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> The Battle of Marasesti, Battle of Marasesti
Posted: February 14, 2009 11:44 pm
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Bravo razu.

Well done. Thank you.

Alan in Bradford
PMEmail Poster
Posted: February 15, 2009 12:28 pm
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The 7th and the 8th days of battle
12th -13th of August. Changes in the Romanian Command.

During the night of 11th -12th of August ,an important move in the commanding of the fighting forces of SiretRriver ,has been decided at the big Romanian Headquarter and communicated to the I-st Army.
Between the commandments of the two armies, Russian and Romanian, which were fighting together at Marasesti, there wasn’t quite the harmony necessary in difficult situations ,like this one. Differences of conceptions and temperament created thus,a state of tension ,which became worse, between the two commanders.The actions of General Ragoza, sometimes without energy, othertimes without good will,,most of the times without the exact knowledge of the real situations,and without the love for the land which he was put to defend, have risen from the part of General Christescu energic protests.At his turn,the Russian general accused his Romanian comrade ,of delays an inconsecvence in taking measures in fulfilling the duties of the commune decisions .It is without doubt that the Romanian commander has received a task which was heavy on his shoulders and full of responsibilities. At the beginning of the battle he was all of a sudden in front of a totally unexpected situation and dangerous.Forced to take part to a great battle unleashed outside the sector of where his troops were forced to send these troops in the spin of the battle ,one by one,without knowing precisely the line of the front which he had to occupy,nor the strength of the enemy with which he will have to measure, missing above all,the trust in the ally which was always leaving the inheritance of most desperate situations,Christescu managed to fill in time the gaps left by the Russians and reconstitute ,even under the biggest pressures made by the enemy,a new Romanian front line,which was replacing the blown away Russian front line.Thanks to his measures and the heroism of 5th and 9th Romanian Divisions, which ave taken the hard, of the first two days of the battle ,the danger was past for the time being.It is the great uncontested merit of General Christescu. But the actions of General Christescu rose up discontent not only from the commandment of the IV-th Russian Army,but also from the Big Romanian Headquarter.It was imputed to the general some hesitations in the measures he has taken by Him…..;they did not correspond to the intentions and instructions of the Romanian Headquarter.At 7th of August, evening,t he Hedquarter asked the Commander of the I-st Romanian Army,to transport the army troops on the right shore of Siret and form there a manouver mass, whit which could proceed to attack But the movments of the army would be executed slowly. From this point of view,the defensive action as the offensive one from the first days of the battle,in its principal sector, were gave to or given by the Romanians ,with weak forces: only two divisions. In the critical and full of responsibilities ,in which Christescu was,he thought feet to proceed with extreme caution, and not to empty the right shore of Siret, moving all the troops on the right one,But the shortening of the effectives of the I-st Romanian Army ,in numerous small counterattacks ,given with weak units, without the perspective of decisive successes, was not well sighted by the Big Hedquarter;to continue in this way will peril the favorable unfolding of the battle. The untrust in the most precautious spirit of General Christescu and the worsening disaccord between him and his Russian counterpart ,made the High Romanian Commandment to take a dangerous decision: To sacrifice the commander of the I-st Romanian Army.The “thing” of the Romanian commandment of the I-st Army, kept till now in suspense ,was given the defensive solution. General Christescu wich held this commandment by delegation was given another assignment and the command of the I-st Army was given to General Eremia Grigorescu. In the Officer’s Corps and to the public in general, in which General Christescu was enjoying a good reputation, have had a bad impression .Especially ,that he was ,erroneous, as cause ,a violent conflict with the Russians and was considered as a satisfaction imposed by the Russian commandment. The impression ,became even more unpleasant when found out that ”to ensure the coordination of the efforts of the IV-th Russian Army with I-st Romanian Army”, the two armies commandments have been united under one,given to the Russian General, Ragoza. Fortunately ,naming General Eremia Grigorescu ahead the I-st Army produced a calm effect ,though; the personality of the Oituz defender was inspiring.
