroilor se desfasoara in urmatoarele ocazii: Ziua Nationala a Indiei (30.01), Ziua Victoriei (09.05), Ziua Armatei Romane (25.10), Ziua Nationala a Romaniei (01.12), comemorarea Revolutiei Romane din decembrie 1989 (22.12).

In cimitir se afla mai multe monumente si placi comemorative ridicate in memoria celor inhumati aici. Cel mai impozant este obeliscul ridicat in memoria printului algerian Cheraiuia Mahumed, decedat in conditii de prizonierat german pe timpul cat se afla la Slobozia. Pe obelisc sunt montate doua placi de marmura, in limbile romana si franceza, cu urmatoarele inscrisuri: "Aici odihneste printul algerian Cheraiuia Mahumed, din Reg. 9 Tiraliori, mort la 14 oct. 1918" si "Ici repose le prince algerien Cheraiuia Mahumed de 9 mec. Reg. Tiraill. mort le 14 oct. 1918". In memoria celorlalti eroi algerieni, pe obelisc au fost montate alte doua placi de marmura, cu urmatoarele inscrisuri, in limbile romana si franceza: "Aici odihnesc 60 de eroi algerieni necunoscuti din armata franceza"; "Ici reposent 60 heros algeriens inconnus de l`armee francaise".

Pe un monument in trepte, dedicat militarilor turci, se afla trei placi de marmura, cu urmatoarele inscriptii, in limbile romana, turca si franceza: "Aici odinnesc 1461 eroi turci"; "Burada 1461 Turk Schidi Vatmaktadix" si "Ici reposent 1461 heros Turcs".

Totodata, in onoarea armatei indiene a fost ridicat un obelisc pe care sunt montate doua placi de marmura, cu urmatorul inscris in limbile romana si engleza : "In onoarea armatei indiene si amintirea nepieritoare a 68 soldati indieni care au murit ca prizonieri de razboi in Romania" si "To the honour of the Indian army and the enduring memory of 68 Indian soldiers who died as prisoners of war in Romania".

Cimitirul este inscris la pozitia nr. 206, cu codul IL-IV-s-B-14173, in Lista monumentelor istorice, actualizata prin Ordinul ministrului Culturii si Cultelor nr. 2314/8 iulie 2004.

Many thanks,

Kevin in Deva.

PMEmail Poster
Posted: November 14, 2008 09:29 am
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And can anybody say from which period are the French, Algerian and English dead from?

All are POW from WWI who died in POW camps (Probably in Slobozia was a big POW camp) Even an algerian prince died there as a POW
21 inf
Posted: November 14, 2008 04:25 pm
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The translation of the text with bold letters marked by NCR.

In the cemetery there are some monuments and comemorative inscriptions raised in the memory of the men who are buried here. The most significant is the obelisk raised in the memory of algerian prince Cheraiuia Mahumed, who died while he was POW to the germans and imprisoned at Slobozia. On the obelisk one can see two marble plaques, having inscriptioned in romanian and french the following text: "Here lies the algerian prince Cheraiuia Mahumed from 9th tiraliors regiment, died 14th october 1918" and in french the same text. In the memory of the other algerian heroes on the obelisk were put another two marble plaques with the following text in both romanian and french languages: "Here lies 60 unknown algerian heroes from the french army".

This post has been edited by 21 inf on November 14, 2008 04:26 pm
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New Connaught Ranger
Posted: November 14, 2008 09:34 pm
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Many thanks 21 inf biggrin.gif

with regards the translation of the above post

Kevin in Deva biggrin.gif
PMEmail Poster
Posted: November 15, 2008 01:40 am
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There is a monument and a tomb in Iasi "Eternitatea" cemetery.
I will post a picture as soon as I'll find it.

PMEmail PosterYahoo
21 inf
Posted: November 15, 2008 07:21 am
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QUOTE (New Connaught Ranger @ November 14, 2008 09:34 pm)
Many thanks 21 inf biggrin.gif

with regards the translation of the above post

Kevin in Deva biggrin.gif

Your welcome anytime, NCR.
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Posted: June 20, 2010 09:10 pm
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I just stumbled across this photo posted on Wikipedia:

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Does anyone have details? How and when did that French Lt. and Private die (near Lipova, where I served in the Army)?

Gen. Dénes

This post has been edited by Dénes on June 20, 2010 09:11 pm
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Posted: January 30, 2011 09:33 am
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To find more information about french soldiers graveyards (some of them have also indication of their name, regiment, date and cause of death), you can access this page :

Currently is still missing Pitesti, Galati and Slobozia.

There are around several hundreds of soldiers buried :

Most of them WW1, few from the Crimean War (buried at Constanta) and so far 1 french soldier identified who died in WW2 (he escaped a POW camp in Ukraina and died in Bucharest during the bombing of April 44).

Regarding the soldiers who died in WW1, before 11th Nov 1918, we can find a large number of POW (mostly North African soldiers in Slobozia, Alexandria and Bucharest).
Few soldiers and civilians (nurses) died and were bured in Iasi as part of the French mission.
The rest died at the end of the war (peak of death Dec 1918) due to poor sanitary conditions.
To notice that two French soldiers were KIA on the 11th Nov 1918 at 2 pm (at this hour the official cease of fire in the western front was in place already for several hours) killed near Giurgiu by the retraiting german Army.

After dec 1918, the French Army use Romania mostly as a logistic base : a part of the ""Armee d'Orient'' was send to Ukraina to fight the Bolsheviks (they went to Odessa) and the other part ''fight'' against the Hungarian Bolsheviks (but nothing really serious compare with Russian front).

In Lipova, I suppose it was a skirmish - I did not find anything about the soldier George Relle and nothing from regiment historic. But I'm still looking for.
PMEmail Poster
Posted: December 01, 2013 04:48 pm
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