Important movement of units,have changed the Romanian-Russian front line.The VII-th Russian corps, made out of Divisions:34th,71st and 13th,was incapable of fight any more;his divisions were reduced to effectives of 1000 bayonets each. The 13th Romanian Division took its place, elongating to the west the right wing of the 9th Romanian Division. Further to the right, Russian Divisions 14th and 15th,which have been till then on Vrancea front,were taken from there and intercalated with the Cavalry Division Zamurskaia, between Russian Division 103rd and 13th Romanian Division, reconstiting thus the VIII-th Russian Corps,from Iresti to Panciu.The place of the Russians on Vrancea front has been occupied by elongating the Romanian Dovisions, 12th and 3rd.Other Romanian divisions were on the point of taking place on the fighting front. The 10th Romanian Division was marching from Tecuci to Nicoresti;the next day she was supposed to cross the Siret onto the right shore. The 15th Division was at Negrilesti,10 km north of tecuciThe 14th Infantry and Cavalry Division were maintaining their positions on the left shore of Siret river,in front of the 212th and 303rd German Divisions. With this face ,the composition of the Russian- Romanian front was,as follows(at the end of July):to the right, from Iresti till east of Panciu,the VIII-th Russian corps(General Ielciaminev) made out of Divissions 103rd,15th, 14th and Cavalry Division Zamurskaia.At the center,the V-th Romanian Corps(General Istrati),made of Divissions 13th,9th and 10th-the last one in reserve.At the left side the VI-th Romanian Corps(General Aristide Razu),made out of Divissions 5th,14th and Greceanu Cavalry Group(one Division and three Brigades),the last two ,of them, on the left of Siret river.It has started to arrive in the army area , 15th Romanian Division, as army reserve.
PMEmail Poster
Posted: February 15, 2009 12:35 pm
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Panciu Battle

The German Commander took fight dispositions for the day of 12th of August.In the wave of the heavy fights in the eve, the offensive force of Morgen’s Corps has weakened. On the other hand, the idea that only on the Russian front it is possible to obtain an important success, was stronger.Von Eben was ordered to suspentd the action against the Romanians and to aim his attacks with full strength against VIII-th Russian Corps ,moving the action west, in the region of Panciu. The Alpine Corps, new elite and fresh unit, has ben intercalated in the VIII-th German Corps .General von Wenninger will retake the offensive with a group made out in the center by the Bavarian Alpine Corps, ustained on the right by 115th German Division, and on the left by the 62nd Austrian Division and by the Galwitz Group.The action will evolve together with Gerock Group, from the Rohr Army,I n Oituz Valley.
In two days of fights, the Germans, attacking the Russian forces which were weak resisting,have made quick progresses and conquered one after the other a multitude of localities.Satu Nou(The New Village),Crucea de Jos(The Lower Cross),Dumbrava(Smallforest),Valeni(like valley but masculine gender…),Clipicesti(wink-ing), Burca, have been occupied at 12th of August. Tirgusorul –Panciu,Crucea de Sus and Serbesti have been occupied in the morning of 13th of August. The 115th German Division, looking to enlarge her front,at the right wing,came into contact with the 13th Romanian Division, which occupied the ex-sector of the VII-th Russian Corps, and had to stop there. In this way, the Germans have managed to conquer the lines of the heights which domminate Susita Valley.from the north. The whole Russian front ,till Iresti was shaken and pushed back. The Germans were in front of the hills of Iresti, Muncelului, Straoanelor and Minastioarei, making in the depth of the Russian positions a big entering angle. From here,they were threatening the whole flank of the Romanian line from the east, to Siret river. On the Romanian front of the V-th Army Corps,the counteroffensive given on days 10th and 11th of August, have not been pursued because, if the 13th Division, fresh and intact unit,was able to fight the enemy, the 9th Division was completely exhaustedand incapable to make an offensive gesture. Thus ,it was renounced whatever velleity of counteroffensive and was decided to proceed to fill in the blanks and and organize the defensive of the new positions.T he Germans have given in these days ,small attack of fixation, sometimes with big patrols ,sustained by artillery, to distract one’s attention from the principal action given on the front of the VIII-th Russian Corps. They have all been rejected by artillery fire and machineguns. The strongest attack was made on 12th of August on the front of the 13th Division; it was brilliantly rejected by a counterattack of the 50th Infantry Regiment ,which made the enemy run away making bloody losses, of around 200-300 men, gaining 200 meters of terrain in depth.
PMEmail Poster
Posted: February 15, 2009 03:10 pm
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General Eremia Grigorescu

In the morning of 13th of August,General Ragoza, alarmed by the defeat suffered at Panciu and by the perilous situation of his Russian front,has decided to proceed to a great movement of retreat,which will bring the Romanian front at the same level with the Russian one.He has given thus the order to General Eremia Grigorescu to retreat immediately his troops with 6 km ,behind Marasesti,such that the new Russian-Romanian front would be established on the line Iresti-Diocheti-Modruzeni-Ionasesti.But the Romanian Commander could not go under such an order with an easy heart .Especially that this commander was named Eremia Grigorescu. The general was a great and impressive figure of our war.He was the embodiment of the classic type of soldier of pure rase,proud as a musketeer,brave as a medieval knight.To allthese,a solid military education and technical,a sharp eye and an iron energy.His robust optimism was finding the expression in romantic formulaes,which became popular,impressing the officer corps and the soldiers,rising thus their moral.His devise “you shall not pass through here!”became famous:with this fame has passed the General from the Oituz front to Marasesti front.He was domminating the most desperate situation by an undisturbed trust in himself and in the power of the circumstances. Once ,a shell of great caliber exploded near him,frightening the officers around him.The General have put them at ease with the words:”Do not fear when you are near me;it hasn’t yet been cast a shell to kil General Grigorescu!”.The Romanian commander has received with indignation the order of the Russian commander. The disposition was inexplicable:a retreat in bright day light,during heavy fighting with the enemy ,could have caused a real disaster.It also meant abandoning without fight a terrain of 3-6km wide,and above all leaving the Marasesti village which,after six days of most heroic fights,became the symbol of Romanian bravery and of defending by martyr the Romanian land. General Eremia Grigorescu respounded to Ragoza ,that he thinks that the retreat order is given as by inadvertence and he asks him to mentain the Russian troops at the right of the Romanians,at least till nightfall.An agitated conversations is made thus , through the Hugues apparatus ,between Grigorescu and the Headquarter.Grigorescu shows that the retreat would mean a disaster and must be stopped .Stopping the evolution of the enemy success on the front of the VIII-th Russian front,cannot be made by retreat,but by manouver.The Germans are also exhausted and their fighting resistance is not superior to our troops.General Prezan and General Serbacev are of the same opinion with Grigorescu.Their decisions are the result of this convince:if the Russian general does not count on the fighting force of his troops,then the Romanian troops will take over some of the Russian sector as well,stretching with the 13th and 10th Romanian Division to the height 334(a poin on the map ,and on a scale from 0 to 334 meters) north of Panciu.In the same time,the 14th Romanian Division will have to cross Siret River,on the right side,in the back of the 5th Romanian Division. These movements will occur in the night of 13th-14th of August.
The retreat order is canceled,and the line of the Romanian front,together with Marasesti village,kept.In the same day,at the request of General Prezan(Romanian),,Serbacev(Russian),takes from Ragoza(Russian)the Command of the Russian troops on the battlefield of Marasesti, and gives the Command to General Grigorescu .
By entering in the fight of the Divisions 13th ,10th and 14th,the biggest and most important sector of the Marasesti battlefield is taken by the Romanian Army.The Russians are only keeping the three Divisions of the VIII-th Corps.The Commander of the Russian –Romanian forces is now General Grigorescu.Romania could breath easily now;defending the ancestor’s land was in safe- hands.
PMEmail Poster
Posted: February 15, 2009 04:49 pm
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The 9th day,14th of August
Chicera Fight

Mackensen continues the offensive started with the XVIII-th Corps,at his right wing, against the Russians. The successes of the last two days ,made him master over the Valleys of Putna and Susita.In the day of 14th of August,the offensive will continue north,to conquer also the hills between Susita and Zabrautu Valley and then will descend in the valley of this river, on the line Fitionesti-Movilita-Diocheti.Conquering this new line and stretching over Susita Valley, towards Racoasa, it will be of outmost use for the offensive enterprise by Gerock Army ,at Tirgu Ocna and Vrancea,with which it had to go convergent. Makensen has also brought the 13th Austrian Division, kept till now in reserve behind the right flank of theAlpine Corps ,which will be today , also, in the center of the attack sector. A powerful heavy artillery has been brought on the hills of Panciu , to hit in flank the Romanian troops neighbouring the Russian troops.
The attack of the XVIII-th German Corps was given against the sector occupied by the VIII-th Russian Corps, in the Panciu region.In the center of the Russian sector were, the 14th Division and elements of infantry ,glued to the Cavalry Division Zamurskaia.The Russian sector was stretching east with the 13th Romanian Division,disposed oblique,from the north –west corner of the forest”La Razoare” till 18th kilometer of the driveway Focsani-Marasesti.
Behind theVIII-th Russian Corps,arrived 10th Romanian Division .The troops arrived in the fighting zone in bright daylight, could not exchange the Russian troops, during the day. The operation has been postponed for the following night; this day, the 10th Division will form up as a reserve for the 14th Russian Division. The Russian commander could not give to the Romanian commander any information on the situation and forces of the enemy; moreover, he did not even knew the placement of his own troops!
General Cihosky disposed the two brigades of the 10th Division, between Movilita and Diocheti, on the northern shore of Zabrautu. Beyond the valley, in a gorge has been massed the 10 Hunters Regiment .The artillery of the Division has not yet arrived on the fighting positions.
At seven clocks in the morning, the enemy artillery has started the bombardment with all the cannons of all calibers, over the Russian front ,especially between points height 334 Chicera and height 283 at Pirlita.The shells , shrapnels and grenades were falling not only over the ridges of the hill Chicera and the slopes which descend over the Zabrautu Valley,occupied by the 14th Russian Division troops,bot also over the villages north of tha said Valley, where the Romanian troops were.The incendiary bombs have set afire many houses from Diocheti and Movilita,and the toxic gasses have killed many innocent inhabitants,women ,children,of which the orgy of war could not inch them of their places .At three in the afternoon, the bombardment has became extremely violent. The Russian artillery of the 14th Division, hidden in the cornfields of the north shore of Zabrautu, answered with equal strength. The ridge and the slopes of the hills were covered by waves of smoke and gasses which were fantastically vibrating and dancing in the boiled atmosphere by the flames of the explosions and by the heat of this hot summer August day.
The German Alpine-ers ,starting from Straoane de Jos,Crucea de Sus, Panciu si Crucea de Jos, haste to attack at the Russian troops on Chicera Hill.The Russians are not resisting at all.they break the front,and start to run away in disorder, between grape-growings ,they downhill the slopes of the hill, towards Zabrautu Valley.The whole front line occupied till now by the 56 Russian Regiment ,with dominant high 334 point,is now emptied by the defenders and on the ridge start to show the German Alpine-ers, advancing in pursue of the Russians.
The consternation is profound in the lines of the Romanians, which were gazing at the depressive show”The Russians are running away! The Russians are running away! Were shouting the soldiers of the 10th Romanian Division,just as they shouted few days ago, the soldiers of the 5th and 9th Romanian Divisions. Fatal shout, characteristic of the strange brotherly collaboration of the Russians with the Romanians, which has become the repetition-motive of the Marasesti battle.
There was no time for thinking ,though.The situation was grave. In the gorge, where the 10th Romanian Hunters Regiment was crowded,were beginning to arrive in run the Russian soldiers, unbanded, threatening to panic the Romanians .This was not supposed to happen. the Hunters unfold, for the time being ,only one battalion, and with the shining bayonets in the sun start to assault the ridge of the hill.
PMEmail Poster
Posted: February 15, 2009 06:42 pm
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But the Russians retreat becomes generalized; a breach is made to the right of the Hunters Battalion.The second Battalion joins the fight and now the whole Regiment is forming up for advance in line,which advances ,impetuous and brave, dragging with her the remains of the Russians, which did not catch to spread into the valley ,yet. Surprised by the unexpected apparition of the Hunters,the Germans,which thought they have in front only runaway Russians ,are folling back,followed zealously by the Romanian troops ,till the ridge of the hill. A violent fight is beginning on the whole stretch of the ridge.The brave Hunters are received by enemy machine gun fires, which garnished the the high 334 and the neighbouring heights. The enemy artillery ,having the distance already calculated, opens a crushing fire with all calibers cannons over the Hunters.From behind, the Russian artillery continues the baraj fire, without stretching the aiming ,so their projectiles fell also over the Romanian Hunters. Confused, with the raring lines, bombed in front by the enemy and in the back by the friend ,the hunters are attacked by fresh enemy troops with the bayonet and grenades.The elan of the hunters is broken by these attacks, and their raws begin to withdraw, leaving the ridge filled with dead and wounded. The Commander is asking for the help of the 20th Brigade which was formed up in reserve. The 38th Regiment unfolds with two battalions in the first line and with one in reserve, crossing in running Zabrautu and begins to climb the hill. Manhooded by the received help, the Hunters are returning and mixed with soldiers of the 38th Regiment,together with few Russians, left between Romanians ,they start for the second time to counterattack. The fight is given with great violence , both sides; the two artilleries are throwing torents of fires, to one another, over lines and reserve lines. The Romanian commander gets into the first line of fight the reserve battalion.
To our right a new German attack, from Stranoare de Sus,towards height 322(the south-west corner of Lipitoarea Forest) ,runs away the Russians. One battalion of the 33rd Romanian Regiment is sent over. He reoccupies the position,stretching the front of 38th Regiment.The fight is now general on the whole line of heights from Pirlita-Chircea(Crucea de Sus),till over Straoane de Sus. Elbow to elbow , the officers and soldiers are heroic fighting.Captain Vasile Serbanescu,the Commander of a machinegun company of the 38th Regiment, is personally leading a section which is advancing in the first line of the assault wave ,cutting the enemy raws and gets on to the ridge. The servants of his guns are falling one after the other, and the last one to fall is the Captain himself, with his finger on the trigger of machinegun. All the vigorous assault of the German Alpine-ers are ,sustained by the fires of their artillery have been in vain.The Romanian lines could not have been rejected anymore. But neither the 334 height ,the dominant height ,strongly retrenched and solid occupied by the Germans with machinegun nests, could not be conquered by our soldiers, which have fixed their position within 300 meters before the height;in exchange, the height 302,is still in our hands. Arround eight in the evening,with the eve of the darkness, the fight is over. The 10th Division was baptized with honour on the battlefield of Marasesti. The 20th Brigade,the only brigade to take part in the bloody fight at Chicera,as managed to save the situation, compromised by the Russians and to fix a strong front on the heights with grapes growings and forests between Susita Valley and Zabrautu Valley, not letting the enemy to pass into the last one.
Replacing the 14th Russian Division by the 10th Romanian Division,set for the night of 14th-15th of August,was made in this way,in the day of 14th,under the fire of the enemy and in fight with himself.During the night,have occupied positions,replacing the Russians,the 19th brigade as well as the artillery of 10th Division .So at 15th of August, in the morning,the 19th Division was all on the front, with the 20th Brigade from Chicera all the way to Dumbrava and with the 19th Brigade from Dumbrava to razoare, where it connected with the 13th Division. The 10th Hunters Regiment ,heavily trialed in the fight of Chicera ,was put to division’s reserve.The positions inherited from the Russians had no serious defensive organization; one single line of individual masks(trenches), of half s meter deep,without any flanking or a band of barb wire fence. Thus ,all night and the next nights have had to work hard to deepen the trenches and to the stretching of the nets of wire, rectifying the front wherever was needed.
PMEmail Poster
Posted: February 16, 2009 02:32 pm
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The Attack of Prisaca Forest

In the same time,as the advance of Weninger was stopped by the Romanian troops,which rose up like from the ground ahead of him, to the right of the IX-th Army,I n Morgen’s sector, the action was retaken after two days of relative repaus. The 5th Romanian Division strengthened in Prisaca Forest ,was sitting like a spin in the rib of the I-st German Army Corps ,producing them losses by continuous bombardments and attacks ;she constituted thus a threat to any attempt of advance made by the I-st German Corps. So it was decided for the day of 14th of August, the conquering of Priaca Forest, named in a pompous mode the bridge head of Baltareti.
The railway Marasesti -Tecuci and the driveway Panciu-Tecuci,going together to cross the big bridge south of Cosmesti, were making together with Siret River a sharp angle ,which was edging from the north and from the west Prisaca Forest.The angle was closed from south-west by three lines of trenches with barb wire fence,making a deffensive system, which defends the bridge over Siret in front of Baltaret Village of the other shore. On this position were the hard trialed troops of the 5th Romanian Division:8th Buzau Regiment at the left near Siret and the 9th Rimnicu –Sarat Regiment on the right side up to the railway, were connected with 7th Prahova Regiment .Beyond Siret, on the left shore, were the troops of the 14th Romanian Division ,of which four battalionsof Regiments 55th and 54th have been crossed this way ,as reserve of the III-rd Corps.
The Germans have concentrated against the Romanian position of Prisaca Forest the whole 216th Division, which has been given to dispose of a very powerful artillery of all calibers, especially a lot of heavy artillery. The bombardment have started during the previous night and continued all morning. In the afternoon it has reached an intensity almost unknown till then. Shells of big caliber ,especially 150 mm, explosives mines, bombards, grenades, shrapnels, are beating like stonerain over the defensive workings. The terrain being weak in this sandy field of Siret River, the works are easily destroyed. The sticks of the wire nets are pulled altogether, the trenches are undone, burring alive the defenders. Clouds of smoke, of axfixiant gas and tear gas unfolds then everything in thick veil black-redish. It is complete blackness. It is an Inferno. At 5 in the afternoon the bombardment has reached paroxysm.Their effects are crushing.The entires of the first and the second Romanian defensive lines does not exist anymore; the strongholds of the third line are turned over as well. The phone lines, between battalions, artillery and commandments are destroyed. The soldiers in the trenches are killed by bombardment or axfixiated by gas and covered by the blowing Earth. The enemy artillery is elongating its aiming; She hits Cosmesti village, the bridge over Siret and the opposite shore, to stop any attempt of help. A cloud of axfixiant gas is waved down over the artillery of the 14th Division; all servants of a battery(four cannons) are out of service. At 7:45 in the evening ,under the protection of a cloud of dust and smoke, the Germans are beginning their attack.One column, in the power of almost two regiments, attacks in the connection point of 8th and 9th Romanian Regiments.The defenders are few and weak. It is the 9th day since the 5th Romanian Division is in the first line of fire, receiving blow after blow; the effectives of the Division are reduced at one third of what was in the beginning, and the man ,unexchanged, are torn with exhaust at body and soul. The strongholds workings, destroyed cannot oppose any resistance; the soldiers of the Ist Battalion of the 8yh Regiment are pushed back and the front is broken. The enemy flow is pouring mor e and more and the breach is widened .The Germans open in three columns: one towards the left ,behind 9th Regiment; a cental column, which pushes forward to enlarge and deepen the breach, aiming for the bridge. Unfortunately the 5th Division has not disposed of reserve troops sided in depth.The shortened effectives ,are disposead almost on a single line and the few troops, situated behind, are to weak to reject the enemy with a serious counterattack. The 3rd Hunters Regiment ,which was at Cosmesti - Noi,for rest and recovery, in the follow of the bloody fights of 11th and 12th of AAuugust, is brought up in haste and occupies the trenches on the left side of Siret, to stop the advance of the enemy over the bridge.
The enemy column in the right side has reached within 5 minutes the shore of Siret. Both Battalions of 8-th Buzau Regiment are surrounded and attacked from behind. The Command Post of the Regiment is surprised. One platoon with a machine gun section is trying a deffense, but is destroyed by the overwhelming forces of the enemy. A savage body against body fight and with grenades is ironing. The officers are making way through with the revolver; many are jumping in the Siret water.The French Captain Vernay dies touched by shell splinters ,when he was swimming across the Siret water; his body is thrown by the waves on the left shore ,together with his Romanian brothers , united forever by the indestructible connection of death for the same ideal .From the whole Regiment escapes a group of eighty men with eight officers which walk the enemy line and retreat 300-500 meters, positioning themselves in front of the bridge, on a line stretched between Siret and the railway.
The enemy column on the left side have made a surrounding move, turning the flank of regiments 7th and 9th-9th Brigade-reached Siret Train Station;in the same time the enemy attacks the right side of the 9th Brigade, searching thus to veil the Brigade on both flanks. The enemy artillery is firing violently behind our line, to stop the reserves troops intervention and trows waves of axfixiant gas ; our artillery respond with equal violence. One cannot hear or see anything anymore; everything is covered in black clouds of smoke, of gases and dust.The enemy columns have reached the back of our positions.The Battalion of 32nd Regiment, which was in reserve, intervines in the fight, but is overwhelmed, surrounded and taken prisoner almost in totality ,with his commander. Of Regiments 9th and 7th ,some units are captured others retreat fighting.
The enemy throws himself towards the great bridge,of which conquer is a certain thing.Two artillery divisions of the 7th regiment, placed on the right side of Siret River, have sustained the fight till they start to receive rockets on to the batteries(four cannons);then they received the order to retreat over the bridge of Ionasesti,to put into battery on the left of Siret, at Cosmesti Hill.
The situation is critical. It is saved thanks to the Units of the 14th Division, situated on the shore of Siret, in the reserve of the IIIrd Corps. The 55th Regiment is sent on the right ;he attacks the heads of enemy columns, which are stopped, manages the retreat of the rest of the 9th Brigade and establishes himself on position along Siret River-the west arm of Siret-reestablishing the connection on the right with the 9th Division.One Battalion of the 54 Regiment stops the enemy on a line between the Siret elbow and the driveway.The Romanian line is remaking itself, with this face, in front of the bridge. This resistance, united with the cover of darkness which was falling in the mean time, on the battlefields stops the Germans on the spot. They try during the night three attacks, which are rejected and the fight ends. The big attack enterprised by the Germans against the “bridge head” at Baltareti-Cosmesti, has succeded in part. The Prisaca Forest has fallen into their hands; the 5th Division was destroyed. The Germans say they have captured almost 3000 prisoners,16 cannons and 40 machine guns. Avoiding a felt defeat ,for us ,in this point ,given the weakness of the troops of the 5th Division, decimated in the follow of many fights and demoralized by the strong artillery attack, but with a waste of ammunition unprecedented ,on the front of Marasesti. But the principal objective, aimed by the enemy, have not been accomplished. The bridge over Siret is stil in our hands. And the front, broken for a brief moment ,has remade itself thus forbidding the advance of the enemy.
The next day ,the 14th Division is altogether crossed onto right shore of the Siret River, and the great Bridge of Cosmesti-Baltareti is Blown into the air by our troops, cutting in this way the appetite of the enemy of ever setting his foot on to it,ever.
PMEmail Poster
Posted: February 17, 2009 01:30 pm
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From the 10th till the 13th day,
15th-18th of August.
The fights on Muncelu Plateau .

Inssured to the right wing by pushing the front to Baltaret-Cosmesti and the arm of Siret, Mackensen has continued in the following days the attacks at the left wing against the Russian front.In this direction was Mackensen hoping to find the decisive success which till no it escaped him,wit all the long,tough and bloody battle. Four days ,from 15 to 18th of August, the action stagnated on Morgen’s front, which had ahead of him only Romanian troops and needed” to put in order his units”;she evolved on the contrary with a lot of strength on the Weninger’s front, from Iresti to Panciu.
In the day of 15th of August, Weninger attacks with his left the VIII-th Russian Corps,at the union point of Divisions 15th and 103rd,south –est of Muncelu,after preparations of artillery and axfixiant gas.The 411th Russian Regiment gives up, after a weak resistance, and the Russian front is broken; the neigbouring Regiment,410th is also the 403 height point. The two Russian Divisions are thrown to the right side and to the left side ;the soldiers disbanded are running away and are brought , hard, back to the new positions, one kilometer north, by the cazacs of the 4th Cavalry Regiment of Zamurskaia ,with lance hits and nagaica. The German Alpiners have occupied Stranoare ,Muncelul and are advancing towardsMingalaicu. he German front has taken here the form of a great angle, which enters deep into the line of the Russian front and is menacing by the flank the front of the II-nd Romanian Army and Varnita. Village.Under the influence of this favorable situation, the neighbouring Gallwitz Group attacks with the 217th Division the Russian troops of the 103rd Division, rejects them thus occupying the line Serbesti-Voloscani,at the edge of Iresti.
These operations have a grave repercussions over the II-nd Romanian Army.By her advance to Putna Valley,in the wake of the Marasti victory,the front of this army was exposed to flank blows. The advance of the Germans in Muncelul region have extended the left flank exposed of the II-nd Romanian Army thus growing the danger. As to not be surrounded in the bootom of the bag Vrancea, General Averescu retraced the too advanced line of his front. In the night of 13th-14th of August,the II-nd Army has left Putna Valley establish hing herself on a shorter line of Vizantea Stream. Not being able to count on the Russian VIIIth Corps,to go over his flank, General Averescu has seen himself forced to take care of this defense by his own means.He constituted thus from the reserve of the 3rd Division and other troops available,the Flank Detachment Alexiu,which he pushed to the left,behind the Russian troops of the neighbouring 103th Russian Division.The advance of the German troops in Muncelul region has worsen things further.They were threatening with advancing along Susita Valley towards Racoasa.To put a stop to this dangerous advancing,the Alexiu detachment has occupied varnita and assumed position over Susita Valley,between Divisions 103rd and 15th Russians,which have shortened their front.The Romanian detachment is made out by 2nd Regiments and 4th Hunters,30th Muscel Infantry , a mountain battery(four cannons) and two shell-ers;he is thus intercepting the direction of advancing of the Germans towards north-west,along Susita.
At 15th of August,Alexiu attacks vigurously the Germans,which are surprised by the apparition of the Romanians in this sector.The Romanians are rejecting the Germans from the platou ,reoccupy Muncel then Podisu Hill and the height point 395.Towards evening ,they bigin the attack over Stranoare Village ,they occupy the west side of the village reestablishing the connection with the 410th Russian Regiment.The Romanian intervention produces a wonderful effect.Apart from the fact that they reestablish the situation on the terrain,thei high the moral of the Russian troops,souling them and dragging them back to the fight.Unfortunately,the Romanian detachment has to unorganise himself.The powerful pressure of Oituz makes necessary to organize a strong defensive at Onesti.Thus it is taken from Alexiu detachment the great part of te troops,and is left only enough for athin line atMingalaciu,as the Russians replace them at Muncelu.Just as they started these operations,on the day of 16th,when the germans,informed about what goes on,attack again reconquer Podisu Hill and the southern side of Muncelu Village,threatening thus with the advance,again.It is clear that one cannot count on the Russians.Given orders are anulated,the 4th Hunters regiment which was on its way to Onesti,is turned from its way,back,and Alexiu reattacks the Germans,as strong Romanian patrols are gathering back from the forest the run-away Russians of regiment 411th and 412th ,which were pulling behind our troops.A big artillery fight is given between the two adverse armies.Podisu Hill is strongly bombarded and cannot be defended by neither on of tehtwoo troops.The fight continues all night ending only in the morning,without a clear result,the two adversaries maintaining their positions.Muncelu is still in or hands.
Alarmed by the danger of braking of the front in this region,general Averescu prepeared an attack with the I-st Romanian Division in the flank of the enemy, towards the line Straoane –Muncelu.The big Romanian Hedquarter,sending in help the 214th Russian Division,fresh and strong unit,which was thought as reliable ,the ploted intervention was not neded and the troops of the I-st Division had been retained for other urgent needs.
The trying of the Germans to break the front in Muncelu region,to climb up to Suta Valley,did not work out;the intervention of the Romanians,energic and in time,has come acroos ,this time as weel,the german advance
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Posted: February 17, 2009 05:51 pm
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On Panciu Hil

As the left of the XVIII-th German Corps was trying to conquer Muncelu Hill, and was stopped by Romanians like rose from the ground, The right wing of the same corp was fingering the in front terrain,to consolidate its positions and eventually push them on the Hills of Panciu and Chicera,with the direction,Zabrautu Valley.
In the night of 15th of August the artillery of the Alpine Corps have started a violent bombardment over the right wing of the 15th Russian Division, stretching then, more and more to the east ,over to the right wing of the 10th Romanian Division ,up tol Panciu Hill ,height point 283.The infantry attack followed then over the two internal flanks, Russian and Romanian .Under the impetuous flow the troops, dizzied by the bombardmend, start to reel. Pretexting that no one came to exchange them from their positions, the Russians at north west are getting out of their trenches and run away. The platoon ,at the edge of 33rd Romanian Regiment remaining thus without cover, retreats from its positions well. A gap is thus produced between the Romanians and the Russians, in which the Germans begin an attack from the direction of Minastioara, threatening to turn the Romanian right wing. The German attack is sustained by an artillery bombardment, very violent, which drowns everything under spins of smoke, dust and gases. The 33rd Romanian Regiment resists with manhood, elongating his right wing. Behind him was the 10th Hunters Regiment, gathered for rest and recovery after the yesterday bloodbath. Their rest was not long. In the face of danger, the Hunters leave their covers and haste again in the shrapnel fires and of machineguns of the enemy, from which they have just got out. Their raws are scissored .In half an hour six officers fell down dead and eleven wounded; between them the French captain Daru. A great help yelds. Seven batteries of the 3rd Artillery Regiment and two shells batteries(obuse) ,at which three more batteries of the Russian front associates, they all concentrate an infernal fire on a stretch of almost 2 kilometers. The projectiles fall with a frightening precision. The French cannon 75mm is making ravages ,not only between the enemy infantry but also behind enemy lines, towards Stranoare and Chicera de Sus. In four hours of bombardment only the seven Romanian batteries have thrown 3200 projectiles. The enemy attack is thus stopped and drowned in blood. At nine o clock in the evening there was not one single enemy soldier in front of our lines, and the enemy artillery was completely dizzy.Even the enemy trenches at height point 334 were abandoned; the enemy reoccupies them over the night .The heroism of the brave Hunters and the energy of the artillery intervention have reestablished completely the situation. The Bavarian Alpiners have payed their deer with heavy losses.
Unlucky,in the evening of 15th of August the Germans are trying again their luck in the night of 16th.Taking advantage of the torrential rain, which was falling, covered by storm with thunders and lightnings, the enemy attacks by surprise, without artillery prepear ness ,at the center and at the left wing of the 10th Romanian Division. Once the attack have started unleashes also the bombardment of the artillery.The intervention of our reserves and the artillery baraj we make ,rejects the attack, reestablishing the situation.
A new attempt, made a little to the west, between Chicera and Panciu, helped by the retreat of the Russians in the neighbouring sector, which has become by now an usual number of the German attack program, has put once again in peril the right wing of the 10th Romanian Division. The situation reestablishes itself by the musketeer intervention of the 10th Hunters Regiment and that of the artillery.
Our front being kept solidly ,the Germans are not making any serious attack attempts. The days of 17th,18th of August pass by in this way, almost on the entire stretch of the front occupied by the Romanian troops, in a relative quiet, interrupted only by the noise of the reciprocal artillery bombardment and of the patrols battles. The time is used for to consolidate the front line. T he remains of the 5th Romanian Division are all together withdrew from the fighting line, and taken onto the left side of Siret River, to rest and reconstitute. The 14th Division has taken her place, occupying in the night of 17th-18th of August the line Cosmesti din Vale(Valley Cosmesti)-Siret River. Her place on the other side of Siret has thus been taken by the 1st and 6th Rosiori Brigades.The Romanian front is constituted in this way, starting from Siret towards west, by the Divisions 14th,9th,13th and 10th,connecting with with the 15th Division of the VIII-the Russian Corps. Behind the 9th Romanian Division, at Padureni was concentrated the 15th Romanian Division to exchange the trialed troops of General Scarisoreanu. The positions are strengthening, numerous defensive works are executed by the troops. In front of Marasesti, working hard, day and night, have been stretched new lines of barb wire fence. Other lines have been build, of precautious spirit behind Marasesti, at Ratesu of Haret.
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Posted: April 17, 2009 04:05 pm
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Kiritescu's book is indeed an outstanding source given the date when it was published. However he was a great romanian patriot, and some of the descriptions should be taken with a pinch of salt (the romanians never done anything wrong).

His WWII book is pretty inaccurate for the standard of information on this site, but given the conditions it was written it is understandable.
Posted: April 17, 2009 04:53 pm
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You should try Kiriţescu's book on WW2, then - just to see how much "salt" should be added there, as well... wink.gif

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Posted: October 03, 2010 06:10 pm
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Here is a documentary about ww1:

There are other 3 parts, at same adress.
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Posted: October 04, 2010 05:49 am
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NEculai Cernescu,who is interw. in the second one,was a friend of my uncle.
I met him several times.
HE also wrote a book that I have.
Unfortunatly full of pure imagination.
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Posted: October 06, 2010 06:36 am
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HE also wrote a book that I have.
Unfortunatly full of pure imagination.

What is the title of that book and where it apears?
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Posted: October 29, 2010 02:31 pm
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"Destinul unui soldat", by Cernescu Octav Neculai, appeared in 2004. This book seems to exist in the Universitary Library in Iasi. I suppose I'll find the time to look upon it in the near future - not now, because my immediate interest area is WWII, though...

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